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Folk remedies for quick toothache relief

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If you are going to take a toothache with folk remedies, then it will be useful to first understand which of them actually work and which ones do not produce results and are even dangerous to health.

Perhaps the main rule, according to which you can use folk remedies for toothache, is this: to relieve pain does not mean curing the disease. Even the most effective and safe folk remedies can be used to relieve toothache only as a temporary auxiliary measure. You need to understand that in case of serious problems with your teeth, they will not save you from a visit to the dentist, but will only help you to endure the discomfort before you visit a doctor.

Accordingly, you should not use folk remedies only in order to postpone, transfer or, moreover, cancel the visit to the doctor. It may save you from a toothache, but this approach is fraught with the most dangerous complications, among which the loss of teeth is far from the worst.

If you constantly remove the pain and do not treat the tooth, then losing it is not the worst thing that can wait for you if serious complications develop.

Having made these important reservations, we note a couple more. When choosing a suitable folk remedy for toothache, strictly follow the recommendations for its preparation and use: some of the remedies described below are not always safe, and they have certain contraindications.And some recipes, on the contrary, are completely safe, but their effectiveness is not at all what the healers promise.

The purpose of this article is to consider the most famous folk remedies for toothache, and to help the reader figure out whether they will be effective or useless, as well as help to understand in which cases the use of appropriate means will be justified and in which cases it will not.

On a note

It is obvious that there are much more folk recipes, means and methods of getting rid of toothache than can be described in one review. We consider the most popular and often used in practice, which are the basis of many other variations.

But let's get everything in order ...


Causes of toothache and general principles of anesthesia

It is important to understand that toothache never occurs just like that. As a rule, the appearance of such pain is a symptom of the pathological process in the tooth, periosteum, gum or jaw itself.

If your teeth hurt badly, then there is always a reason for this - it is about eliminating it and you should think first.

In some cases, a toothache may appear for a short while and without any treatment to go by itself. For example, it can occur with irritation of the gums with food, fast passing small inflammations in soft tissues, and for some other reasons.In these cases, the pain is usually quite light, and, as a rule, the person does not even think about taking something off.

If the pain is strong and prolonged (or regular), then in most cases this also means that its cause is very serious. These may be, for example:

  1. Deep caries, in which the tooth can ache from chemical, temperature and mechanical stimuli.
  2. Pulpitis - inflammation of the pulp (dental "nerve").
  3. Periodontitis is an inflammation of the tissues that surround the root of the tooth. This disease can often be accompanied by the appearance of fistulas and outflow of pus from them.
  4. Periostitis is inflammation of the periosteum, usually developing if periodontitis is not treated, but only periodically suppress pain.
  5. Osteomyelitis is an inflammation of the jawbone.

The picture shows an example of periodontitis - purulent inflammation on the tooth root.

And this photo shows an example of the effects of odontogenic osteomyelitis.

Most of the folk remedies can only reduce toothache with similar pathologies, but not completely remove it. Moreover, if during caries or pulpitis in the early stages such a decrease will be significant, then the pain associated with severe purulent inflammation will not ease in all cases, depending on the neglect of the problem.

On a note

There are no folk remedies that allow "to kill the nerve" in the tooth, which is what those who are ready to climb the wall from pain sometimes dream of. It is also impossible to just wait, hoping that the pulp will eventually die off by itself, and all the nerves in it will become insensitive. Of course, the pulp can die off, but then it will start to rot, and right in the pulp chamber. Pus will have nowhere to go, and it will head towards the root of the tooth: this process will be accompanied by extensive inflammation at the top of the root, which is fraught with abscess and sepsis, as well as monstrous pains that will not help any folk remedy.

The main principles of anesthesia used in medical practice are:

  1. Blocking the synthesis of substances that stimulate the irritation of nerve endings during inflammation. This is how Ketanov, Ketorol, Nise, Analgin and many other drugs for various types of pain work.
  2. Violation of the conduction of nerve impulses in neurons - for example, the well-known Novocain and Lidocaine work.

Folk remedies work quite differently: with their help, it is possible to slightly reduce the inflammatory process, which ultimately leads to a decrease in the intensity of pain.


Hot Tooth Rinses

Rinsing the mouth with warm liquids is perhaps the most famous folk method to relieve toothache for a while. Often, doctors themselves prescribe it to their patients due to safety and ease of use.

One of the most effective folk remedies for relieving toothache are warm mouth rinses with various solutions and decoctions.

The most effective rinsing are with purulent inflammation. During this procedure, the blood circulation in the place of inflammation increases, the products of cell disintegration are discharged from it faster, as a result of which the size of inflammation, like the pain itself, decreases slightly.

Rinse your mouth need a liquid with a temperature of 50-60 ° C, but not higher, so as not to burn the mucous. Rinse should be carried out as often as possible, literally every 15-20 minutes - and so for several hours before relieving pain.

Usually, with toothache, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with salt water or water with soda (often combining both products). You can use just pure water or tea. Even more pronounced effect with pain in the tooth will provide folk remedies in the form of decoctions on the herbal basis. About them we will talk further.

Warm rinses are especially good to help relieve pain with inflammation of the gums.


If you have a toothache, you need to rinse your mouth, or rather, a sore spot in it. It makes no sense to throw back the head and out of habit to blow bubbles in the throat.

Due to its safety and efficacy, mouth rinsing is the best folk way to relieve toothache in a child. When the pain is relieved only for a few hours or days before the visit to the dentist, and the disease itself is not running, rinsing will allow you to fully tolerate the treatment itself.


Less traditional folk recipes

The following folk remedies for toothache are no longer so traditional as rinsing the mouth:

  1. A tampon dipped in fir oil, which is applied to the aching tooth. Fir oil does have some anti-inflammatory properties, but it will help to relieve toothache only in rare cases.Essential oil of fir - often used component of the recipes of various folk remedies
  2. A slice of salted pork fat is applied to the diseased tooth and held for about 20 minutes. The method is practically useless, even if one considers that salt is capable of pulling pus out of the inflamed area.Salted lard is unlikely to save you from pain, even though the salt is able to draw pus out of the inflamed areas.
  3. Propolis, which is either temporarily placed on the tooth, or pressed directly into the carious cavity and walk for several days. In the first case, the option is useless, but also harmless.In the second case, such a folk remedy is frankly harmful: an improvised propolis filling can serve as an excellent food for carious bacteria, which will only lead to accelerated tooth decay. However, blockage of the carious cavity is sometimes capable of reducing pain, if the tooth has previously reacted to sour, salty or sweet.Propolis is another commonly used folk remedy.
  4. With an aqueous solution of an alternative medicine product such as mumiyo, a tampon is moistened and applied to a sore tooth. This folk remedy is especially often used in children. According to reviews, it can give some result, but usually mild, and completely relieve toothache in most cases will not help.Mumie peeled
  5. Warm broth of strawberries, which rinse your mouth - helps not so much due to the strawberries, as due to the fact of rinsing with warm liquid.If you decide to rinse your mouth with a decoction of strawberries, then be sure to use a warm, almost hot solution.
  6. Propolis is poured with 70% alcohol, infused for 10 days and filtered through gauze. This tool will help only with slight pain in the gums (a moistened tampon is applied) - primarily due to the vasodilator and antiseptic properties of ethyl alcohol. According to literary sources, this folk remedy is especially recommended for pregnant women.Alcohol tincture of propolis
  7. In 50 ml of wine alcohol you need to dilute 15 grams of myrrh, add 15 grams of raspberry, orchid and mint leaves to it, insist 3 days. The resulting tincture or rinse your mouth, or moistened with a tampon, which is then applied to the aching tooth or gum. The method is ineffective, and a strong toothache will not remove.Broths of various herbs strong toothache can not relieve, but sometimes alleviate the suffering in inflammatory processes.
  8. Garlic is incised and applied to the place of the hand, where the pulse rate is checked, and then put into place with a bandage. Some people believe that this folk remedy works from a toothache in the placebo mode - it doesn’t eliminate the cause of the pain, but at the expense of a person’s correct attitude that it becomes easier for him, it has a certain effect (the person himself begins to think that the pain is going away).

If you put the garlic on your hand, as popular recipes recommend, then this technique, of course, will not help with toothache in most cases.

In general, all the above listed folk remedies and the like from severe toothache will not help. But be prepared for the fact that it is they who will especially strongly advise advocates of alternative medicine.


Anti-Inflammatory Recipes

Some anti-inflammatory decoctions more or less effectively relieve pain caused by inflammation of the soft tissues. In fact, their action is similar to plain or salty hot water,but additionally more pronounced due to the antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects of biologically active plant components.

The photo shows a tooth with a deep carious cavity - in such cases rinsing can sometimes really effectively relieve pain.

Here are some fairly well-known folk recipes for such toothache remedies:

  1. 25 g of peppermint and 25 g of oregano are poured with 0.5 liters of water, cooked for 2-3 minutes, cooled and filtered a little;
  2. 100 g of chamomile flowers, 100 g of black currant leaves and 40 g of the train are poured with a liter of boiling water, infused for an hour and filtered;
  3. 50 g of yarrow grass, 50 g of immortelle flowers and 50 g of plantain leaves are poured with a liter of boiling water, infused and filtered.

It is only important to understand that a significant effect in such cases is ensured precisely by the temperature of the rinse solution itself. Therefore, before the procedure, the tool must be heated to 60 ° C.

The beauty of such folk remedies lies in the fact that they are fairly easy to prepare at home, and if a toothache hurts, literally within an hour and a half, you can organize an effective decoction.

In acute pulpitis, such tools are ineffective. Moreover, a toothache in such a situation of hot can only multiply intensify.


Ways of self-suggestion: do they work?

It may seem surprising, but there is also a whole set of folk methods that help relieve toothache without any means at all. They are based primarily on self-suggestion and the ability of a person to manage their feelings and, if necessary, completely "turn off" the pain.

For obvious reasons, various meditations and self-hypnosis can help not every person ...

The most effective and even confirmed by the experiments of technology from yoga. They allow you to completely relieve a toothache of any strength, but to use them you need to train for a very long time and have a good control of your body and your thoughts. A person who has never practiced yoga cannot use them, of course.

The techniques of self-hypnosis and simple hypnosis work in a similar way. But they also require good methodological training. Just so, without experience and knowledge, it is impossible to take and enter yourself into a state in which a toothache will go away.

Popular prayers and toothache plots in most cases they can only do harm. Even if the pain goes away (and such cases really happen), it does not bring a cure - the problem remains.And if you let it take its course for several months or years, then in the future it will lead to much more serious consequences than if a person immediately turned to a dentist.

If too long to rely on various plots and prayers of toothache, then you can end up earning serious complications ...


“I remember how I envied in childhood those people who are shown on TV and who pierce their arms and legs with needles and do not feel pain. I did not have the goal of practicing yoga, but as I immersed myself in meditative practices, I began to practice in this direction. And although I have not yet reached the level of my teachers, if necessary, I take a toothache off in 5-6 minutes, and the pain after a strong injury almost immediately. ”

Leonid Konstantinovich, Moscow


"Folk" toothache pills

Some popular analgesics have become a kind of "gold standard" in home medicine, that is, they have become almost popular. And therefore it is impossible not to say about them.

Tablets are very fast and effective remedies for toothache, and some of the drugs help reliably relieve even acute toothache.

So, we note the most popular pharmaceutical drugs for toothache:

  1. Aspirin significantly reduces pain and relieves inflammation.If the pain is too strong, it does not completely eliminate the symptoms, but allows it to “live” until a visit to the doctor. Contraindicated in pregnancy, lactation and in childhood.Aspirin is a traditional anti-inflammatory agent.
  2. Analgin is a fairly effective anesthetic drug, but because of its ability to strongly influence blood formation, it has many contraindications. For example, it should not be taken for agranulocytosis, anemia, pregnancy, lactation, kidney and liver failure. Analgin is banned for use in many developed countries.It should be borne in mind that analgin is forbidden to use in many countries.
  3. Nimesil is a powder that dentists themselves often prescribe to their patients, for example, after tooth extraction. Allows you to completely stop even a very strong pain, but in pharmacies it is sold only by prescription.Anti-inflammatory and analgesic Nimesil
  4. Ketans and its analogues - Ketorol, Ketorolac. These are perhaps the most powerful tools for quickly removing toothache. But they can be considered popular only with a big stretch - they are sold only by prescription and have a large number of contraindications.

Ketorol tablets is a very powerful, fast-acting toothache remedy.

In the overwhelming majority of cases, if the pain is not too acute and is not accompanied by an extensive tumor, Aspirin and Analgin are quite enough for the person to feel normal and get a quick effect.Not surprisingly, these funds are taken from toothache more often than traditional decoctions and infusions.


How can the use of folk remedies be dangerous?

When using any means, including folk, you should always remember about contraindications and possible side effects. For example, most herbal-based recipes can sometimes cause pronounced allergic reactions, even when rinsing the mouth.

The use of folk remedies to relieve toothache in some cases can be dangerous and harmful.

There are tools that are uniquely harmful for toothache. For example:

  1. Honey, which is sometimes recommended to regularly smear a bad tooth. With the constant presence of honey or its traces in the carious cavity, the activity of cariogenic bacteria will only increase, which would entail an increase in pain. And some teeth affected by caries are generally very sensitive to sweets.
  2. Drinking alcohol inside to reduce pain. Effectively, but carries more harm than good.
  3. Applying Aspirin to a bad tooth. The effect will not, as aspirin for toothache should be taken only inside.
  4. Warming dressings outside - with severe purulent inflammations, they only increase the risk of complications.

And remember: folk remedies can remove toothache, but not cure the disease. If you just remove the pain and forget about its cause, then you can play out until the development of life-threatening complications - sepsis or cellulitis.

It may seem surprising to some, but because of the consequences of neglected dental diseases, people are dying today because of serious complications, which, although rare, but sometimes lead to death. However, severe complications never appear in a healthy person in a few days - all of them usually result from the fact that a person suffers pain or regularly tries to soothe it with improvised means, including folk, and until the last draws a visit to the doctor.

Therefore, if you have a toothache, then call a dental clinic as soon as possible and make an appointment. Treatment at dentists today is almost painless, and the money given for it is an investment in your health and well-being. Do not run yourself and be healthy!


How to quickly remove toothache at home without pills


And here are some more simple folk methods of relieving toothache at home.



To the entry "Folk remedies for quick relief of toothache" 9 comments
  1. Arthur:

    Stronger garlic did not meet anything! If it is necessary to quickly relieve pain, it is necessary to attach a cut clove of garlic to the aching tooth and bite down, as far as sensations allow, to hold for a long time. It is possible and necessary to chew, so that a strong consistency is formed in the mouth, you can use the whole lobule.

    If it doesn't help right away, chew more and more. Of course, you will have to pay for it with a burn of the mouth and tongue, but when it hurts so that you climb onto the wall, this fact becomes secondary, the effects of the burn usually pass every other day. If you chew a lot of garlic, do not swallow more than 2 pieces - spit saliva necessarily, otherwise you can burn all the organs inside, it will hurt thoroughly! Try not to drink after such treatment, otherwise weaken the effect. The consistency of garlic juice is important, if diluted - the effect will not be the same. Garlic should be fresh and hard, not old and sluggish, otherwise the effect will be much weaker.

    If you don’t bite a sick tooth, for example, a tooth is partially broken and it causes tremendous pain, then crush the garlic in a garlic press into a glass of water, pour boiling warm water into about a quarter of a glass, squeeze there about 2 large slices, strain and pour into another glass and rinse the aching tooth carefully. You can pour and half a cup, then proportionately increase the amount of garlic. The main goal is to get a fairly concentrated solution so that it is difficult to keep it in the mouth for a long time.And do not drink for a while after the procedure. I also recommend supplementing the treatment with an aspirin pill, this will help relieve inflammation and improve blood circulation.

    And so to repeat as needed, you can do so for prevention. Well, and then, of course, to the doctor!

    Garlic is the most powerful and fast-acting toothache remedy I've tried! And most importantly, this method has been tested by me in practice several times. I hope my advice will be useful to you!

  2. Svetlana:

    Thank ))

  3. Vladislav:

    And here I am sitting with a piece of bacon in a hole from a breakaway tooth piece. And, it seems, easier ...

  4. Andrew:

    Garlic helped me a lot. Cut the head in length into three parts. I put it on the brush in the area of ​​pulse measurement and wrapped it with a bandage. We put on the hand opposite to the diseased tooth.

  5. Natalia:

    And we were well helped by fresh beets.

  6. Anonymous:


  7. Anya:

    Mint toothpaste helps - it needs to be applied to the aching tooth and kept for some time. The salty skin from the fat also helps - it also needs to be applied to the aching tooth. I hope my advice will help you.I do not know how anyone, but I use them and they always help me.

  8. Victor:

    From my own experience: aloe juice helps well. Apply a gauze swab dipped in juice to the aching tooth. After two or three days, the pain will disappear, and you can safely go to the doctor to remove or repair a tooth.

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