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German dental implants XiVE and reviews about them

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Let's talk about the German implants XiVE - are they really as good as they are spoken in the advertising of dental clinics ...

Next you will find out:

  • What are important from a practical point of view, features have dental implants XiVE, and what it gives to the end user - the patient;
  • What are the main advantages of XiVE implants and what is useful to know in advance about their shortcomings;
  • Is it possible to install these implants immediately after tooth extraction, eliminating the stage of walking a few weeks with a “hole” in the dentition;
  • Are XiVE implants well taken root and what is the statistics of their rejection due to various reasons;
  • Why the manufacturer gives a lifetime warranty on these implants, and clinics - only about 2 years;
  • At what price can dental prosthetics on Ksive implants cost.

Germans have long been famous for their high-quality products, and products for dental implantation are by no means an exception. In particular, in Germany, dental implants XiVE (Ksayv) are widely used today in Russian dentistry.

But let's try to figure out if these implants are so good indeed - why, in fact, do dentists praise them, and generally, what is so special about them compared to, for example, medium-sized implants? .. Simply put, but there is Does it make sense to overpay for expensive German implants, and whether it can give some practical benefit.

The photo shows the XiVE implant placed in the jaw.

On a note

XiVE implants (by the way, as well as the rather popular implants Ankylos and Astra Tech) are produced by the concern - Dentsply Friadent. The company is quite well-known and has been on the market for more than 100 years, and the period of work in the field of dental implantation is also impressive - about 40 years. In general, dental implantation itself, as a science and as a practical activity, exists a little longer, having appeared in the 60s of the last century, therefore we can say that the concern Dentsply is one of the founders of the development of this direction. Older, perhaps, will be only the Nobel company, which began to produce the world's first implants under the control of their immediate creator, Dr. I. Brannemark.

Today, Dentsply has more than 20 production centers, its products are represented in hundreds of countries around the world, and Russia is no exception.Implants XiVE really enjoy great popularity, despite the relatively high price.

In total, you can find the following XiVE implant models in the Dentsply company catalog:

  • XiVE S plus - models for classical two-stage implantation;Some examples of XiVE S plus implants
  • XiVE TG - implants for the so-called transgingival implantation, which is positioned as performed without incisions of the gums, by the puncture method (it is useful to keep in mind that in fact, implantation of teeth without incisions of the gums is a kind of advertising trick, because the incision is still performed - it is simply not longitudinal, but circular, therefore more gentle and does not require stitching);Examples of XiVE TG implants
  • XiVE 3.0 is also used when there are problems with bone tissue, narrow alveolar crest, as well as implantation of the front teeth.XiVE 3.0 implants are particularly well suited for implantation in the smile area.

The company also offers tools for the installation of these dental implants, abutments and software that allows you to automate the process of planning and conducting treatment.

Now let's look at the most important technological features of XiVE implants - that is, exactly what turns a conventional titanium screw into a very thoughtful in terms of bone engraftment and aesthetics.


Important features of XiVE implants

The more expensive a dental implant is, the more useful, as a rule, in it are constructive solutions. Sometimes the differences may seem insignificant (for example, the presence of trace impurities in the titanium from which the product is made), and sometimes these differences are quite obvious - for example, the nature of the thread on the implant. Be that as it may, when the implantation is already done, every detail can have a decisive influence on whether the extraneous, in fact, metallic structure in the jawbone will take root, or the inflammation of the adjacent tissues and implant rejection will begin.

It depends on how well a dental implant is made and how well designed its design is, whether it will take root in the jaw or be torn away.

So, let's see how things are with XiVE implants, what technological advantages they have, and, most importantly, what it gives to end users - patients of dental clinics.


Use of pure titanium

Titanium is considered to be a metal that is fully compatible with our body, that is, under normal conditions is not rejected. This property has been noticed for a long time and today is widely used in surgery, and not only with dental implants - implants made of pure titanium do not cause allergic reactions, they serve regularly and are not rejected for decades.

Xive implants are made of pure titanium

Meanwhile, a number of some implant manufacturers use titanium alloy with aluminum and vanadium (Ti-6Al-4V), which today belongs to the first-generation biomaterials (in other words, the material is considered obsolete, and today it is used less and less).

On a note

Some experts are inclined to believe that vanadium in the alloy causes toxic effects on living tissues, and the alloy Ti-6Al-4V has a lower adhesion to the tissues than the pure unalloyed titanium.

In implants Ksayv used only pure titanium. Well, this is, of course, a plus, but it is worth noting that implants and many other brands are also made of pure titanium, including products of the middle price category, and even the category of "economy."


Special implant thread

An important design feature of Xive implants is their specific thread. Generally speaking, most modern dental implants resemble threaded screws in appearance: it can be quite shallow, or, conversely, aggressive, or combined, that is, different in different parts of the implant.

The thread on the implant essentially determines how much it will injure the bone and how firmly it will be held in it immediately after installation.

XiVE implants have a combined thread: in the apical part, that is, at the apex,it serves for cutting bone tissue, in the center and at the base of the thread is shallower and less deep, which is necessary for accurate bone compaction (condensation).

The primary stability of XiVE implants in the jaw is quite good, and the bone tissue is injured with minimal threading.

On a note:

In practice, the implant is screwed into the bone, like a screw into a tree. Before this, a bed is formed, and its diameter is somewhat narrower than the diameter of the implant. And the task of a good, well-thought-out thread is to allow the implant to be screwed in so that the adjacent spongy bone is compacted in an optimal way. As a result, the so-called compression effect is achieved - if the bone around the implant is sufficiently dense, the design will be reliably fixed immediately after installation.

In fact, the effect of threading on the successful engraftment of the implant and its further service is much wider. Here, literally everything is important: the thread pitch, its angle of inclination, depth and other parameters.

In general, it can be noted that the thread of Ksive implants is, if one may say so, their strong point. Without going into details, let's say that quite a few “copies were broken” (studies were carried out) before the existing type of thread was chosen. And this, by the way, is one of the explanationswhy XiVE implants have such a high engraftment process, both immediately and in the long term - however, we'll talk about it a little bit later.


Porous surface

It has long been the norm that dental implants have not a smooth surface, but a porous one — this is necessary for a better healing of the implant with the bone. Moreover, as in the situation with threading, each of the large companies offers its own technology for forming this very porosity (mainly acid etching and sandblasting with particles of abrasive material).

Ksayv implants, for example, have a FRIADENT plus coating: after fabrication, the titanium “screw” undergoes an abrasive treatment procedure and acid etching. As a result, micropores are formed on the smooth surface of metallic titanium, and the effective area of ​​the product increases substantially.

The surface of Ksive implants is microporous, which facilitates the growth of bone tissue into it.

And this is what the surface of a titanium dental implant XiVE looks like under a microscope ...

Why does the implant need a porous surface?

When an implant is installed, the bone tissue is injured quite badly, but then gradually begins to recover. Its growing cells penetrate into the micropores of the implant surface - thus, the bone literally grows into titanium and becomes one with it.This process is called osseointegration (connection of the implant and bone tissue).

In particular, the manufacturer claims that the patented technology FRIADENT plus allows bone tissue to grow at an accelerated pace, as a result of which the rate of engraftment of XiVE implants can be 1.5-2 times higher than that of a number of competitive products.

Indeed, an important advantage. However, it should be borne in mind that competitive products here imply, first of all, some economy-class implants, since special surface treatment of implants, whatever it is called, is typical for many brands, and has long been no longer a novelty.


Hexagon joint of implant and abutment

And again, although advertising can present this kind of connection of an implant and an abutment, as revolutionary, today it is a classic connection that is used by many manufacturers of dental implants.

On a note

The abutment is the transitional part between the implant itself, implanted in the jaw, and the prosthesis, which is installed on this implant.The quality and tightness of the abutment articulates with the implant (and the prosthesis) can determine, to a certain extent, the durability of the entire structure.

The peculiarity of the XiVE models is perhaps in the relatively deep location of the internal hex. This ensures reliable fixation of the abutment, it really fits very tightly, without micro gaps. And this, in turn, protects against bacteria and food residues from the oral cavity.

The photo shows a hexagonal joint of the abutment and the implant XiVE.


Prosthetics on Ksayv implants - for what, in fact, does the patient pay?

Speaking about the features of dental implants in general, it is worth noting that some of them become popular only with a combination of a number of factors, including through advertising. However, the most important thing is always how well the implant integrates into the bone. (it is especially important how the structure behaves several years after installation), as well as how easy it is for dentists-implantologists to work with the appropriate system of implants.

So, in this regard, many practitioners note that XiVE implants are not only well established (according to statistics, the percentage of survival is 99.6%), but also one of the most comfortable in work.

The percentage survival rate of these implants reaches 99.6%, which is a very good indicator.

Implantologist's review of XiVE implants:

“In the implant system, everything should be thought out to the smallest detail - each cutter, each bur should exactly correspond to the design of the implant. In addition, it is important that the product itself be placed in an individual protective flask, which can be easily and quickly opened - in just a second, because time is running, the wound is open, microbes cannot be launched into it, therefore, you need to spend as little time as possible on opening the package. An important role is also played by color coding - each Xive model has its own. This is an additional guarantee that the implantologist will definitely not make a mistake and choose the right implant for a particular patient ... ”

Well, it is convenient for doctors to work with XiVE implants, but what does the patient get? Simply put, for what man pays money, installing these rather expensive German implants? Well, there really are a lot of important points that are far from obvious to an unprepared person.

For example, it is important that Ksive implants allow providing very high aesthetics during prosthetics. The aesthetics, in the first place, is influenced by the location of the gums - it is necessary that it naturally fringed the tooth, the contour of the mucosa should be smoothly rounded.With regard to XiVE implantation, this is achieved by the presence of a smooth neck of implants, which is tightly and without gaps adjacent to the soft gingiva, as well as successfully designed abutments.

The special form of the abutment and implant partly contributes to obtaining the natural contour of the gum adjacent to the crown.

In this photo you can see the result of prosthetics of the front tooth on the implant XiVE.

In general, the company’s catalog contains a rather large assortment of abutments, which can greatly facilitate the patient’s life:

  • TempBase Temporary Abutments: they can be fixed immediately after inserting the implant into the bone and immediately making a temporary tooth prosthesis (by indirect method, that is, simply building up the tooth in the dentist’s chair). As a result, the patient can leave the doctor’s office with a new tooth, and it’s not necessary to walk for several weeks with a “hole” in the dentition;TempBase Temporary Abutments allow you to attach a temporary tooth prosthesis to them.
  • CERCON abutments: are made of zirconia, a very strong inert material, having a white color. Such abutments are well suited for aesthetically significant areas - for example, for implantation of the front teeth, otherwise a gray titanium abutment could shine through the crown of the same zirconia. But the classic titanium abutments, which are also present in the XiVE catalog, are recommended mainly for prosthetic teeth that are not in the smile zone.The photo below shows abutments of zirconia and, for comparison, an abutment of titanium;On the left - abutments of zirconium dioxide, on the right - titanium abutment.
  • Abutments for FRIADENT MP bridges and removable dentures - they allow you to attach dental bridges or removable dentures consisting of several crowns at once;
  • Also worth noting are individual AuroBase abutments - they are created for a specific patient. This option allows you to achieve even greater naturalness and naturalness during prosthetics than even with the use of abutments of zirconia.The XiVE implant system also allows you to install individual abutments (AuroBase) that follow the shape of a crown.

Actually, XiVE implants are only a part of this implantation system, and in addition to abutments, there are many other important components, including the software that serves to visualize and plan the process of implant treatment. And all this, of course, also contributes to the final price of treatment.


“Still decided to install ksayv implants. At first, the price was embarrassing, somehow expensive, but then did not regret it at all. After installation, nothing hurt, the implant got accustomed, despite the presence of periodontal disease. Gums at that time were not in very good condition. And nothing, have been standing for 3 years, the crowns on them chose zirconia.Since I give a lot of money, so full, so that the result was the best ... "

Ivan P., St. Petersburg


A few words about the pros and cons of dental implants XiVE

If we summarize a little and filter out “advertising noise,” we can single out the following advantages of Ksive dental implants, which are really important in practice:

  • reduced terms of implant engraftment;
  • there is a possibility of good fixation even in relatively loose and small in volume bone (for example, this may be especially important in the case of dental implants for periodontitis or periodontal disease);
  • sufficiently high primary stability of the implant (as a result, there are fewer fears that during the meal, it will accidentally shift, before it can even merge with the jaw bone);
  • the implant can be installed simultaneously with the extraction of the tooth and immediately loaded with a prosthesis (the implantation technique with immediate load will be discussed a little lower);
  • manages to achieve really high aesthetics during prosthetics;
  • You can accurately predict the result of prosthetics on XiVE implants using computer simulation of the treatment process;
  • judging by the reviews of both dentists and the patients themselves, recovery after treatment is quite comfortable and usually without complications;
  • In some cases, the important thing is the possibility of prosthetics immediately after the implant is installed (this is especially important when prosthetics of the front teeth, because no one wants to go without them for a long time).

The photo shows the installation of the XiVE implant in the jaw ...

But there are XiVE implants and certain disadvantages, among which are, above all, the relatively high cost. Not many patients are willing to pay for the installation of a single implant of 30 thousand rubles or more (different clinics offer, of course, a different price - somewhere for XiVE implants they will ask and much more). But in addition you will also have to buy an artificial limb, the cost of which can be several tens of thousands of rubles.

In addition, due to the high cost of XiVE implants, they are far from working in every clinic, and it is possible that they will have to work hard before finding dentistry in their city where they can perform prosthetics on these implants.

Practitioner opinion:

“There is no perfect implant system and implants that can solve all the problems at once.For example, I can say about the same XiVE that they are excellent for the restoration of large molars in case of an immediate implantation. And in the smile zone, I would prefer Astratech.

The truth is that with proper experience, you can achieve a good result with both low-cost and highest implant prices. Therefore, the recommendation to patients is to choose first of all a doctor, and after that - implants ”.


Installing XiVE implants immediately after tooth extraction

It is important to understand that immediately after the removal of the tooth begins a slow but irreversible process of atrophy of the jaw bone tissue in the area of ​​the healing hole. This happens for the simple reason that the bone here ceases to receive sufficient chewing load.

In some cases, with the use of XiVE implants, it is possible to carry out the so-called immediate implantation by installing them in the hole of the newly extracted tooth.

Most dynamically, this process takes place in the first 2-3 months after tooth extraction, and already after 3 years, up to 60% of the initial volume of bone tissue can be lost. Well, since there is no bone tissue, then the implant will not be installed at all. In such cases, if you still want to install the implant, you will need to increase the volume of the bone first, after performing an osteoplasty (or mucoplasty) operation.

And here a quite reasonable question arises - why carry out additional operations, when the bone tissue can be used in its initial volume, by installing the implant in the hole of the newly extracted tooth?

Moreover, it would save a lot of time compared to the classical two-stage implantation, when at first it would be necessary to wait for the healing of the hole.

Not surprisingly, the method of so-called immediate implantation (when the implant is installed in the jaw immediately after tooth extraction) is becoming increasingly popular today. And XiVE implants, according to a number of practicing implantologists, are more suitable for this technique than many other brands.

The implant is installed in the hole of the extracted tooth ...

On a note

Today, there are models of implants with aggressive threads, which allows to achieve high primary stability, but implies excessive trauma to the bone. The second type is implants with a small thread pitch and a small depth of it, they injure the bone tissue less, but often with their use implantation with immediate loading is impossible due to the low primary stability of the implant.

According to a number of specialists in XiVE implants, the “golden mean” was found, that is, low invasiveness for tissues is achieved by reducing the pitch and thread size, but the macrodesign of implants makes it possible to achieve high primary stability in the jaw - you can proceed to prosthetics and instantly load the implant.

In general, the XiVE system, in the case of its use for immediate implantation, can be identified the following advantages:

  • relatively little bone injury;
  • high primary stability of the implant in the jaw;
  • low probability of implant jamming when screwing it into the bone (for certain types of thread there can be such);The nature of the thread implants XiVE prevents them from jamming in the jaw.
  • and, finally, the ability to instantly load the prosthesis.

For the patient, all this means a quick and painless recovery after treatment and, importantly, getting a beautiful smile (or the ability to chew) on the same day when the bad tooth was removed.


“... I still trusted my doctor and chose German implants. They put Ksayv, two pieces, have been standing for 8 months, I feel great. Particularly pleased that they installed along with the removal of teeth.This is a huge plus, because the work does not allow me to stay even for a day with holes in my mouth. I myself, of course, saw that it was an artificial limb, but neither my colleagues nor my wife noticed a difference. Later, we replaced the temporary prosthesis with a permanent prosthesis - here is the beauty, even it is difficult for me to notice the difference with my native teeth. ”

Igor, Moscow


About engraftment and average service life of XiVE implants

According to statistics, XiVE implants are rejected only in about 0.4% of cases. For comparison: the percentage rejection of implants in the "average market" is at 2%, and in some low-cost models can reach 3-4%.

An example of a well-established implant (a gum former is installed outside).

As for the lifetime of XiVE implants and guarantees for them - there are some nuances. For example, a manufacturer gives a lifetime warranty on its products (namely, on implants and components for implantation). But you need to understand that the real life of even the highest quality implants depends largely on the professionalism of the doctor and, so to speak, on the adequacy of the patient.

What is required from the implantologist: professionally install the implant, taking into account all the related details of the clinical situation. From the orthopedist - to set the load correctly,which the design will withstand, as well as pick up such a crown, which will stabilize the implant in the bone, will fit snugly to it and the gum. In this case, an artificial tooth from the root to the top will be a single whole, and bacteria will not penetrate into it (that is, between the implant and the abutment, the prosthesis and the abutment). So, the risk of tissue inflammation and subsequent rejection of the structure will be minimized.

The crown, the abutment and the implant must be integral, so that bacteria from the oral cavity are not allowed to enter the structure.

And what is required from the patient immediately after the implants are installed? First of all, it is important to take medications prescribed by the doctor, adhere to the specified restrictions (for example, gnawing nuts is not the best solution), monitor oral hygiene, and be sure to attend preventive examinations. Such examinations will not only help the implantologist at the initial stage to identify emerging problems, but also allow you to maintain a guarantee for the treatment performed.

And a few more words about the guarantee - here it is necessary to distinguish several concepts.

The first is a warranty from the manufacturer. In relation to Ksive implants, it is lifelong. That is, with proper oral care and preventive visits to the dentist, it is possible to count on the fact that implants will safely stay until the end of life.

Another thing is a guarantee, which is issued directly by the doctor or clinic. As a rule, the term of such a guarantee is only 1-2 years, and it applies specifically to implant installation services.

On a note

Statistics show that if the implant is rejected within 2 years after installation, then in about 90% of cases this is due to the fault of the doctor. Implant rejection during longer periods of its operation occurs most often through the fault of the patient.

Unfortunately, sometimes dental implants are rejected and have to be removed from the jaw ...

The problem is that in practice it is not always possible to find out the reason for the rejection of the implant. Accordingly, it is difficult to prove that it is not the patient who is to blame, but the doctor made a mistake during the installation.

Therefore, if you decide to put implants, even if it would seem, such high-quality and reliable, as XiVE, it is useful first of all to focus on finding a good doctor (experienced, highly professional, with good reviews).


At what price can restoration teeth with the use of German implants

Although in Germany XiVE dental implants are one of the most common models, in Russia this brand belongs to the premium segment, and their price starts from 30-40 thousand rubles only for the installation of the implant itself. Additionally, you must also pay for prosthetics.

You will have to pay for the implant with a temporary abutment and a gum former.

A significant contribution to the total cost of prosthetics on implants is made by a permanent abutment and crown.

However, in fairness, it should be noted that in view of the foregoing, such a high cost can be considered quite justified.

Implantologist review:

“Friadent Xive is not a cheap system. Yes, it is cheaper for some (for example, Straumann, Astra Tech), but more expensive than many others - for example, all Israeli and Korean. At the same time, the quality of Xive implants does not cause any doubts - it’s hard to imagine that Germans can do something poorly ... For my own practice (almost 10 years of work) of visual observation of patients, I can safely say that these implants are securely held, and the surrounding tissues look very wonderful. Naturalness is preserved and it is difficult to distinguish an artificial analogue from living teeth. ”

From the correspondence on the forum

Those for whom the price of XiVE implants seems to be too high, inexpensive Israeli brands (MIS, Alpha BIO) are usually chosen as a worthy alternative. There are also opposite situations - when a patient needs a maximum of quality from implantation, in this case, the choice usually falls on brands such as Nobel or Astra Tech (these are one of the most premium and expensive models of dental implants).

In conclusion, I would like to remind once again that the success of implantation depends not only on the quality of the implant, but on the professionalism and experience of the doctor.The “golden” hands of a specialist will help to serve as long as possible both expensive German and relatively inexpensive Russian or Israeli implants.

Be healthy!

(If you have personal experience of prosthetics on XiVE implants, or on implants of other brands, then be sure to leave your review at the bottom of this page - in the comments field).


Interesting video with an example of the installation of the implant XiVE


Immediate implantation: insertion of a XiVE implant into a fresh tooth hole.



To the entry "German dental implants XiVE and reviews about them" 8 comments
  1. Tatyana:

    the city of Vladimir. In June 2015, she placed 2 Ksayv implants at the top - chewing teeth. Everything stuck perfectly, the problem with the installation of crowns: they put pressure on the tongue, the feeling that the abutment is displaced inside the mouth, but the doctor does not see it. Saps crowns, tongue is already exhausted. Already half a year with these crowns, I go to the clinic as if to work, and there is no end in sight. What to do, tell me?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! I am sure that the problems are related to the fact that the crowns were installed without taking into account the characteristics of the bite and the anatomical features of the maxillofacial region. I think that in your case, your doctor simply does not know what to do: take off the crowns and do it again - this is an extra expensive job that will cost a lot of money to the clinic, and the undercut is simply a kind of request from the doctor to you “not to go more to him with like. " It will not give results if the crowns are incorrectly oriented in the planes, or in other words, the spatial relationships are violated, about which the orthopedic surgeon should knowotherwise biting tongue, cheeks, lips, etc. I think that you just have to get at least a consultation in another clinic to clarify my suspicions again. If it turns out that it is necessary to do everything anew, then it will be the most difficult task to sue the clinic for a refund (at least a part), since it is quite problematic to prove that the doctor did a bad prosthetic.

    • Tatiana, try to get the opinion of another specialist on this issue, preferably an orthopedic surgeon, or consult an orthodontist with a question whether the occlusion is not disturbed in the area of ​​dental crowns. If there is such a problem, then you will need to reinstall the dental crowns using individual abutments.

    • Irina:

      Hello! Soon I am going to put the implant, and also Ksayv. Tell me, if it's not a secret, in what clinic you were done and who is the doctor? I am also from Vdadimir.

  2. Maria:

    Good day! Installed Xive implant two years ago (chewing tooth of the lower jaw). Everything is good, there were no complications, the tooth was like a native one. However, I noticed that the cyanosis of the gums appeared, quite pronounced. Well, that is not the front tooth.As far as I understood from the descriptions of these implants, the Germans should not give such an effect, in any case, not two years after the installation.

    In general, how can you understand which implants were installed in the clinic? It is not always convenient to ask for “show packaging” ... Thanks for the reply!

    • Hello. The cyanosis of the gums can be caused by several reasons: 1) it is possible that it shows through the neck of the implant; 2) it is possible that your abutment shines through you (this is the outer part that connects the implant with the crown). In your case, you need to take an X-ray in the area of ​​the installed implant, and after that you can eliminate the cause. The main thing is to understand whether everything is in order with the implant.

      Regarding the brand of implants: you cannot determine the brand yourself. In the clinic, you should have been given accurate information on which particular manufacturer the implant will be installed. This is important information for each patient. During life, spalling and disintegration of the crown can occur, therefore, when referring to a doctor, it is important to have information about the brand of the installed implant.

  3. Angelica:

    For me, it is very important to have a quick healing period after the implant is installed, since the problem tooth is in the smile zone. But when I consulted about the procedure for installing implants with a familiar dentist, they explained to me that the process is quite long and takes almost half a year. First you need to remove the tooth, then wait for the gums to heal, then install the implant and then the crown. But it turned out that the Ksayv implant can be immediately installed, and rehabilitation after installation is quick. Yes, more expensive, but do not save on this. Unfortunately, in the regions people have little and less dentistry, where they use better (and, as a result, more expensive) materials for prosthetics. And often the dentists themselves do not know about the new features. Thanks to your information, I found clinics in our city, where they work with Ksayv. I will improve my smile)

  4. Anonymous:

    I agree with the previous comment. In the regions, doctors often do not know about the advantages of Xive implants, since it is rather expensive to work with them. And doctors are beginning to recommend something with which they work constantly, that is, other brands.And for patients in this case, the procedure for installing an implant at a more affordable price may be more expensive, since it will require additional manipulations, such as increasing the gingiva. Some regional clinics now offer something like “dental tourism”, when a patient can go to Moscow and in a few days solve their dental problems in a Moscow clinic with Moscow specialists. In addition, there are loyalty programs with discounts in the capital, which is not the case in the regions. Unfortunately, because of this reason, Xive implants are less popular and known than other brands. For residents of the regions is not very good.

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