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About basal implantation: consider all the pros and cons of this technology

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There are a lot of controversy around the basal implantation today, and there are specialists who are both for and against this method ...

Next you will find out:

  • What is basal implantation, what are its pros and cons, “for” and “against”;
  • What are the main stages of implant installation for basal implantation;
  • What are the indications and contraindications to the implementation of this procedure;
  • How to properly care for implants and how much they can last;
  • And is it possible today to make a qualitative basal implantation, without fear that in a couple of years complications will begin ...

The basal implantation, around which there are still debates between supporters (for the method) and opponents (who are totally against the system), has begun its history since the 60s of the last century - with the developments of the Italian doctor Stefano Tramonte, who began to use his own implant designs with smooth neck and quite aggressive thread. On the pros and cons of this technology, we will continue to talk in more detail.

The main difference of the method of installing basal implants from the classical implantation is that the dental surgeon installs them in the deep layers and sections of the maxillofacial bone, which are characterized by a special density and resistance to atrophy. That is why such implants are quite long.

The basal implants are placed in the dense basal jaw bone.

This X-ray clearly shows that the basal implants can be quite long ...

Classical implants are installed in softer spongy jaw tissue.

A feature of the basal implantation is the ability to install all the necessary implants in one step at a time, and within literally three to five days to complete the treatment. But the classic and widespread collapsible implants require from 2-3 months to six months waiting for "engraftment" before the start of the last stage - prosthetics (long waiting time is one of the drawbacks of classical implantation).

On a note

The basal implants, unlike the classic models, can be installed inclined. This allows you to increase the contact area of ​​the implant surface with bone tissue and at the same time select the strongest areas of the bone.


A few words about the method of basal implantation

If we look at the history, we can see that the basal implantation has been around for almost half a century - exactly the same amount as the classical technique. However, it was the “classics” that began to actively develop - partly due to the fact that its creators presented the method as being commercially more successful. However, basal implantation, even in those days, had almost identical rates of implant survival, and today the technique can be said to be experiencing a rebirth.

The fact that basal implantation is of great interest in patients is quite understandable. The technique really has a lot of poles: a short treatment time, a quick return to a full life, and lower costs - all this makes it attractive.

However, current implantologists are divided into two camps. The first (those who are against the technique) believe that basal implantation is a short-lived way to restore teeth. Others, on the contrary, advocate a similar system, not only in words but also in practice, demonstrating the positive results of their work and citing as an example the feedback from grateful patients.

Basal implantation has really a lot of advantages - for example, it allows you to quickly return a beautiful smile to a person.

Basal implantation clinics position their services as exclusive - an advertising campaign of these institutions is often built on this. In fact, the statements about the exclusivity of the services provided are only partly true.

The fact is that in the basal method there is nothing unique, but it places high demands on the skills and qualifications of the doctor, who must:

  • Excellent understanding of the maxillofacial anatomy (after all, will have to work in conditions of acute atrophy of bone tissue);
  • To be able to plan and predict the installation of implants using special software;
  • Have good knowledge of orthopedics (after all, it is not enough just to install implants in the jaw - you need to fix them so that you can fix the prosthesis in the future, which is not always easy, especially in a complicated initial situation. At the same time, the prosthesis should be comfortable, functional and aesthetic) .

It should be borne in mind that the concept of "basal implantation", as such, is now a thing of the past. There is an immediate load protocol that includes various technologies for restoring teeth, depending on the clinical picture.It is suitable for both single and multiple restorations, including the complete absence of teeth - an example is shown in the photos below:

An example of the restoration of the dentition in the lower jaw using basal implants.

Total installed 8 implants

A denture is installed on the implants - as a result, the aesthetics and functionality of the dentition are restored.

The immediate load protocol implies an operation in one stage, as well as an immediate (immediate) load of the prosthesis - hence the name (implantation of teeth with immediate load, one-stage implantation, simultaneous and other synonyms).

This protocol is also used for single restorations, but is more suitable for patients with complete adentia or the absence of entire tooth segments. Moreover, in cases where atrophic processes are observed in the maxillary bone tissue, the technique can also be applied through the use of durable and sterile parts of the bone (we will talk more about this later).

On a note

Among the technologies of immediate load, several basic protocols can be distinguished: these are prosthetics on four implants (all-on-4 - the method is patented by Nobel), on six implants (all-on-6) and the basal method itself.

The picture schematically shows the prosthetics of the teeth using the All-on-4 method (on four implants).

In all cases, implants are used that are installed precisely in the deeper layers of bone tissue (there are quite a few models and varieties of such implants).They are fixed not only in the alveolar zone, but also in the basal section, the cortical sheath of the bone. In case of acute atrophy, the zygomatic bones and buttresses (lines of force) of the skull are used additionally. The degree of fixation of such implants is several times higher and reaches 100 newtons against classical implants with an index from 30 to 45 newtons.

Given the above, the basal implantation looks quite attractive (primarily due to the minimum duration of treatment). But before you trust advertising and positive reviews on the sites of clinics, where it is said that a patient can get new teeth in just a couple of days, let's see why there are so many rumors and speculations around the basal implants, and what advantages this technology has and minuses.


The main stages of implant installation: what should be prepared in advance

The whole process of basal implantation can be divided into 4 stages:

  • Diagnostic (preparatory);
  • Stage of modeling;
  • Installation of basal implants;
  • Prosthetics

The diagnostic stage usually takes only one day, but in rare cases it is designed for two or more days.The task of the dentist at this stage is to conduct a comprehensive examination of the patient. The maximum emphasis is on the study of bone tissue and the oral cavity as a whole. For this, computed tomography (CT) is performed.

Before the procedure, the state of the oral cavity and jaw of the patient is carefully examined.

It is important

Many clinics today are equipped with dental orthopantomographs, which are installed directly in the clinic. They are suitable for assessing the quality of endodontic treatment, for planning orthodontic treatment, determining the size of tumors of the jaw, as well as for performing classical implantation.

The resolution of a dental orthopantomograph is not always enough during basal implantation.

But when working with acute atrophy of the bone because of the poor quality of detail, it is better not to use such equipment - computer modeling will be inaccurate. That is why clinics that specialize in basal implantation send patients for diagnosis to specialized medical centers. For comparison: the cost of a dental tomograph is from 4-5 million rubles, and a professional apparatus for diagnosing the condition of any organs of our body - from 20 million rubles.

Universal computer tomograph.

At the stage of diagnosis, the doctor explains in detail to the patient what to do before the basal implantation of the teeth. Before the procedure, it is also necessary to inform the doctor about all diseases, and if necessary, take a blood test and be examined by a specialized doctor, since the success of the upcoming treatment may depend on it.

On a note

Today, in some clinics there is a practice of not only full-time, but also remote consultation with a doctor. For example, in the case of Moscow hospitals receiving patients from the regions, modern technologies, such as video conferencing or e-mail communication, can be used for primary communication as well as file exchange with CT data.

Then comes the stage of computer simulation - this is one of the key points in the treatment. The doctor often has to work in conditions of acute atrophy of bone tissue, and you need to choose the most accurate place for positioning the implant (that is, with a sufficient volume of the bone, with minimal risk of hitting the nerves or sinuses) - in such cases computer simulation literally saves the situation.

Computer modeling with basal implantation allows to achieve the most accurate positioning of implants, even in the most difficult cases, minimizing the likelihood of medical errors.

In general, computer modeling for basal implantation is a logical continuation of the diagnostic stage. Information obtained after the CT scan is downloaded to the computer. To simulate the entire treatment process, specially developed software is used.

It is interesting

Programs for three-dimensional modeling of the implantation process are produced by both independent companies and can be represented directly by implant developers. For example, Nobel is one of the first companies that released dental implants, today offers dental laboratories its own Nobel Guide software and even equipment for scanning the oral cavity (instead of taking traditional wax impressions).

The computer program helps the doctor to analyze the state of the bone tissue, select the most suitable place for implant implantation, taking into account the anatomical features of the jaw, as well as select the implant design itself.

3D modeling, in principle, can also be applied with classical implantation. But its use presupposes the presence of skills to work with it, as well as the availability of special equipment and, in fact, the software itself.Therefore, many dentistry use this modern technology is not always (for example, only for an additional fee). When choosing a basal implantation, 3D modeling is a mandatory procedure, since it allows an operation to be performed without errors, with maximum accuracy, without complications, with a predicted and guaranteed result.

At the next stage of the basal implantation, the actual installation of the implants is carried out using a puncture or incision method (or immediately after a tooth is removed). Puncture makes it possible to carry out the entire procedure without suturing, and is suitable for people with weakened and inflamed gums.

Basal implants can often be installed without significant cuts in the gums using the so-called puncture (circular incision).

On a note

Based on the simulated data, individual surgical templates are developed by means of 3D printers. These are, as a rule, silicone stencils, which are superimposed on the alveolar ridge during the operation. They have holes with a certain angle of inclination, through which implants are inserted into the bone. Thus, they are installed in a precisely calibrated place, which makes the operation less risky and less traumatic.

Each implant is installed in a precisely measured place and at a certain angle of inclination ...

The final stage of the basal implantation is prosthetics.After installing the basal implants, the prosthesis is usually placed for 2-3 days - to create the necessary primary load on it. The prosthesis is made using impressions that are taken from the patient's jaw. At the same time, all the installed implants are imprinted on the impression, the spatial ratio of which is studied on the obtained models by a dental technician who in the dental laboratory produces the desired prosthesis (the data of the computer model created at the preliminary stage are also taken into account).

The prosthesis used in prosthetics technology according to the All-on-4 method.

And this photo shows the result of treatment.

Instant (immediate) prosthetics plays a very important role in the whole process of treatment.

First, the prosthesis immediately transfers the chewing load to the implants, and through them to the bone tissue, due to which natural processes are activated in it, and regeneration takes place as quickly as possible. Simply put, the bone is quickly restored, largely due to the fact that the patient is able to chew on food within a few days after the basal implantation.

It is interesting

Basal implantation is based on the use of Wolf's law, according to which a human bone adapts to the loads that fall on it.And its internal structure is subjected to adaptive changes, followed by changes in the state of the cortical jaw bone - it becomes more dense, and therefore more durable.

An example of the manifestation of the law of Wolf.

Secondly, the prosthesis connects all installed implants into a single structure. If one implant is heavily loaded, it will shift under load. But due to the fact that the frame of the prosthesis combines all artificial roots, they become immobile and calmly take root in the bone tissue, despite the presence of intense chewing load.

Thirdly, the prosthesis allows the patient to feel full-fledged - the aesthetics and the ability to power are restored almost immediately after basal implantation.

However, there is one very important point (which some may consider a minus). Although after installation of implants, the prosthesis is fixed permanently, not removable, but still it is a temporary design. This means that it should be worn for at least six months, and in practice - up to 3-4 years,until the plastic crowns fail and lose their appearance. After the prosthesis will have to be replaced with a permanent one - that is, one that will last for decades.


With significant bone atrophy, patients are offered a fixed prosthesis, the crowns of which are mounted on an acrylic base or using Acry Free - a kind of artificial gingiva. It is small, not very noticeable and almost not felt in the mouth. Such a system allows you to hide the uneven contour of the natural mucous membrane, which sags along with the bone.

In case of significant atrophy of bone tissue, prostheses are used, the base of which simulates the gum - this allows the result of the prosthesis to be made as aesthetic as possible.

If you put a bridge of only crowns, they will be excessively long. Doctors in this case even use a special term - “horse smile”.


How do basal implants differ from classic ones?

Modern basal implants have a classic root-shaped form. They have a slightly more elongated body and a specific type of thread, since they are fixed deeper and in more dense layers than the classical dental implants.

But, perhaps, the main difference between basal implants is that they have a solid form, that is, combined with abutments (tops, which serve as the basis for the prosthesis).

Basal implants:

Examples of basal implants

Here are some examples of classic implants:

Classic implants

Some doctors consider the integrity of the basal implants to be a significant drawback, arguing that the dental technician has to “mold” the prostheses on the already installed implants, and if the doctor has set them up crookedly, then correcting his serious mistakes for the dental technician will be an almost impossible task.

To better understand whether this point can really be considered a lack of basal implants, let's see how the situation usually happens in practice in most clinics.

In the classical implantation, the implant surgeon and the dental technician or orthopedist work in pairs. And often even separately from each other. That is, the surgeon installs implants, and the orthopedist selects the optimal abutments and adapts the position of the prosthesis. And the orthopedist does have enough stock for maneuvers during work.

In the case of basal implantation, the situation is different. An implantologist is often obliged to be both a maxillofacial surgeon and an orthopedic surgeon in one person, or to work in tandem with a professional orthopedic surgeon as a single whole, because really, if the implants are crooked, then it is impossible to install the prosthesis normally.

That is why, including through computer modeling, the entire treatment process is carefully planned - from implant installation, selection of the abutment tilt angle and working out the possibilities of their load to fixing the prosthesis. The doctor needs to fully master the process, since he has to work with acute atrophy, displacement of the bite, problems in the sinus zone, etc. And the patient should get a decent result.

The result of the prosthesis, both aesthetically and functionally, directly depends on the professionalism of the implantologist.

As for the implants themselves, they have a maneuverable tip - that is, immediately after implant implantation, you can tilt it with a special tool to a certain degree, which allows you to align the bite, fix the prosthesis smoothly and without displacement.

Thus, if the integrity of the basal implants can be considered a certain disadvantage, it is only from the point of view that the technology of their installation implies higher requirements for the skills and professionalism of the doctor than in the case of the classical protocol. Simply put, a good doctor will be harder to find.


Lateral BOI implants for basal implantation and related “horror stories”

BOI lateral implants are disc implants that were developed by Dr. Stefan Ide. They were used for quite a long time, and, perhaps, in some clinics they are still being installed, so it is useful to learn about what exactly the advertisement will keep silent about.

Titanium disc implants were created (as well as basal and classical implants), and their characteristic was the base in the form of a disc. Such implants were installed not through the apex of the jawbone, but from the side, through the drank tissue.

Basal implant BOI

And this is the same implant, already installed in the jaw bone.

The lateral implants of the BOI were packed into the basal circles, since they also involved the corresponding section of the bone. However, persistent attempts to use them failed, and there are several reasons for this:

  • Too complicated installation;
  • They are not always effective, and only with jeweler's precision, cutting the bone under the implant;
  • Long postoperative rehabilitation (and as a result - many complications).

Today, not a single professional working for the result will use disc basal implants in their practice.

Disk implants a few years ago were actively installed in our country. They were produced under the brand BOI (later their counterparts were launched - PEEK implants, which were not created from titanium, but from biopolymer).To this day, it is precisely such implants that are associated in many patients with the basal technique (and often such people are opposed to it).

The photo below shows examples of disc implants:

Disk basal implants BOI

The main disadvantages of obsolete disk basal implants (BOI):

  • The high complexity of the process for the doctor and dental technician. The impossibility of correcting the protruding part of the already “implanted” implant above the gum line creates difficulties both for the doctor and the technician and for the patient in the future;
  • Many cases of loss of aesthetics after the final prosthetics. This point is largely interconnected with the previous one, as the system of basal implants, “how the hand took”, creates the prerequisites for the corresponding “curves” of the prostheses. In other words, prostheses look unnatural and poorly adhere to periodontal tissues, causing discomfort to patients;
  • Severe damage to the gums and bones during the installation of basal implants, suturing;
  • In cases of rejection of the implant in the area of ​​its installation, a significant loss of bone occurs, requiring replenishment of the bone mass, that is, additional surgery may be required to eliminate the unsuccessful implantation "Hole" in the jaw.

Compared with disk implants, modern basal root-shaped implants have significant advantages:

  • The process of treatment, as well as the subsequent prosthetics, is modeled in advance. The angle of inclination of the abutment is adjusted to the position of the prosthesis; therefore, neither the implantologist, nor the dental technician, nor the patient has any difficulties;
  • The implantologist is a maxillofacial surgeon and must be familiar with orthopedics, which allows him to install implants, taking into account the bite of the patient. Coupled with 3D modeling, this allows dental technicians to create prostheses with high aesthetics and strength indicators;
  • Modern basal implants are installed in a minimally invasive way, without massive tissue incisions and suturing - by puncture. This reduces the risk of complications after surgery, reduces and facilitates rehabilitation for the patient;
  • When the implant is correctly installed, the bone tissue not only does not decrease, but, on the contrary, is restored and compacted due to the chewing load.


Advantages of basal implantation

So, having considered all the features of the basal implantation method, the following advantages can be identified:

  • Minimized the number of visits to the doctor;
  • A small number of contraindications to this type of implantation;
  • Suitable for smokers;
  • Easily tolerated by people in old age;
  • Suitable for people suffering from acute forms of periodontitis and periodontal disease;Prosthetics on basal implants are possible even if the patient has severe forms of periodontitis and periodontal disease.
  • You can start chewing dentures within 3-5 days after the installation of implants;
  • Only one operation is needed: implants are put in one step;
  • Relatively lower cost of services;
  • The method is suitable even with significant atrophy of the jaw bone (in other words, with a decrease in its height and a decrease in volume);
  • The healing of the bone is faster due to the gentle treatment of it, as well as ensuring immediate chewing load.

Opinion dentist

Despite the large number of advantages of technology, it is difficult to achieve positive results of basal implantation, but it is possible if all the steps are performed perfectly. First, the work should be carried out by an experienced doctor who has certificates confirming the right to work with this treatment protocol (they are issued only by the International Fund for Implantology). Secondly, the doctor should be not just an implantologist, but a maxillofacial surgeon with thorough knowledge of the anatomy of the jaw system.Thirdly, implants of companies that have existed on the market for decades have been used for work, and not released just a few years ago and taking only the first steps towards working with the immediate load technique.

Some of the “oldies” in this area are Nobel Biocare, Osstem, Oneway BioMED and BioHorizons. For these brands, both positive and negative (which is also important) work experience has been accumulated, and there are also confirmed clinical studies in the long term.

However, in order to objectively evaluate the methodology, it is necessary to know not only its advantages, but also its disadvantages - let's talk about them further ...


What is important to know about the main disadvantages of technology

The final conclusions about the basal implantation, as the proposed effective method, can be made only by weighing the pros and cons. The technique really has a large number of advantages, especially for those patients who have acute bone atrophy due to the long absence of their own teeth. But, as experts note, not every doctor will decide to use this technology - and this is the main snag.

Proper installation of basal implants requires a very high level of training from a doctor, which creates certain difficulties - it is not so easy to find such a specialist ...

Of the serious shortcomings of the technique, it is necessary to single out the absence of doctors capable of installing basal implants (and prostheses) according to the appropriate rules and protocols.In order to become a professional, you need to go through 5 practical steps of study at the International Implant foundation (International Fund for Implantology), which, due to their high cost, are not accessible to everyone.

In addition, there are increased requirements for specialists: a doctor must simultaneously be a maxillofacial surgeon, an orthopedic surgeon, and an advanced user of computer software for treatment simulation. To help, the doctor must choose a dental technician who is also trained in the specifics of the development of prostheses for immediate loading, taking into account the creation of the correct occlusion, so necessary to evenly distribute the load on the bone and not overload the implants (because the prosthesis not only performs the function of natural and beautiful looking artificial teeth, but also is an additional stabilizer of implants, which impedes their mobility).

The uniformity of the chewing load transmitted to the implants depends on how correctly the prosthesis was made.

That is why you should not blindly trust advertisements of dental clinics offering basal implantation - you need to weigh the pros and cons, check the doctor's certificates and look at the results of his practical skills (for example, study photos with examples showing the oral cavity of patients before and after treatment) .


Basic indications and contraindications for basal implantation

The proponents of the basal implantation cite the lines of the indications to it as advantages of this technique, since some of them are at the same time its advantages. Those who oppose emphasize contraindications for basal implants and view them as cons.

However, the indications for the method give the dentist only approximate information on the projected treatment, without guaranteeing a 100% positive result. The reason is simple: each case is exceptional and unique in its own way, so the indications and contraindications should be considered from the point of view of medical logic and common sense, and not standardized.

Below, as an example, several indications for basal implantation are given:

  1. The need to restore the chewing function in a short time (3-5 days);
  2. Restoration of the jaw bone and teeth in the absence of more than 3;The indication for basal implantation is the absence of teeth in an amount of more than 3.
  3. Restoration of aesthetics and the function of teeth in their absence;
  4. Severe periodontal disease (most often with periodontitis and periodontal disease);
  5. The loss of bone in the upper and / or lower jaw;
  6. Smoking;
  7. Contraindications or unwillingness to do sinus lifting (bone buildup).

Absolute contraindications to basal implantation are identical to those cases when classical implantation is not performed (there are even fewer of them due to the possibility of treatment for atrophy and inflammatory processes).

For the problems listed below, surgery is not done in principle:

  1. Tumor neoplasms;
  2. Some diseases of the circulatory system;
  3. CNS disorders;
  4. Impaired bone regeneration;
  5. Chronic diseases (tuberculosis, diabetes with a constant need for insulin).

Relative contraindications for basal implantation:

  1. Treatment with biophosphate preparations;
  2. Pregnancy and lactation;
  3. Mental disorders and neuroses;
  4. Decompensated diabetes;
  5. Acute arthritis.

The maxillofacial surgeon will never begin implantation until the oral cavity is prepared. Therefore, before the procedure, he performs dental treatment, which is subject to preservation, removes mobile or problem teeth with cysts or granulomas on the roots.

Often, the dentist-surgeon, after the extraction of the tooth, also sets the implant.

On a note

The basal implantation technique allows treatment immediately after tooth extraction: an implant is installed directly into a fresh hole (that is, you do not need to wait several months until the bone recovers).


How to care for implants

Implants, along with prostheses, require mandatory care, since their lifespan directly depends on this. However, you should not worry too much, because in order to maintain oral hygiene after basal implantation, no special knowledge and skills are required. It is enough to brush your teeth with a toothpaste at least 2 times a day and carry out mouth rinsing after cleansing with antibacterial solutions.

If difficulties arise with regard to hard-to-reach areas (for example, under bridges or between prostheses) where it is difficult to penetrate the toothbrush bristles, you should use an irrigator (this is a device that is designed to remove plaque, food debris and massage the gums with a water jet, produced under pressure).

It looks like a irrigator for the mouth.

On a note

In the presence of dental implants floss (dental floss) is not recommended, because there is a high risk of damaging the tissue around the implant.

In order not to worry about the fate of implants and prostheses, you should visit the dentist 1-2 times a year to assess their condition. Upon detection of the primary manifestations associated with any violations, you should immediately begin to eliminate them.

It is during the initial manifestations of complications that it is easier and faster to achieve a positive result. Sometimes there is enough of the usual correction, which is often carried out under warranty, that is, free of charge.

Of course, it is important to observe a certain caution in the use of prostheses on implants:

  • Protect yourself from maxillofacial injuries;
  • Do not allow a decrease in immunity;
  • Engage in the prevention of acute and chronic infections: regularly assess the state of health and promptly carry out drug treatment of the initial forms of the disease. It has long been proven that most common diseases of the body directly or indirectly affect the service life of implants.


How many basal implants usually serve?

Generally speaking, the service life of basal implants depends on many factors, and it is not possible to predict it in advance, as well as for classical models.

In many respects, the accuracy of the orthopedic construction affects the life of the basal implants - it depends on whether the prosthesis will provide the necessary parameters for the load on the implants and properly distribute the pressure on the bone tissue.

The service life of implants largely depends on the correctness of their installation, as well as on the quality of the prosthesis manufacturing.

Not the last place in the matter of extending the life of the basal implant is occupied by regular check-ups at the dentist and competent oral hygiene. In other words, the service life of implants significantly depends not only on the doctor, but also on the patient.

If all the rules for the manufacture of a basal implant are strictly followed, as well as with a careful and attentive attitude to it, the service life may not be limited. Tested and proven companies that specialize in the development of models for basal implantation with an immediate prosthesis load, give a lifetime warranty on their products. On the one hand, this is an advertising move, and on the other hand, it is an additional guarantee for the patient that neither the doctor nor the clinic will throw him in a difficult moment if any complications occur.

On a note

The material for basal implants is titanium.It has unique properties that allow for the process of “engraftment” of the implant, accretion with bone tissue (osteointegration). After research, it was proved that pure titanium is an ideally biocompatible material, which significantly increases the service life of implants.

Basal implants are made of titanium, which is characterized by high biocompatibility.

Orthopedic structures that are fixed to the implants installed, on average, serve significantly fewer “screws”. They are given a warranty of 1-2 years, but their service life is much higher.

The first (adaptive) prostheses are made of metal plastic. But, unlike classical plastic, diamond grit is added to it, which helps to strengthen the material, making it more aesthetic and durable. Therefore, in practice it is quite acceptable to wear such prostheses for about 3-5 years.

Metal-ceramic dental bridges (see the example in the photo below) will last an average of 10-12 years.

With proper oral care, metal ceramics can serve you for more than 10 years, and possibly a lifetime.

Meanwhile, one of the most reliable and aesthetic is considered to be a crown of zirconium dioxide, having a service life of more than 20 years (but at the price of the production of such crowns will be much more expensive than metal-ceramic).


Qualitative basal implantation without complications - myth or reality?

Single-stage basal implants in the process of developing techniques have undergone many modifications. As it was said earlier, not only root-like implants were used in the previous generation basal implantation line, but also lamellar BOI implants. Despite the fact that this kind of implants has positive long-term results, modern schools of immediate load (Immediate Load) have abandoned such constructions due to the requirements for the installation of jewelry and a large range of contraindications.

The peak of the popularity of the BOI-implant brand fell on 2010-2012 in the branches of several dentists in Moscow. The result of the activities of newly trained doctors, who got down to business immediately and without due care, was the fact that there were many negative reviews from patients who risked putting themselves on similar basal implants.

Negative opinions of doctors and negative reviews of patients were not unreasonable: Moscow clinics, which for several years carried out multiple basal implantation on BOI implants, gained experience, transferred to other owners and no longer held responsible for the results of previous 2-3-year work in Russia .

Analysis of the majority of reviews of the “victims” showed that the basal implants of the BOI, installed during this period, did not immediately begin to “reject”: someone was lucky to walk a year and a half with “new clothes”, and some “lucky ones” lasted up to 3 years.

In the photo - periimplantitis (inflammation of the bone and soft tissues in the area of ​​the implant):

The inflammation in the area of ​​the implant is called periimplantitis.


"Hello! My name is Oksana, 46 years old, I live in Khimki, Moscow Region. In 2010, in Moscow, I put a variety of basal implants - BOI implants on both jaws. The contract included a guarantee for implants for 25 years, and for prostheses installed on them - 3 years. Only 2 years have passed, but already two implants are mobile on top, and one has fallen. She came to the clinic, but it is already closed. Help me, please, I don’t know what to do next. ”

Oksana, Khimki

After the unsuccessful experience with BOI-implants, as well as the accumulation of practical knowledge in the field of implantation with immediate load, the global community of dentists gradually reworked the protocols, and new methods were created, which today are successfully used not only on Dr. Stefan Ide's implant system ( Ihde Dental). Such leaders of dental implantology as Nobel Biocare (All-ON-4 prosthetics), BioHorizons (TeethXpress method),Noris Medical and Osstem are widely known not only in the Russian, but also in the foreign market, where they are becoming more and more widespread.

On a note

It is worth noting that Ihde Dental has not frozen its development and has released several lines of modified basal root-shaped implants with special coatings.

So the controversy regarding high-quality basal implantation has not abated until now. True, supporters among Russian surgeons have clearly increased due to the first trained specialists in Russia.

No matter how they argue about the pros and cons of basal implantation, in many cases it really is a good way to quickly regain a beautiful smile.


“My name is Ekaterina Sergeevna, I come from Moscow. I learned about the basal implantation quite recently and realized that this is what I need. The fact is that I work with people in a solid company, so the loss of a few front teeth due to my stupidity has become a real tragedy for me. I already had 5 chewing teeth, so my jaw turned into solid holes, and after a week and a half I had to have a presentation of a new brand.

In general, already 7 days after visiting the clinic, I already had basal implants with metal-plastic bridges. A year later, I will need to change them to the metal-ceramic, but my presentation at the company was a great success.Two snakes envy me hoped that I would fail the presentation because of self-doubt, knowing what problems I had with my teeth, but I showed them who the boss is. Everyone was very surprised to learn that in just 200 thousand I managed to return a beautiful smile in such a short time. I hope that the new teeth will stay with me until the end of my life. ”

Ekaterina Sergeevna, Moscow

Be that as it may, it is important to remember that almost every medical manipulation has its own indications and contraindications, and even more so - an operation for basal implantation. In no case should the dentist be guided only by financial considerations regarding the choice of the method of implantation and prosthetics, and patients, in turn, should get feedback on the doctor, evaluate the status of the clinic, its experience, weigh the pros and cons. And only then make a final decision, taking into account all his individual testimony and contraindications.


Useful video about basal implantation


What is the sum of the price for dental implants?



To the entry "On basal implantation: consider all the pros and cons of this technology" 8 comments
  1. Victoria:

    Is it true that after a basal implantation, in a week you can eat and chew everything as usual? Which implants are better to use?

    • Good afternoon, Victoria. Yes, you can chew, only at first softer food and gradually within a month it will be possible to switch to more solid. Since the structure is connected by a metal arc, the chewing load is distributed evenly. Chewing will be painless, pain may occur only in the first days after surgery.

      With regard to specific types of implants and how this is all done in practice - you can find out the nuances by making an appointment with me to consider your situation in more detail. Personally, I have been working with the Oneway Biomed system for basal implantation for many years.

  2. Andrew:

    It has long been no two lower posterior teeth, thinking about implantation. I read about the manufacturers. Probably, I would like to dwell on a conmet on the ratio of quality and price. And basal implantation seems to be a convenient method. And I'm interested in, is it possible in the case of a long absence of teeth to put such basal implants of this system?

    • Hello. Regarding basal implants - yes, this option is definitely possible, and it would be more correct to call it in this case implantation with immediate load. The fact is that basal implants are installed most often in the absence of teeth and severe forms of bone tissue atrophy. You do not have 2 teeth, so I dare to assume that using a similar technique, implants of other brands will suit you. For example, Osstem (economy class) and Straumann (premium). Of course, if there are no other contraindications for health reasons and conditions of bite.To accurately recommend, you need to do a CT scan and examine the oral cavity.

      Regarding CONMET, I can only say that we do not work with it, because we specialize in one-step implantation protocols, and this manufacturer does not have such implants.

  3. Raisa:

    Trust the basal implantation can only professionals. I was given five metal-ceramic teeth in the lower jaw, the service life of them, as I was told, is ten or more years. I think this is a long time.

  4. Vitali:

    Good afternoon, why are there age limits for this method?

    • Hello Vitaly! The basal implants are placed in the cortical bone and in the areas of the bony sutures, which form up to 20 years. Therefore, the installation of basal implants is not recommended until this age. Further, there are no age restrictions.

  5. Valery:

    It was, of course, scary, but I can say that the pain is not critical, so that horror is horror. Anesthesia was done and everything went fine. By the time it takes about 2 hours the operation takes place, I somehow put the seal longer.The only thing that you need to come to the inspections regularly, but I do not live in Moscow, the time is running out.

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