Website about dental diseases and their treatment

What if a tooth aches badly? ..

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The teeth may hurt for a variety of reasons, and then we will try to figure out what to do in a given situation to alleviate the suffering.

The ability to feel pain is vital for each person - it is a signal to action, indicating that something went wrong in the body. As a rule, the spontaneous appearance of pain is a kind of indicator of undesirable changes in the body, and its intensity determines the severity of these changes. And toothache here is no exception to the rule - it should be taken precisely as a signal for immediate action, so it’s good for everyone to know what to do when a tooth hurts badly.

Generally speaking, a tooth can begin to ache for various reasons: due to caries, pulpitis, periodontitis, periostitis, etc. Often, even inflammation of the gums provokes toothache. The most striking example is the difficulty in the eruption of a wisdom tooth, when the gums are inflamed and swell so much that the pain passes into the adjacent teeth, and sometimes even to the ear or throat.

With difficult teething, wisdom is often the best way to get rid of pain and possible complications is to remove it.

Diseases of carious and non-carious teeth determine the different nature of pain. For example, the most severe pains most often occur due to structural changes in the soft tissues inside the tooth - the pulp.

Pulp is a neurovascular bundle, which consists of a huge number of nerve cells. When inflammation and destruction of this tissue can occur so severe and severe pain that a person in the literal sense of the word can not find a place for himself.

The photo shows the pulp taken out of the tooth.

Unfortunately, not everyone makes the right decision about what they should do when they have a toothache: someone waits until the last and suffers, someone swallows pills in the hope that everything will “resolve” by itself. There are many cases when people unreasonably long wait for the wisdom tooth to erupt, although such a wait against the background of severe inflammation can be very dangerous in terms of the development of severe complications.

What to do if a headache starts to hurt from a toothache?

Indeed, a toothache can sometimes be given to the head, thereby provoking a strong migraine. Typically, such pains are short-term "shooting" character. However, with “crooked” growing wisdom teeth, which, due to an abnormal position in the gums during their growth, damage the roots of adjacent teeth, the headache can be permanent, becoming chronic.In such cases, the wisdom tooth that provokes it should be eliminated as soon as possible, after which the headache will quickly subside.

Sometimes a headache is associated with the presence of deep caries in the tooth. As soon as the tooth is properly treated, the headache will pass.

Improperly growing wisdom tooth can provoke strong and prolonged headaches.


Possible causes of toothache

Suppose you have a toothache and you don’t know what to do: either suffer a couple of days in the hope that the pain will go away, or it is better to immediately make an appointment with a dentist ... So let's talk about the possible causes of toothache and the mechanisms of its appearance, the understanding of which will help to make the right decision in different situations.

So, let's start with the pain, which are characteristic signs of caries. Already at the initial forms of caries, a sense of edge and an increased sensitivity of enamel demineralization foci (i.e. enamel portions with partially washed mineral components) may appear. At this stage, in order to prevent further destruction of hard tissues, it would be necessary to undergo a course of remineralizing therapy as soon as possible (at least, use remineralizing toothpastes).

The photo shows an example of a tooth with caries in the stains stage.

However, severe pain can occur only when the carious destruction reaches the enamel-dentin border - thus there is a sensitivity of the tooth tissues to various stimuli (cold, sweet, etc.). In such situations, to quickly get rid of unpleasant sensations, simply remove the irritant, and the pain will pass immediately. However, of course, for a complete treatment without a seal, there will no longer be enough.

Pain in the middle and deep caries is caused by the fact that the dentin layer is permeated with a multitude of dentinal tubules that nourish the tooth and determine its sensitivity (and also have a definite connection with the dental “nerve”). When the dentin layer is destroyed, something like a dentinal “wound” appears, which reacts to the action of stimuli.

With deep caries, the tooth can become very sensitive to a variety of stimuli.

Question to the dentist: “Why does the tooth ache under the old filling, and what should be done in such a situation?”

If the seal is placed more than 5-7 years ago, then significant shrinkage (pushing) of the seal is possible. At the same time, its adhesion to the edges of the tooth is disrupted, therefore, with “live” pulp, it sometimes painfully feels an irritant (cold, hot).

A tooth that has long been sealed in the canals with a high-quality hermetic seal usually does not bother if there were no errors during treatment. If the old filling ceases to meet the requirements of tightness, or generally crashes in pieces, then the dead tooth starts to hurt due to infection in the already sealed canals. In addition, during the treatment, errors could be made: a not completely sealed canal with an infection left in it, breaking off of a dental instrument in the canal, etc. All this, too, over time can cause inflammation at the root of the tooth and pain.

In any case, if you experience pain in the tooth under the old filling, you should immediately contact the dentist, as this is a sure sign of the development of pathological processes.

The picture clearly shows a piece of dental instrument broken in the root canal.


Now let's see what to do with the pain in the tooth during pulpitis.

In acute pulpitis, the neurovascular bundle inside the tooth undergoes catastrophic changes. Inflammation resulting from the action of microbes and their toxins on the living tissue of the "nerve" causes its swelling and gradual necrosis.

This is not difficult to imagine: the pulp gradually begins to "swell", increasing in size, and when the pulp chamber is not opened, it is strongly pressed against the inner walls.Nerve endings are compressed, and acute pain occurs, which only strong painkillers can relieve.

Thus, in case of pulpitis, in most cases, treatment of the canals is required, that is, a simple filling will not be enough.

When pulpitis occurs infection of the neurovascular bundle and its inflammation, which is accompanied by very severe pain.

Pulp extracted from the root canal of the tooth

It is interesting: why sometimes after the installation of arsenic in the tooth there is a sharp pain, and what to do to prevent this from happening?

Doctors of the old school still continue to put arsenic paste, and legends and myths about a terrible dental monster named Arsenic appear among the people. If you correctly carry out all the stages of putting the paste and withstand the necessary time of its stay in the tooth, then there will not be a direct toxic (negative) effect leading to severe toothache.

However, in practice it is difficult to control the process of finding a substance in a tooth, especially since the dosage of the paste is also very conditional (head of a spherical bur No. 1). Many dentists still wonder, even if they have seen or know how big this head is, how realistic it is to determine its volume for each particular patient and his tooth.

Research on the effects of arsenic acid on the tissue around the root revealed risks of serious inflammatoryprocesses, up to cysts, which often leads to tooth extraction. It is for these many reasons that it is easier to refuse arsenic even in budget dentistry.

Installation on the tooth devitalizing paste based on arsenic compounds carries considerable risks ...

In addition, sometimes by mistake, the paste is placed on an unopened pulp chamber. As a result, the arsenic-containing compound through the left dentin layer cannot quickly kill the dental “nerve”, however, due to the dentinal tubules, it actively irritates it, which causes severe toothache. What to do in this situation? - Get to your doctor at the reception as soon as possible, without waiting for the deadline.


It is also useful to read: Folk remedies for quick toothache relief

Folk remedies against toothache, and in what cases they can be used

What to do if a toothache took by surprise - for example, during a business trip, or during long holidays? If it is not possible to get an appointment with a dentist in the near future, you can temporarily help yourself.

Traditional methods of getting rid of toothache have long been known. Unfortunately, not all of them are equally effective, but in some cases they can provide some effect.

One of the popular remedies is rinsing the mouth with a warm sage decoction.One tablespoon of sage should be poured with boiling water in a glass and infused for an hour. Rinse with a solution every 10-15 minutes.

A decoction based on sage leaves is an old folk remedy for relieving various types of toothache.

Anti-inflammatory effect of sage has long been known. It can also be used in cases when the gum is swollen, flux has appeared, as well as when a wisdom tooth erupts and pain passes along the branches of the nerve to the ear, temple or back of the head. During rinsing, it is important to use a warm, almost hot solution and keep it exactly near the patient's tooth or gum to enhance the therapeutic effect.

On a note

Rinsing can be carried out and tea, just to warming went from the inside. It is impossible to warm a tooth outside! There have been cases when, during the night before the meeting with the dentist, people warmed a sore tooth, using a heating battery or a bottle of hot water as a heating pad. When, after such a procedure, the cheek was blown to an incredible size overnight, only maxillofacial surgeons could help.

There are among popular recipes from hellish toothache and such: it is necessary to put a piece of propolis on a tooth or in a carious cavity, close your mouth and hold for 15-20 minutes. It is believed that the pain comes in the first minutes of the action of this folk medicine, known to our ancestors.However, in practice, this technique helps only in very rare cases.

According to one of the popular recipes for relieving a toothache, a piece of propolis should be placed in a deep carious cavity.

A few more pretty funny methods of relieving toothache:

  • Squat. It has been observed that active exercise improves blood circulation and helps relieve pain. In practice, squats will not help in every case.
  • Attach garlic to wrist. In the relevant literature, it is recommended to firmly fix with a plaster a gruel of fresh garlic to the wrist, which is opposite to the affected tooth. To prevent a burn, put a bandage or thick cloth under the garlic. In practice, the method is ineffective.
  • Warm up your feet in hot water. This procedure is not only a distraction maneuver. When blood circulation in the body is increased during the procedure of steaming the legs, the metabolism improves and toxins from the tooth pulp are removed more quickly: you must lower the legs into hot water and keep them for at least 15 minutes. Then you should wear warm socks and go to bed. In some cases, this method really gives effect.

The simplest and most effective way to get rid of a toothache at home is perhaps warm rinsing with a solution of soda and salt.It is only important to rinse with almost hot solution and very often, about once every 10-15 minutes, repeating the procedure for 1-2 hours.

Frequent rinsing of the mouth with a warm solution of salt and soda really helps relieve toothache (but not in all cases.).


Toothache Medications: Your First Aid Kit

Now let's see what can be done in cases when there are painkillers on hand.

One of the most popular painkillers among the population are the following:

  • Nise;
  • Nurofen;
  • Pentalgin;
  • Ketanov;
  • Analgin;

And some others.

The most powerful of these drugs is Ketanov (he also has analogues - Ketorol, Ketorolac). But Analgin is better not to use - it has long been banned in many developed countries because of its side effects.

Ketanov's powerful pain reliever

What to do if a molar staggers and hurts?

The mobility of the tooth can occur for various reasons, but most often it is a consequence of periodontitis - inflammation of the gums with impaired periodontal attachment. In this case, to reduce the pain of the gums, you can take gels that relieve inflammation and (or) relieve gums with the growth of milk teeth in children. Such means include, for example, Kamistad, Kholisal, Kalgel, Solokoseril, etc.These gels sometimes do not last long (30-40 minutes), but this is enough to gain time and seek professional help from a dentist.


What would the dentist do?

For professional help with toothache, you should contact your dentist. Let us further consider some clinical cases and options for appropriate treatment.

What to expect at the reception at the dentist, if the tooth hurts due to carious destruction? ..

If the tooth hurts only from the action of external stimuli (cold, sweet, hot, sour), and the pulp inside it is not affected by the inflammatory process, then the doctor will clean the carious cavity with or without anesthesia, flush with antiseptics and fill in it. Such a tooth is usually treated in one visit.

If the pulp is not affected, then the carious tooth is usually treated in one visit.

What will the doctor do if the pain in the tooth is due to pulpitis?

If, for example, due to deep caries, the dental “nerve” is infected, then the doctor will treat the tooth in one or several visits. First, anesthesia is done, the pulp chamber is opened with the help of a drill, the “nerve” is removed, the channels inside the root are cleaned, washed, sealed,and a tooth seal is also placed on top of the tooth.

The photograph clearly shows the root canals of the tooth, each of which must be thoroughly cleaned and sealed during the treatment.

If severe toothache is associated with periodontitis ...

When inflammation at the root develops periodontitis. At the same time in the canals of the tooth is dead pulp or its remnants, and the purulent contents of the canal with the acute form of the disease rushes toward the gums, which causes severe pain in the tooth, to which you can not even touch.

Emergency treatment for acute periodontitis is an important task for the dentist. To do this, the doctor opens the channel and leaves it open for the release of pus, prescribing soda and salt rinses. Possible methods of treatment and sealing of channels in one visit: for this it is important to create perfect sterility in the channels, securely seal them and, if there are indications, prescribe antibiotics.

When inflammation on the tooth root develops periodontitis ...

What to do if a wisdom tooth hurts and the gum is swollen near it?

When difficulty teething wisdom in the gum there is a strong pain (under the so-called gingival hood), which can spread to the jaw, cheek, throat, ear. Home rinses can only soothe such pain for a while, but do not eliminate the problem, so you need to go to the clinic - usually a maxillofacial surgeon or a dentist-surgeon usually comes to the rescue.

Modern studies have shown that excision of the gingival hood brings only temporary well-being, and can lead to serious complications (cellulitis, sepsis), even death. The only way to prevent any risks and relieve a person from pain is to remove a wisdom tooth problem.

In most cases, the problematic wisdom tooth is best removed.


Why can a dead tooth hurt

A tooth is called dead if there is no pulp in it (died or was removed). It would seem, then why hurt - because the dental "nerve" is no longer able to perform its function ...

With periodontitis, the “nerve” really dies: however, it then begins to decompose right there. The pus rushes to the root of the tooth, the tissues surrounding the root become inflamed and swell, which causes a terrible toothache.

There is another situation. After canal treatment, the tooth is considered “dead”, and normally it should not hurt. In some cases, slight toothache after canal filling, which is called post-sealing. It usually lasts no more than 1-2 weeks and has an obligatory tendency to decrease with each day.

After filling the canals, post-filling pain may still be felt for a long time.

Otherwise, not going through severe pain after canal treatment, swelling of the gums, redness,a rise in temperature and a deterioration in general well-being indicate that there is some serious problem — in such a situation, you should consult a doctor again.

Complications during and after canal treatment are most often triggered by the dentist due to poor training, lack of experience, or equipment and materials in the clinic. Most often, pain after canal filling occurs for the following reasons:

  • in case of excessive removal of the filling material beyond the root;
  • at the admission of the channel or channels in a tooth;
  • with poor channel processing;
  • due to violations during the passage and expansion of intracanal instruments;
  • due to poor sealing;
  • due to allergy to filling material;

And etc.

On this X-ray photograph, a filling material is visible, which is derived beyond the root.

In most clinical cases, after the mistake made during the treatment, the pain in the tooth or in the gum near it quickly disappears.


In what cases the tooth may have to part?

As mentioned above, the difficulty in the eruption of a wisdom tooth (pericoronite) is the first indication for tooth extraction according to the modern approach to dental health.Of course, you can always persuade the doctor to make you only an incision in the gingival hood, but where is the guarantee that the tooth does not fit crookedly, its roots do not intertwine with the roots of adjacent teeth, that the hood does not grow again, and the inflammation does not continue again.

This picture shows a wisdom tooth in the gum section.

When pulpitis, teeth should always be preserved, but periodontitis is a special topic. Acute forms of periodontitis are easier to treat, which cannot be said about the possibility of preserving teeth with cysts. However, a cyst cyst is also different, therefore, in each case, the prognosis of the disease, the prospect of treatment and the importance of the tooth in the dentition and bite as a whole are determined.

Periostitis, osteomyelitis, abscesses, cellulitis and other odontogenic (from the tooth) pronounced purulent processes often determine the indications for removal. If the tooth is close to the inflamed roots or in the maxillary sinus itself, then it is almost always a matter of removing the tooth to stop feeding the sinus infection.

Sometimes a bad tooth can even provoke sinusitis ...

Is it true that the top aching teeth provoke chronic rhinitis?

Few people know that sinusitis is often triggered by bad teeth or a residual infection in ill-treated canals. That is why ENT doctors always ask to take an X-ray and look at the roots of the upper teeth, which are close to the maxillary sinus. Any top aching tooth that goes after a canine (third tooth) can cause a problem, but most often it is premolars (fourth and fifth) and first molar (sixth). Often, chronic runny nose disappears immediately after finding and treating such a sick tooth.

To save teeth from destruction and prevent pain associated with it, you should use the three rules "NOT":

  • Do not eat too many sweets and relevant culinary products (cakes, pastries).
  • Do not forget to use a toothbrush with toothpaste at least 2-3 times a day to thoroughly cleanse and strengthen the enamel.
  • Do not ignore the fluoride-impregnated dental floss, which perfectly cleans interdental spaces from food debris.

Take care of your teeth and be healthy!


Useful video: possible causes of toothache and what to do in a given situation


About ways to get rid of acute toothache



To the entry "What if a tooth hurts badly? .." 225 comments
  1. Ramazan:

    Good article. A lot of interesting.

  2. Dasha:

    Thank! My mother helped.

  3. Nastya:

    thank you very much

  4. Tolya:

    Thank you very much.

  5. Victoria:

    Thank. It helped a little.I just wandered into this site and started reading all this and somehow the gum itself began to pass ...

    • Maksim:

      Yes, I have the same, this site is magical))

    • Alexander:

      And the truth is, my tooth ached so much that it seemed to die. And while reading, everything stopped)) Mystic, but thanks.

    • Lara:

      Crawling to the clinic. I sit for 30 minutes, the temperature begins to subside. After another 15 minutes I enter the office - 36.9. The nose is almost normal breathing. I hate going to doctors. The body adjusts))

  6. Alina:

    Thanks, it helped.

  7. Alexander:

    I threw in Ketorol - the floor of the pill on the tooth, the floor inside ... I waited 10 minutes, did not help. I found it again, but I dropped it on the tooth, suffered another 2 minutes, the pain did not go away. He began to look for improvised methods on the Internet, wandered here. While reading, the pain subsided ... Thank you, very interesting article. Now I know what the doctor will do)

  8. Ayub:

    What pill anesthetize?

  9. Anton:


  10. Ian:

    Nise does not help, though expensive and in beautiful packaging. Ketans are truly the most powerful painkillers. Only it saves. Cheap and angry.

    • Anonymous:

      Why, Nise helps.

      • Anonymous:

        Nise doesn't help everyone. Sometimes he, on the contrary, acts as the causative agent of pain.

    • Tatyana:

      Unfortunately, they do not sell Ketans without a prescription, but he has always helped really well 🙂

  11. Sanek Wise Tooth:

    Hello everyone, the upper wisdom tooth is very painful, and, it seems, it has split. I'm afraid to go to the doctor. What to do, who will advise what?

    • Julia:

      I have a tooth ache up, it crumbled. What can I do? Help me please.

    • Irina:

      Do not be afraid, the doctor will make an anesthetic injection, you will not feel anything at all. I have two upper wisdom teeth removed with a difference of about a week.

    • Anonymous:

      Sanya, only to the doctor and only for removal. There are no other ways, believe me)) Now painkillers are normal, you will not feel anything. A good paid injection - and there is no pain at all, even if you are dancing on your jaw))

  12. Clare:

    Someone, tell me, please, what can a child give from pain? (

    • Bogdan:

      I am a child myself, I am 11 years old. It is necessary either to rinse with soda, or attach garlic where the pulse 🙂

    • Anonymous:

      Nurofen syrup.

  13. Vlad:


  14. Natalie:

    Help me, I have a wisdom tooth, 8. I don’t know what to do, I tried everything today. I'm afraid to go to the dentist.

    • Oksana:

      Cholisal, gel for teeth, helps very well.I saved them a few days when the first grew up, and then everything went away. If it does not help, to the doctor, it can grow crooked and will have to be removed.

    • Anonymous:

      To the doctor and delete, the rest will not help.

  15. Oleg:

    Thanks, helped

  16. Zahar:

    Thank you very much, it does not hurt me, thanks!

  17. Bogdan:

    Thank you very much, now I was not even afraid to go to the dentist, I saw these videos, it all helped a lot!

  18. Alexander:

    Thanks, it helped.

  19. Martha:

    Nothing helps, what should I do? What pill to take? Almost all my teeth hurt.

  20. Julia:

    The gum with a tooth hurts, gives to the ear, help, what to do?

    • Irina:

      I, too, from ear to throat hurts. At the same time, there is also an infant. Nevertheless, she decided, drank the fanigan, after 10 minutes all the pain had passed.

  21. Natalia:

    Son in the army: a tooth ache, no pills, no garlic, ahead of the weekend. How to help?

  22. Anonymous:

    Thanks, good article.

  23. Ivan:

    I did not find what to do if the tooth broke off 2 times and it hurts very, very much.

  24. Ruslan:


  25. Amina:

    Damn, a tooth aches very much, mom says that we will go to the dentist tomorrow, I'm afraid, but I can't stand it either!

    • Anonymous:

      Damn, very very sore tooth, I'm afraid to pull them out, what should I do?

  26. Amina:

    My tooth hurts ... Please help me.

  27. Bogdan 1991:

    He had a toothache, vlupil 3 tablets of dipyrone, tears to sleep, but somehow passes, like! Thank you, the site is super.

  28. Boris:

    And I put a piece of geranium to the sick tooth

  29. Alexander:

    For a very long time I suffered with a toothache, nothing helped. The inflammatory process began, drank anesthetic, but only helped for a while. I went to the doctor, came for a checkup, gave advice and prescribed a couple of medicines. After a couple of days everything was fine. Very grateful to her.

  30. Andrew:

    Ketorol really helped! I did not find a place for myself from pain. He drank while he was reading the article - the pain was over =)

  31. Andrew:

    And yes, GO TO THE DENTIST! I'll go too tomorrow)

  32. Fedor:

    Soda did not help, ear massage helped for 10 minutes. I ran to the pharmacy, bought Ketans, 10 mg, 20 tab., 68 p. I put the pieces in the teeth, the pain subsided by a third moment, but after 10-15 minutes it worsened. He poured warm water, rinsed his mouth, drank the water. lay face down on a sore cheek. The pain subsided within 5-10 minutes. After 15 minutes, everything stopped being completely ill and I fell asleep. I woke up, devoured 2 plates of pilaf, everything is ok. Good luck to everyone, go to the dentists, they will not kill you, but will simply dissolve you for money or pull the hell out of it.

  33. Anonymous:

    It's just some kind of miracle, read this site and suddenly the pain itself passed. The class.

  34. Sergei:

    I am in a panic, I have a toothache, I have thrown three pills of dipyrone - nothing, rinsed - nothing, painkillers do not take either. I don’t know anymore, I’ll go to the dentist tomorrow, maybe, it will help, and in general I would have pulled it out.

  35. Gogarchin:

    And what should be done if the tooth staggers and hurts, can you say?

    • Mariska:

      So it will fall out. Of course, if you are a child, and if an adult, then go to the doctor.

  36. Nastya:

    About two months ago I changed the filling in the tooth. She turned black.In general, everything seems to be nothing, but after a couple of weeks the lymph node in the neck under this tooth became inflamed for unknown reasons. Himself passed. Then he again became inflamed, again he passed. And now two days this tooth is terribly sore. Right pain so burning and throbbing. To the doctor only tomorrow. What do you think, why can it be?

    • Anonymous:

      Because of the pus pouch under the root of the tooth (this is a granuloma). I was removed along with the tooth, and you can cut the gum and remove it from the root. It is necessary to go to the maxillofacial surgeon with a snapshot URGENT!

  37. Julia:

    Very bad tooth, saw nurofen and nise, but does not help, how to be?

  38. Zorikto:

    Thank you very much!

  39. Gulmira:

    There was a very strong pain in the teeth, rinsed with soda. Believe it or not, it really helped me a lot.

  40. Hermine:

    I have a terrible tooth ache, pain in my ear, throat, head. I tried all the pills, nothing helps. I can not even understand what my tooth hurts. Tell me, please, what to do?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello, Hermine!

      From the lower teeth the pain is directed into the ear,
      In the back of the head, in the temple, in the upper tooth "gives".
      From the top to the bottom: such is unlucky
      And in the cheekbone, in the eyebrow - already does not sleep.

      Your presumptive diagnosis is acute diffuse pulpitis or its aggravation. I think that we are talking about the lower tooth, and now his search will be in the chair of the dentist, where you should hurry, because not helping tablets say that you have already “eaten” them. Otherwise, depending on your body, in the coming week or a couple of months we will talk about tooth extraction.

    • Sasha:

      A similar situation was. The wisdom tooth ached - the recoil went to the floor of the head: the head itself, the temple, the eye, the lymph node, the cheek and half of the other teeth. Painkillers helped only first, then without reaction at all. From the people's councils, it only got worse. As a result, I had to go to the dentist, since there is a friend and was able to help even on Sunday. It turned out that the nerve was already upstairs. Even without drilling, the medicine was laid, in less than an hour the pain subsided. Now in a week to go again - to complete the treatment.

  41. Kostya:

    Bullshit didn't help.

  42. Alexander:

    The tooth hurts, I climbed the wall. He drank some food, two pills - he did not get sick for 30 minutes, and then he began to get sick. Vodka rinsed, passed instantly, I did not even expect! Thanks bate for the advice.

  43. Fatima:

    The third day without stopping a toothache. Neither Ketorol, nor Nise, nor ibuprofen help. What will help?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello, Fatima! If you have not yet treated this tooth with a doctor, then you should do it, since there is no point in looking for super-effective painkillers when something rots in the body, and may soon lead to flux and tooth extraction. If a tooth hurts during the treatment of a dentist, then this is often the result of his mistakes. It is also important not to endure and not drown the pain, but to understand the problem with your own, or with an outside specialist. Until the primary cause is found - the consequence of eliminating it with the help of chemistry is more expensive. Moreover, girls - expectant mothers.

  44. Anonymous:

    You can take Nurofen for adults, or rinse with soda and salt, or pin down the place where it pulses. I myself also have a wisdom tooth that has been healing for a long time.

  45. Kuzya:

    Narood, help, I beg you! I can’t tolerate it in any way ((I’m not at home, in a boarding school, I’ll be at home after a month, so going to the dentist is not an option. Unfortunately, I don’t have any of these tablets. Is there paracetamol, does it happen? 🙁 Soda solution didn’t help either ... We need to sleep, tomorrow exams, I don’t know how I will pass them 🙁

  46. Madinah:

    Lidocaine helped.

  47. Alexey:

    It hurts the tooth to horror, no pills help and rinsing too. Now it's night in my yard, I don't know what to do. Tell me something, please ... When I smoke, it does not hurt, then it starts to hurt again. The tooth does not let go, what do people do? Advise something.

    I'm 25, and my teeth are almost gone.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello, Alexey! I think that my advice will concern many people who have serious problems with their teeth. In my practice, there were quite a few patients who boasted that they could “anesthetize” their teeth themselves, leading them to painless roots. By a certain age for various reasons (fear of doctors, lack of money for quality services, lack of time, desire, etc.), the number of teeth in the mouth could not exceed 8-10.Sometimes these experiments led to serious consequences (for example, to the struggle for the life of a person on the operating table), but the doctor’s fault is not that people can endure or “jam” the pain with improvised means. In big cities and megalopolises (especially) private night dentistry is developed, and dentists on duty are in many government centers, hospitals, clinics, etc., which are received at night. It is enough to find out the distance to this object through the Internet. If it exceeds the level of your capabilities, then you can play Russian roulette and wait, you won’t be able to delete a tooth yourself? A good approach is to turn to a dentist for help. After assessing the situation in the mouth, the doctor will decide: to treat the tooth (to save for many years) or only its urgent removal will help. As long as you are not able to do everything as it should be, you can always call an ambulance and make a strong anesthetic injection, but after some time you will complain that: "... I am 25, and there are almost no teeth left ..."

    • Anonymous:

      Stop smoking! )

    • Yuliya:

      I am 19 years old, a young girl and almost no teeth either.

  48. Daria:

    My upper tooth hurts, but I don’t understand what a pain it is, it gives to my ear. Help. Urgently.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello Daria. The whole problem at this stage is that “pain is directed from the lower teeth into the ear.” That is, with that minimum of information, I assume that your dentist should check for the presence of carious cavities on the lower teeth on this side, well, and to confirm the hypothesis, at the same time examine the upper ones. Honestly, I do not know how to help you in absentia. I do not have the right to prescribe soda, salt, painkillers, a toothache conspiracy, plantain in the ear to reduce pain, despite the fact that in some cases (according to rumors) these remedies are effective.

      But do not forget that they have their effect on the effect (on the pain in the tooth), but the reason is the complication of caries. That is, as long as your tooth is “rotting” during the diagnosis of pulpitis or periodontitis, there is a high risk of rinsing and pills just to drive the infection into hibernation, and time goes by. One never knows - the face swells due to pus.It is always easier to treat a tooth at the dentist, as long as there are no serious complications than to ask for help in reducing pain. Tooth decay is a process reversible only by a dentist. At home, you will not be able to treat the canals of the tooth, to seal them, and on top to install a filling of material. I wish you to make the right decision!

  49. Alexandra:

    If it hurts a lot, it is necessary, first, to make sure that there is no inflammation in the gums, to check whether the cheek has not started to swell. If so, exclude all hot drinks and in any case not to warm. I had it, in winter my gum swelled at work, and I, with a fool, started to rinse it with the advice of my colleague with warm chamomile. Well, in the evening my cheek was so swollen that I ran to the first paid clinic, although I wanted to go to my friend the next day, where they would have cured cheaper and better. In general, the main thing is to make sure that it does not become swollen or warm. Well, and Nise, of course, - to help, everything else for an hour, not more, and does not relieve inflammation.

  50. Victoria:

    Nothing helps when teeth hurt - only one dentist helps.

    • Yuliya:

      One dentist in regional dentistry told me that he helps Ketans, two pills.

  51. Mubina:

    I have a bad toothache, what should I do? They put arsenic.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! Normally, a tooth should not be disturbed after the arsenic paste is set. Usually severe pains give inaccuracies in the technical parameters of installation. For example, the paste may not be placed on an exposed “nerve” or close to the gum. This gives reason to immediately consult a doctor, as these errors do not always lead to calm when taking painkillers. It is better to correct the bandage and get a positive result.

  52. Anonymous:

    Hello! A seal fell out, went to the dentist, removed the nerve, put the medicine for 10 days, the tooth stopped hurting. Yesterday they put a permanent photo seal, but now the pain is such that there is no strength to endure and the tablets do not save. Money paid and suffer from pain. What to do?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! If you have a snapshot of a treated tooth, you can provide it for analysis here (for example, as a link to Yandex Disk). Most likely, we are talking about errors at the stage of treatment. It would be desirable to identify them immediately than to wait for serious complications.If you do not trust your dentist so much that you don’t feel sorry for money, heal (save a tooth) from another doctor. The main thing is to correctly identify the errors that have occurred. They may even be serious: root perforation, tool breakage in the channel, etc.

      In the event that trust is not completely undermined - you can make it there under the guarantee. It is not by chance that doctors give a receipt for payment for services and enter into a contract. For analysis, in principle, you can send pictures here - you do not lose anything. The only thing - time can be lost if everything is serious in the channels. I certainly have no right to prescribe pills to you without in-person consultation.

  53. Tanchik:

    It hurts a tooth for three days already, went to the dentist. He said that he could not accept, there was a lot of queues. Recorded on the 21st, and today 8. How to be now? Pills etch (Nothing helps, tell me a good painkiller.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! For acute pain, as a first aid, the dentist was obliged to accept you: each doctor must supply anesthesia on the opened pulp with a devitalizing paste for a specific period.There are pastes that are set for 5-7 days or more, which allows you to transfer the reception, but the tooth will stop hurting.

      Exit two: to complain to the dentist that he does not accept with acute pain, or to contact another dentist. If in your area there are no doctors or even a private dental clinic, then the solution is: take a bus (car) and cure a tooth in another village-city. A “painkiller” can be prescribed by a doctor only after a full-time consultation. There is no cure on the Internet, and there are many risks for patients due to such remote treatment. There is no sense in poisoning either, consult a doctor in one of the ways described, or ensure that you are given emergency help as the initial stage of tooth treatment.

    • Anonymous:

      I pierced the gums with a needle - where the tooth ached. The blood flowed out, the gum swelling subsided and I fell asleep, and my tooth stopped hurting.

  54. Bakhtovar:

    Ways helped a lot.

  55. Yuliya:

    Folk remedies will not help if caries has reached the pulp and root! All these sage and other folk remedies help with the inflammation of the gums or gum trauma.If it is a matter of caries or infection inside the tooth, then only a dentist will help. Do not be silly! Good luck.

  56. Yuri:

    The 6th tooth with a four-year photo seal began to hurt. Channels are not sealed. Initially, the tooth ached when pressed. Now intensified at night. The entire right lower jaw hurts. My teeth ache under the fillings. The pain coincides with another stress, as a result of which my immunity falls. Rheumatism begins to bother. Abundant reception of diclofenac from the joints has no effect on the tooth. There are no external signs of pain. Prior to this, the gums between 6 and 7 teeth constantly worried. Hard meat constantly irritated the gums. Flossing, brushing your teeth and elixirs constantly struggled with this problem. Now I am in Europe, and the insurance does not cover teeth.

    I wanted to continue. The pain from two tablets of Ketans stops or if you rinse cognac for about a minute. If brandy helped - therefore, it hurts from external stimuli. But the gum is not swollen, there is no pus.

    Between 6 and 7 teeth after treatment, the dentist left an enlarged gap. And the fallen meat constantly increased the pocket. Before this strong tooth ache, the gums ached from food. How could I rinse and clean this thread with a thread.Apparently this started having problems with the tooth. Probably through the resulting micro-cavity infection falls.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! I dare to assume that you have an aggravation of pulpitis or periodontitis already beginning in one of those teeth that are located next to the "gap". Two teeth simultaneously hurt about 1-2% of all cases, that is, extremely rare. However, this tooth should be urgently treated in the canals, since the decomposition of the pulp that began in the canals can lead to flux. I cannot predict when everything will be serious, but the fact that under the filling one of the teeth has an inflammatory process is 100%. The fact that you suppress the pain that comes to hand - does not deserve any praise. You just want to drive the inflammatory process into a persistent without pain, but having a chronic form. That is, in 60-70% of cases, it is quite possible to wait for a tooth loss in the next 1-3 months, although it is theoretically possible to hope for a miracle. Indeed, without treatment, a cyst can grow for more than one year, but then many patients in front of my eyes were on the operating table. I think you should think.

      • Yuri:

        Thank you very much.Tomorrow I'm going to the dentist.

        • Alyona:

          What day I have a toothache. I do not know what to do. All tablets have been drunk. As I read this site, immediately passed.

      • Yuri:

        Svyatoslav Gennadievich, this is again Yuri. Went to the nearest city of Ukraine from Poland (400 km in two directions). Take a picture. As I previously described, the tooth in the picture is in excellent condition. Opened the four-photographic seal. Under it was an infection. Nerves were removed in three channels. Put medicine and temporary filling. Prescribed nimesil. The temperature in the evening of this day did not rise above 36.6. More joy was not. A couple of times there were strong pain impulses. At bedtime, he administered 50 mg of diclofenac suppositories. Finally, the night slept completely. The next morning again, everything hurts, as before. By 10.00 in the morning, the lymph node was even more swollen than before the visit to the dentist (the size became as half of a chicken egg). It hurts the entire ternary nerve. Entered diclofenac again in the morning. In the mouth taste of bleach from a temporary filling. From taking diclofenac for 10 days is not happy side. Nimes Italian does not help. In Poland, insurance is all free if you die. Maybe cause an ambulance and say that the whole jaw and head with the temperature disturb, and it is dangerous to life. The doctor in Ukraine did not cause the slightest doubt in his competence.He has been working since the Soviet times in the clinic, where the flow of sick people is large. The equipment, of course, far from modern, but also in the steep clinics "all kinds" were dentists.

        • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

          Hello! I think that just the canals of the tooth were treated with excessive trauma + there are risks that they removed the filling material for the root tip. A number of dentists use materials for canal filling in their practice that “spoil the life” of patients with post-filling pains: it’s impossible to bite a tooth, etc. I do not know why your individual immunity reacts so violently to the intervention of a doctor, I have had such patients, most often these are people aged 60-80 with a burdened history. What I mean: any more or less serious measure to treat the canals of the tooth with the use of anesthesia causes a violent reaction of the body. The first hint of this is that the patient does not tolerate temporary fillings, some smells of drugs are irritating (during and after treatment), then non-classical manifestations from the maxillofacial region: from the joint to the lymph nodes - all this is strange and points to features personNo offense will be said, but dentists have a category of "difficult" patients who do not receive treatment in its various manifestations, although I know your specific situation only from your own story, and without carefully examining and searching for the main problem I cannot say with certainty that you are the patient whose body is so inadequately responding to the help of a doctor. I think time will tell.

          • Yuri:

            I do not deny that I belong to the category of difficult patients. The same pain problems were with the top 8, 7. The doctor suffered with me for more than two months. Pain, swelling of the gums, but without swollen lymph and joint (was 43 years old). Now 48 years old. The tooth glittered, no redness. There was unbearable pain, temperature 37-38.2. Revealed, found mild manifestations of infection under the seal. The nerve was removed, some medicine was applied with calcium, but it gave chlorine under a temporary filling. Result: the tumor has increased several times and became solid. The temperature is stable 37.7-38.5. Doctors did not know what to do with me yesterday. I told them that I was left open a tooth for 2 months until the pain disappeared. It is now weak; in the evening it was finally 37.6, in the morning 36.7. I rinse often. The tumor is the same.Maybe 5% less. Not life, but hell.

          • Yuri:

            By the evening of July 29, I found a white swelling, located 2 cm from the 7 tooth down from the inside of the jaw. Pierced, went pus. Every 20 minutes I press and leak pus with sukrovitsy. I rinse with vodka. I try to sterilize everything. It's a shame, yesterday I drove 400 km and the doctors did not find the beginning of the fistula, but they didn’t take the money either, because under the jaw is already swelling from the floor of an orange. I hope this night will be without temperature and without pain in the tooth and lymph node.

            30.07. The tumor has decreased. I press directly on the lymph nodes under the jaw. There is pus between the tongue and the right lower inner gum under the 7th tooth, or rather, the top of the root. In the evening I prick an antibiotic. Soon I will begin to "heal." Already have experience. On the phone, doctors say that the picture was perfect and the inflammation could not be determined. They say come again for 400 km, we have a surgeon on duty. Tired, I lose energy for my trips, and it gets worse.

        • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

          Hello, Yuri! I did not think that I would say this someday, but I advise you to remove the “purulent” teeth immediately. You have to treat far, monitoring such complex diagnoses is impossible to do geographically.To treat, as I understand it, these forms listed dentists do not know how, but the risk to life and health in your stories is enormous. It is now lucky: can you save yourself on your own, but what if it comes to osteomyelitis, an abscess, or, God forbid, phlegmons? I came across when I worked in a deaf village with such cases. Before me, they did not have a doctor for about 6-7 years, but there was a slight mortality from the teeth (1-2 times in 3-5 years) + when removing teeth in some patients, I was faced with the fact that the roots were removed with a part of the “jaw” "(With alveolar septa). Osteomyelitis is not a joke, chronic inflammatory foci around the root is the same problem. I just understand your problem and acutely feel the fact that only a more radical measure will help you than these “strokes for purulent infections”. As they say: if it is not possible to get a quality treatment for periodontitis from professionals, it is better to remove a tooth. This is a professional intuition about your case.

          • Yuri:

            Thanks for the advice. Self-medication brought positive results. The tooth does not hurt for two days. Temperature is also not two days. There is a small swelling of the lymph node, hopefully residual.The mouth opens without problems. Sometimes the root and jaw ache around the tooth. Constantly rinse open canals of the tooth. Waiting for the disappearance of lymph swelling under the right lower jaw. And I will go to fill three channels on the 7th tooth.

  57. Elvira:

    The second day terribly hurt molar, I do not know what to do already. And rinsed with soda, and put the fat, nothing ((

  58. Mila:

    She was at the dentist, first a healthy tooth was removed, and then a patient. Now I'm afraid to go to the dentist, the pills do not help, what to do?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello, Mila! First you need to calm down and look at it differently. First, it’s almost certain that the doctor also removed the “bad” tooth. It just often happens that there are several problem teeth in the mouth that have indications for removal. No one justifies the doctor's mistake, but only a drunk dentist of 60-90 years with poor eyesight will begin to remove a whole and healthy tooth. It’s just that the doctor made a mistake with the sick tooth, but he is almost sure that he removed the destroyed one, which has not yet made itself known. Refer to another dentist. I can say for sure that there are more good dentists than bad ones.The main thing - do not dwell on what you are not 100% sure of.

  59. Valya:

    I accept Ketans, all is well.

  60. Volgograd:

    For 2 months, the dentists drove back and forth, two times they decided the gum to get pus, but there was nothing. After the first incision, the cheek swelled, and it was almost swollen for almost three weeks. But it became smaller, removed the problematic tooth, the lower one was large as it sank, they said, pus.

    A week passed, the tooth that was next to it began to stagger. I think already about his removal. Doctors put different diagnoses, for me so, I will delete it the other day, although it is a pity. If you are offered to remove, then do not hesitate, remove, do not extinguish the pain painkillers, this is dangerous. Only if before going to the doctor. That is, at night, to sleep. I wish you all good health, goodness, peace and all to be healthy.

  61. Lily:

    I accept Ketanov, it does not help, already one disc is over. What else can you do to ease the pain until the morning?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! Prescribe the drug can only be a doctor after consultation in the clinic. Refer to the dentist on duty, which in large cities is required. Otherwise, there is a more or less effective way to soothe the pain with the help of rinses.In any case, this is a temporary measure, and the fact that the anesthetic does not help is the result of the fact that everything is serious with the tooth. It is better not to delay and take urgent action. Health to you!

  62. Alexey:

    Hello, I have a toothache when you touch it. And he staggers, but not much, what to do?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! Try contacting your dentist first. It is possible that according to this presumptive diagnosis (periodontitis) something can still be done to save the tooth. If the doctor has grounds for removal (there is a list of indications for this), then you will be directed to the dentist-surgeon, or the removal will be made on the spot (when a mixed reception is being conducted). You should not endure the pain, or “jamming” her with medicines: urgently ask for help!

  63. Irina:

    The tooth hurts scary. Weekend, the dentist is not working. What to do, help!

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! For you and for the same people who have fallen into a situation where it’s not possible to get to the dentist on Sunday, I’m writing that it’s better to contact the on-duty dentist who should provide the first help (the initial stage of tooth treatment, or its removal, if there is evidence).As for the recommendation of medications through the Internet, this is unacceptable, since you may have a banal allergy to the drug, or it will not work. Certain traditional methods of treatment may be to some extent effective, but it is also unacceptable to prescribe them to a qualified doctor as the main method of treatment! That is, I hint to you that from the point of view of rules and medical logic I should recommend you to urgently find a specialist and treat the cause of the pain (carious tooth), and not a symptom. If I do not have the right to prescribe drugs in absentia, then, accordingly, you yourself can self-help or help or harm. Urgently solve the problem with the tooth!

  64. Sveta:

    Hello. And for the second month I have not been cured, my upper tooth hurts. Five times was at the dentist for two weeks. We put a filling in January, two months later, when the impossible pain was bitten. Now they have put a temporary filling for a month, only two days have passed, I cannot, because of the pain, I lost five kilos. I sit only on ketanov, I take 6 tablets a day. I already want to change the dentist. When asked why, he answered that he did not want a tooth to be treated ...

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello, Sveta! You understand perfectly well that for some reason (objective or not) the doctor “signed his helplessness”. I understand that you honestly try to trust one doctor who, in fact, is fighting for your tooth, but cannot overcome some moments. There can be anything: from not being able to find a channel to perforation of the root, bottom, leaving a fragment of the tool in the channel, etc.

      Keep in mind that poisoning with painkillers (analgesics) is possible, as in large quantities it is poison.

      Changing a dentist is an objectively correct decision in the current situation. What did you do wrong there? Without a picture, I definitely can not say. Sometimes the dentist cannot find the causative tooth (for example, the next one, which has not yet been treated at all, but it hurts sharply), but it overlaps the innocent. It’s worthwhile to figure it out at least in a snapshot, and as a maximum - in the dentist’s chair, having that snapshot in your hand. If it's not difficult for you, send it via mail or give a link to it. Otherwise, without waiting for my preliminary verdict, you can safely go to an independent dentist to figure out what is wrong. Thanks for the question and health to you!

  65. Andrew:

    Hello. A tooth ache, from childhood he loved sweet things, and it so happened that two more grew next to one tooth, as if grown together, and now these teeth are terribly sore. What to do?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! Without a careful examination in the dentist’s chair, it is difficult to decide in absentia whether it makes sense (or, in general, an opportunity) to preserve the tooth in a qualitative manner. I am sure that one tooth sharply hurts all the same. Acute pains immediately in several teeth - this is exclusive, very rare. The expediency of treatment or removal of “improperly grown” teeth is decided by the dentist after a careful assessment of the situation. Sometimes it is easier to treat such teeth than to get one out from under the other - especially since the roots could be crossed. On the other hand, it is not always the dentist who has little experience in the treatment of channels of complex teeth can cope with such endodontic treatment. In general, your task is to find a good (experienced) dentist and diagnose your problem teeth (preferably in addition to the image), and the solution will come as a result. Health to you!

  66. Paul:

    It hurts the lower tooth, moreover, gives pain in the ear.What can be done? The pain is terrible, but they cannot accept it at the moment. What can be done? Painkillers do not help anymore (

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! There are analgesics that are stronger than those that you take, but they should be drunk in consultation with your doctor. You will have to turn for help, otherwise you will lose a tooth. The radical decision is to call an ambulance to make an injection, which will make it possible to stretch an hour from 5 to 8 to go to the dentist in the morning. In addition, there are dentists on duty at night who provide emergency assistance.

  67. Ildar:

    Hello, I have a question: what should I do if my upper tooth gets sick? Here, took an aspirin pill and niz, slept a little, calmed down. Then he began to whine a tooth. Here, something like hold on until tomorrow.

    What should I do if the tooth starts to whine?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! See your dentist therapist for treatment is a must. Until you remove the cause, the effect (pain) may persist in days and nights (up to several months). Better not to play Russian roulette. As for painkillers: there are more effective ones, but you need to pick them up with your doctor, otherwise you could harm your health.

  68. Valeria:

    Previously, there was a filling in the tooth, it fell out and after a few months something like a pimple appeared above the tooth, only at first when you touched this thing there was blood, then it stopped. Tell me, please, what can it be?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! Your description fits the category of development of the fistulous course on the gum against the background of exacerbation of chronic periodontitis. I will explain my assumptions. The fact is that your tooth was most likely treated (I think that even in the canals, although it is not so important in this context), and when the seal falls out, hermetism was violated and the microbes began to actively multiply due to the access of oxygen and additional infection. , which caused the development of duct to the gum with the release of exudate into the oral cavity.

      I recommend that you urgently go to the dentist, carry out an X-ray diagnosis and start treatment of the tooth as soon as possible. In general, periodontitis with fistulas is treated fairly well, if the previous doctor did not make many serious mistakes in the canals of the tooth (again, if they were previously treated).

  69. Maria:

    Hello, on vacation the floor of the filling of the 6th lower tooth has broken off. Returning, another part of the seal.I signed up to a dentist for an appointment after 14 days (everything is taken). Before taking 5 days and the gum was inflamed, the edge of the gum was torn and during the night the torn edges of the gum became as if purulent. Rinsing with iodine relieved a little inflammation. Today I woke up and the gum hurts a little only when pressing with the tongue, the edema is asleep, but either the gland or the lymph node occasionally seems to be throbbing a little and twitching, but it doesn’t hurt, but pulls, perhaps, just a little. What could it be?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! I am afraid that it is advisable to consult a dentist as soon as possible to avoid serious complications. In this case, there is a suspicion of exacerbation of chronic periodontitis. Be sure to need a snapshot of the channels of the tooth to eliminate this option. If the diagnosis is not confirmed, then we are talking about a gum injury and inflammation of the gingival margin (gingival papilla). After correcting the gums, the doctor will restore the tooth without consequences. If the picture shows that an infectious-inflammatory process is taking place in the canals, then to rescue the tooth, its stage-by-stage retreatment will be needed. Successful to you diagnosis (without it anywhere) and treatment!

      • Maria:

        Thank! Tomorrow at the reception, I still saw anti-inflammatory, in order to slow down the process before admission, and thanks to the rinsing, the gum stopped completely aching, the pus visually left. I hope the dentist won't find the inflammation and the infection. Thank you for your reply!

  70. Sasha:

    I have a tooth on the left side above. Already tried everything, does not help. It hurts terribly, I can not sleep at night, the temperature rises, and you touch - the horror, the feeling that the earth is gone. Help me please.

    • Anonymous:

      Why do not you go to the doctor?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! I agree with the previous comment that it is pointless to speak a tooth, rinse, poison with painkillers - all this is a temporary measure that allows you to plan a little visit to the doctor.

      The farther into the forest - the more firewood. This is me talking about the fact that quite often in a matter of days or weeks, the tooth goes into a different phase: purulent inflammation develops, which is popularly called “flux”. You should not postpone the visit to the dentist, waiting for purulent inflammation or the formation of cysts. Moreover, the dentist's arsenal of anesthetics for anesthesia is so wide that one can only fear the consequences of running teeth, and not timely visit a doctor.In principle, I can advise nothing more positive. Thanks for asking.

  71. Nataliya:

    Already 3 days the child has a toothache. Cheek is very swollen. What to do?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! It is not worth risking the health of the child: contact your pediatric dentist and you will outline a treatment plan. While I can not say whether they can save the tooth, but it is important to prevent complications that are dangerous in childhood especially. Be sure to get professional help, do not self-medicate. Thanks for asking.

    • Mr tooth:

      Wait for the cheek to become like the second head of the child, and bring the child to the death state! And then blame the doctors for everything.

  72. 30 years:

    Hello! I had a fill of the extension tooth together with the pin. Sharp edges cut cheek and tongue. The tooth was very destroyed already when they put the pin. The dentist removed the tooth for 1.5 hours, removed it from the fragments, but could not pull out one fragment, since there was already a bloody mess. Agreed that I will come later, when a little healed. Ketan saw, the pain almost disappeared on day 4. So here.The first time the removal was painless, but today they tried to remove it, but the anesthesia did not help! They could not remove the fragment (the doctor cannot get close to it). I will need to come again in a week, they will be sawing, my dentist called for another doctor to help. While drinking prescribed antibiotics and niz.

    So, what is the question:

    1) How much pain medication can you take now? Very painful!

    2) why didn't anesthesia work?

    3) what will they cut? How long will heal?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! I answer on points of questions:

      1. I think that the matter is not in quantity, but in quality: the analgesic that you take is not the most effective. A large number of painkillers often leads to intoxication and even poisoning. To appoint an alternative and more effective analgesic can only be a doctor directly at the reception.

      2. Perhaps it is a question of the lack of professionalism of the doctor in this complex issue. There are lots of ways to conduct high-quality anesthesia: from the selection of the desired anesthetic to the correct technique of its introduction. The combination of a number of techniques with drugs, for example, artikainovogo series, makes it possible to bring the pain relief to the area of ​​removal to 100%.However, I can not unequivocally blame the doctor here, since perhaps your case requires a special (individual) approach.

      3. You did not name the group belonging of the tooth: at least the front tooth is or “root”. I suppose that the doctor does cut out the roots of a multi-root tooth in order to remove them separately from each other by elevators. Well-known technology, dentists will not be surprised. If a doctor tries to cut out the root of a single-root tooth, separating it from the walls of the alveoli, then this technique is not the most common, but there is a place to be, although there are more modern options for removal.

      Thanks for the questions.

  73. Dmitriy:

    Hello, I recently had a very bad tooth, I went to the dentist and he removed my nerve and did not seal the tooth, prescribed a filling the next day. In the evening, the tooth fell ill again and he was sick all night. The next day, a nearby tooth got sick (seemingly completely healthy) and it hurts for the second day, it strongly reacts to hot and cold. What could be the reason?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! On the cold exactly the wrong tooth reacts that you have been treated in the canals.In general, I have the opinion that the dentist for some objective (or not) reasons did not treat the tooth that caused the acute pain, so the help from the doctor was not realized. But don’t be in a hurry to be upset, as the doctor (I’m almost sure) didn’t treat a healthy tooth in the canals but was destroyed by caries, only pulpitis was next to it - the same one that provokes night pains from cold, etc. That is, it often happens that the destroyed teeth are equivalent in appearance: although both treat at once in the canals, it is important for the doctor due to circumstances to choose the causal one, but errors occur. Now it is important as soon as possible to treat the desired tooth in the canals, and then put the fillings on both.

  74. Tsuba:

    Thanks, it helped. Ketorol is a good pain killer.

  75. Benjamin:

    The trouble is this: the city is small, there are few doctors. Budget does not shine. The tooth ached, came with a sharp pain, the piece was drilled. The doctor says that he goes on vacation for 2 weeks, and does not set up arsenic, but sets up a temporary filling, which crumbles and falls on the 2nd day. The rest of the doctors or dentists, surgeons, or elderly, which also did not get through. Nerve opened (lower distal left tooth).The doctor, who took it, said: he doesn’t go to others better, they will treat you. A young girl works, not a grabber, which afterwards needs to be thanked, in short, well done.

    The tooth anesthetized with lidocaine - soaked cotton wool and changed every time after eating. The doctor left until she got through to her. That place is blackened, lidocaine no longer takes. Metrogil calms for a while. Garlic and pepper do not put, because I'm afraid I can burn or kill a nerve that will start to decompose. But the pain is wild. Here, I do not sleep now. I'll go to record the very first. It has been almost a month. Alcohol removes for a while, and after it starts to hurt even more. The tooth is no longer deceived by anything, it is given both to the ear and to the jaw, sometimes it hurts even to turn the head, as if it has chilled the neck (but not often). Ketanov once tried to drink away - to no purpose. Soda and salt somehow act on other teeth, and the feeling that they will start to crumble due to soda.

    Make an appointment with 8, two and a half hours left to wait. And then the next week. On the Internet I could not register, because The policy does not always pass there. Therefore, I will go there, by phone forever or busy, or the phone will not be picked up. So these are things like warding off pain until Tuesday?

  76. Audrey:

    Hello, I'm already the second day the lower tooth and gum hurts, and my cheek is very swollen. What to do?

    • Benjamin:

      Swollen - this inflammation has gone, I had it. Removed the nerve, put a seal. In that year, the seal fell out, now they said that the root should be removed. Metrogyl freezes for a while, it is necessary to process all gums, ketorol or ketonol crumble to the place where it hurts, before you rinse your mouth with soda and salt.
      And the result of rinsing is not determined by the amount of soda and salt, and rinsing time. And it is better not to sleep on the side where the tooth aches. In extreme cases, cotton wool with lidocaine in a sore spot - enough time to fall asleep. But lidocaine is not too often, cheap means, effective, and can affect other teeth with frequent use. Saliva is better not to swallow, but after numb, uncomfortable to swallow. And once the inflammation has gone, then at the first opportunity, run to the doctor.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! Urgently consult your dentist, because cheek edema in most cases means exacerbation of chronic periodontitis, which is often complicated by periostitis.With this joke is not worth it, if only because in the maxillofacial region, the infection is able to spread very quickly. On the lower jaw, purulent processes are generally more dangerous than on the upper, especially in the area of ​​large molars. The sooner you apply, the more likely the salvation of the tooth, otherwise - either the removal or the salvation of your life in the hospital with maxillofacial surgeons.

  77. Sergei:

    I eat only the left side, the right side hurts. There is one tooth on top of the patient. He showed himself to the doctor, he said: because I eat only the left side, the right side has become dirtier, and this dirt gets under the gums. They swell and hurt, words can not convey ...

  78. Zhenek:

    As usual, a tooth fell on the night, on the right side, the bottom one, and very, very much, I thought I was quacking. Drank ketanov, niz. I read this article, really interesting and high quality. I found in the first-aid kit a drug metrogyl dent. Anointed according to the instructions in the area of ​​the tooth, it helped! Generally does not hurt. This morning in dentistry)

  79. Svetlana:

    I have a bad tooth ache, I rinsed vodka, thank you.Damn, I do not know what to do, I am very afraid of the dentist. I only hear or see a doctor - that's all, I lose consciousness, but I need to be treated. Especially since a strong inflammation has gone.

  80. Natalia:

    Hello! A tooth fell out of the tooth, another piece of tooth broke off. Immediately went to the dentist. The tooth did not hurt. The doctor examined the tooth very carefully and said that it was possible to increase it. Delete is not necessary. I will write in a philistine language - I drilled a lot, screw in a pin and increased a tooth. It turned out well. But a day later the pain began, at first weak, and on New Year's Eve intensified. The tooth seems to be staggering, it hurts to touch it. Tablets and rinses do not help. And now only 7 am on January 1st. Maybe it will pass by itself?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! There is a suspicion that the dentist did not pay attention to what channel he was going to put the pin in. The fact is that not all the treated channels can immediately install a pin for restoration. It is important to check it on the image on the quality of filling and most importantly - to pay attention to the presence of an inflammatory process at the root of the tooth.I do not think that during the installation of the pin a root crack could have arisen due to rough work, but it is also worth checking this out - from the control image. If there is a feeling of tooth mobility, then this is clearly a complication after treatment. Consult your dentist urgently to avoid exacerbation of chronic periodontitis, periostitis or even more serious problems.

    • Yana:

      Hello, go to the doctor, in any other way.

  81. Anonymous:

    Thanks, the methods described in the article helped me.

  82. Hasan:

    I have a very sore tooth, a canine from below, and from the bottom right a tooth also hurts. What can be done? Help me please.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! Refer to the dentist for help, as self-treatment is a temporary measure and does not lead to anything good. Maybe you have pulpitis, which "gives" to a symmetrical tooth. Periodontitis is not excluded. Acute pain does not appear just like that - you need a diagnosis and timely treatment, without which the situation will only get worse. Health to you!

  83. Ustina:

    Guys, please tell me what to do? The tooth hurts just before losing consciousness.I recently received a filling and removed pulpitis, it took about 2-3 months, and a very strong toothache started, no pills helped. Then the next day I went to the hospital, they told me: who put the seal, they are armless, they do not know how. The doctor gave me arsenic and told me to come in a week. Well, of course, I did not go, because I fear to the horror of the doctors. Passed about a month, I had a very bad toothache, but I can’t get to the hospital, because the hospital is closed (for holidays the hospital does not work). Now I do not know what to do. I have to endure before Monday, I don’t know if I will suffer. Toothache is hellish, nothing helps ((

    Guys, tell me, please, any strong drugs, pills or something. Maybe you had this situation, and what did you do? I'm not sleeping for 3 days already ((

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! You yourself understand that it is absolutely in vain that you did not complete the treatment in a timely manner: after installing the paste to pulp devitalization on the exposed “nerve”, you should come to the reception strictly at the appointed time. I think it is useless to give the same examples as your problem to those who consider this imaginary well-being permanent.All the same, overtaking retribution for the undertreated tooth Often, the problem is exacerbated by waiting - when someone offers a good painkiller, rinse, toothache, prayer, conspiracy, etc. Perhaps, it will be possible to relieve the pain, but one hour is not even - and the cheek may swell up, and even the chemistry will cause you to poison yourself.

      In some cases, the acute phase of pulpitis lasts more than 5-7 days before a lull. Especially dangerous is the situation when the anesthetics do not help - here, often, pulpitis is already turning into periodontitis, and it is not far to the flux.

      It is necessary as soon as possible to qualitatively cure the tooth (intracanal) and put a seal. Further inaction can lead to tooth extraction (and this is not the worst option).

  84. Alina:

    How does a tooth ache, help, what kind of medicine can you drink?

  85. Helena:

    Hello! The second day hurts a tooth, 7th above. The seal costs about 4 years, there is no visible damage. Pain occurs when pressing on the tooth, while biting, aching pain. Today she took an x-ray and showed her to the dentist. She looked and said that it was not clear why she could be ill. The tooth is "dead", the channels are sealed.He says that there may be inflammation, must pass, did not begin to do anything, appointed warm soda rinses. At night, I took a pill of analgin and rinsed with soda. Just in case, I signed up on January 23, 17 for another dentist. What do you advise? Thank.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! If you have a snapshot - please send it to the site’s mail (see the “Feedback” page), it will help to assess the quality of treatment of the canals and the presence of possible inflammatory processes on the roots. Without a snapshot, I can say that, by symptoms, pain is really similar to the reaction of a dead tooth. How serious it is - it will be possible to decide only after studying the picture. If there is no inflammatory process, but the canals are half empty, then the reason lies in them. Otherwise, any bone loss near the root will indicate the cause of the tooth. Of course, the dentist relies not only on the image, but also on the inspection of this tooth and its “neighbors”.

  86. Dmitriy:

    One day, the filling fell off, and when I hit something hot or cold, I experienced severe pain. My dentist was on vacation (I don’t trust others), and I realized that I would have to endure another 2 weeks.Fortunately, the girl brought me a device to anesthetize biomedis, the pain disappeared after 20 minutes. So he lived until the end of vacation, then he cured a tooth.

  87. Nastya:

    Very bad tooth from the bottom, it crumbled. I cannot go to the doctor now, because I stole the documents. They are being restored. And the pain is terrible, what to do? Painkillers do not help already. How to be, tell me?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! Ask for emergency care in any dentistry. If you have the funds - in a private office (often there are no documents needed at all), and if there is no money at all - in a hospital or clinic for emergency help. The dentist is obliged to assist anyone who has come up with acute pain, that is, with pulpitis, to put a devitalizing paste, and for periodontitis, to open a canal, and if this is impossible or not promising, then to remove a tooth. This is a free help with the minimum amount of medicines that are given to the dentist from the budget (Lidocaine, Devit-Ars or Non-Arsenic, temporary fillings, burs, etc.). If the doctor denies you emergency care, then you can contact the head doctor.After you receive first aid, you will be able to receive a tooth for 1 week (if the conservation stage begins), according to the documents. It is important to do so as not to aggravate the inflammatory process in the canals.

  88. Anonymous:

    Hello. Sore upper and lower teeth, 8, sort of. Today I went to the dentist - I said that the top one was for removal, and the bottom one for treatment. Until the morning I can not wipe. Can I kill a nerve with a current from a lighter?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! No, you should not kill a nerve with a current from a lighter. It is better to take painkillers, rather than harm yourself with such dubious means. Do not run your teeth for the future, so that you do not even have to think about such means of "help."

      • Asena:

        Svyatoslav Gennadievich, hello. You so clearly explain everything. But I have a question: what drugs for anesthesia for tooth extraction, so that the pain was as little as possible?

        • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

          Hello! In principle, all the same as for the treatment of caries, pulpitis. Of the imported anesthetics, artikainic drugs are considered effective (Ubystezin, Artikain, Septanest, etc.).If you are okay with health and you do not belong to the risk category of patients, then dilution of adrenaline (epinephrine) in it is better to prefer 1: 100 000. This in some sense enhances the effect of anesthesia, its depth and speed of action.

          However, even imported anesthetics at the price of 400-500 rubles per injection for the “crooked” hands of the dentist can not achieve persistent anesthesia on some groups of teeth and in certain clinical cases. So look, first of all, for a good dentist-surgeon or maxillofacial surgeon, with experience and skill, and a good anesthetic will definitely be added to this.

          • Asena:

            Svyatoslav, thank you for your time. The tooth was removed without pain, even the injection was inconspicuous.

  89. Anonymous:

    It hurts a tooth, tell me what medicine to drink? Very afraid to rip out.

  90. David:

    Thank you very much, there was unbearable pain, but now everything is fine! 🙂

  91. Edward:

    Got a tooth at 2 in the morning. I tried almost everything - nothing helped. From rinsing with soda and salt, the tooth ached even more. As a result, I was saved by ordinary toothpaste (Colgate Total).Smeared on the brush and began to rub a sick tooth up to the blood. The pain went away in 30 seconds.

  92. Katya:

    While reading this all, the toothache has passed)

  93. Anonymous:

    I myself cured a tooth. He rotted at me for 3 years, I ate all sorts of pills, put up with it ... Now from the back side the tooth fell off along with the rot, and the second half is complete)

  94. Maria:

    A tooth hurts a lot, nothing helps - from Ketorol to manganese. What to do? The hospital is very far away.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! It makes no sense to wait when the purulent process "comes out" on the face - then it will be necessary to help the maxillofacial surgeon by opening the cavity with pus with a scalpel and removing the tooth. Moreover, with special fluxes it is often painful. If the hospital is so far away that you can only come once, and you don’t get hurt by regular visits, it is better to have a tooth removed. However, with the slightest opportunity to save a tooth, it is better to save.

      Tablets, rinses, etc., remove only the effect (pain), not the cause of the problem. I know the "lucky ones" who were able to turn some of their teeth into painlessly rotting roots against the background of periodontitis with bleeding and often - festering from the gums with the help of folk remedies. But nothing hurts.Not sure what you want to bring to this, ignoring the professional help of a doctor.

  95. Maria:

    I have been suffering from tooth decay for 4 months, and I'm afraid to go to the dentist. Saw nayz, analgin, ibuprofen, ketorol, ketanov, rinsed with salt and soda, paracetamol lay on the tooth, even vinegar tried on cotton wool and on tooth - no fig. I bought tooth drops, I thought they would help, but no. What to do? I'm afraid to go to the doctor.

    • Anonymous:

      Of course, go.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! It definitely makes sense to go to the dentist in order not to lose a tooth. Even if he stops to hurt, it will still be imaginary well-being - it is quite easy to lose a tooth while delaying its treatment. Again, if the indicated painkillers do not help, then this is already a hint that irreversible consequences occur inside the tooth. Purulent process is dangerous not only for the fate of the tooth, but also for the organism as a whole. Several thousand people die from dental problems every year, and these lists are often not filled up by the homeless, but by the most fearful patients.

      In order not to get to a bad dentist, it is important to promptly clarify through colleagues, acquaintances, friends, etc., who treat their teeth not painfully and efficiently.By the way, dentists not only save their teeth (and in combination - life), but they are also good “cosmetologists”. Stars of show business almost 2 times a month, visit them to have a Hollywood smile. That is why it is better to turn to the dentist “cosmetologist” in time so that there are no tears in the oral cavity.

  96. Anonymous:

    Yeah, it would be better to sit with a broken arm than with a tooth that hurts so much ((

  97. Victim:

    What clever person did this article? I came in with a wild toothache, and from these “cute” pictures I almost got a painful shock ... But, although they are still needed (

  98. Almania:

    I have hellish pains, a wisdom tooth hurts and nothing helps.

  99. Lyudmila:

    When will the fissures be closed without fail? Probably, never, otherwise from what they, dentists, will be Tugs to do.

  100. Anar:

    I have a bad toothache, give advice!

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! If you mean the use of some folk remedy, at best it will calm the pain, but the tendency for tooth decay will remain.If you want to bring the tooth to removal, and put your body at significant risk, you can help yourself - I know many cases when, as a result, a person was either in the intensive care unit, hung with tubes, or in the next world. Every year, several thousand people die from dental problems, and this statistic may be underestimated, since many people who did not get to the dentist in time in some remote corner of the country are simply not recorded. And many of this list is not at all bums, but simply those who stubbornly ignored the dentist even when the swelling developed all over his face and neck, trying to rinse with soda and salt.

      I recommend to go to the dentist as soon as possible in order to save the tooth from removal, to preserve aesthetics (especially important for the front teeth) and your overall health.

  101. Olga:

    I have a toothache. The doctors treated me to it, and on the same day he began to hurt, the flux got out and now I suffer. And doctors take only tomorrow. Tell me, who knows what can be done if the tooth is already permanent?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! First, you should contact your doctor for help: after treatment it should not be so. Apparently, there are some prerequisites for this.If you doubt the competence of these doctors, you can contact other specialists. They will analyze the work of colleagues (objectively and by the pictures) and decide whether the tooth can be saved, or whether it has all the indications for removal. Do not rush to remove a tooth if there are no critical moments: large edema, temperature, etc. You can get a consultation on the same day and in the next clinic - perhaps its level can help in saving the tooth from removal.

  102. Anonymous:

    Put a seal on 6 (eternal). 1 day everything is fine, and on the 2 nd day in the morning I started to throb, I had already planned suicide, but I drink pills, the pain subsides, but only for an hour and a half. I do not know, parents say that they put a filling (eternal), the tooth must get used to what the filling consists of. But already like 2 days without changes ... Please save, what should I do?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! Contact your doctor to examine the situation, take a picture after treatment (if necessary) and determine the cause. If the canals were not treated, and the filling was placed immediately, then a sharp pain indicates the development of pulpitis or periodontitis (less likely).Either the diagnosis was initially incorrectly made, or the dentist made a number of mistakes at the treatment stage, which led to unbearable pain. Now, most likely, it will not be possible to manage without canal treatment, but with the high-quality execution of manipulations, relief will come on the same day.

  103. Oyunovna:

    Hello! It was treated unsuccessfully from a dermatitis, having despaired, has gone to Novosibirsk. She took a referral, went through all the doctors on the list, passed all the tests that were told. But on arrival in Novosibirsk, dermatologists told me that I was not further examined: I did not pass a gynecologist and a dentist. Indeed, I have problems with my teeth - tooth decay, not enough teeth, and so on. Can severe dermatitis develop due to bad teeth?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! No, for all my practice, I have never heard that due to diseases of the teeth dermatitis could develop.

  104. Michael:

    Help, pliz. I tried all of the above, nothing helps !!! It is necessary to treat 17 teeth, 9 of them are twitching. What to do?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! The best option is to quickly refer to a dentist for dental treatment,and to a dentist-surgeon - to remove hopeless teeth (or their remnants). I do not think that some pills, rinses and "lotions" will be able to help in your situation. At best, this will only drown out the problem for a short time, after which it can “shoot” so that serious health and distribution of the infection can occur, up to sepsis. Therefore, contacting a qualified specialist in your difficult situation is the most productive and correct option.

  105. Novel:

    Severely ill upper tooth. And salt and soda polished, nothing helped. He climbed into a hot bath, stayed there for 15 minutes - the pain vanished. Thanks site.

  106. Anonymous:

    And my tooth hurts from the bottom when sugar gets into it. Just a seal fell out. What to do?!

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! Generally speaking, you should quickly turn to a dentist-therapist before the situation has reached the pulpitis. You are likely to be treated for caries in one visit, removing carious tissue and putting a seal. Sometimes it also happens that the carious cavity is too deep, and the removal of the “nerve” is required - that is, you will first have to treat the canals, and only then - put a seal.What option will be treated will become clear at the stage of diagnosis in the dentist’s chair.

  107. Katya:

    Today the dentist removed the nerve, cleaned the canal and told me to rinse with soda. The seal will be put the day after tomorrow. The tooth is very sore, Ketanov does not take. What to do?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! Usually, the pain reaction develops against the background of traumatic treated canals, and no more (although, of course, there are different situations). With such severe pains, the dentist may have “gone too far” somewhere or (God forbid) even screwed it up. At the moment, I would advise you to call your doctor, specifying the possibility of using another anesthetic before the next appointment. If there is no phone, then you can come to the dentist for a consultation, without waiting for the appointed time.

  108. Irina:

    Upper teeth hurt unbearably on one side ... Yesterday, 2 times I fainted because of this ((It is impossible to endure the pain, gives to the cheek, a little to the eye and ear. I drank 4 ketone tablets today - it did not help. There are no visible injuries on the teeth. Only bottom on the other side is waiting for a seal.How to understand what the problem is? I am afraid that dentistry will not be able to help me - in the Seversky district medicine is “famous” ((

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! According to your story alone, it is difficult to judge the cause of the pain. Generally speaking, in the ear usually radiates pain from the lower teeth.

      The fact that you suffer from pain to fainting is, to put it mildly, an abnormal situation: it is important to solve the problem as soon as possible. Remotely find the causative tooth only by one description, without pictures it is impossible. You need to get an appointment with the dentist. With outwardly no damage on the teeth, one should accompany the diagnostics also with pictures, as there is often a hidden caries process.

      The later you do dental treatment, the higher the probability of removing a problem tooth, so I recommend hurrying.

  109. Maria:

    It hurts a tooth, what to do?

  110. Ainagul:

    I have a bad toothache. I am pregnant, I do not know what to do, what to drink. Drank Next - does not help. Rinse your mouth - does not help. What to do? And I'm afraid to go to the doctor.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! Unfortunately, I do not know the duration of your pregnancy, and it is difficult to talk about the risks of some dental procedures, but I dare to assure you that you should not get involved in analgesics (painkillers). Meanwhile, dentists have anesthetics in their arsenal that can be used for pregnant women. In addition, a good specialist can do just one procedure, after which the pain will disappear - and this is much better than taking pills for weeks.

      The health of the unborn child may depend on whether you can overcome the fear and go to the doctor (instead of continuing to take painkillers and risk developing serious complications). Therefore, be brave and get to the doctor!

  111. Vika:

    I have very bad teeth ... I treat them, of course, but sometimes no, no, yes, somewhere they shoot, so much so that I want to climb on the wall. When there is no opportunity to immediately get to the doctor, I drink Migrenium, it helps perfectly!

  112. Yuliya:

    Very good site, I learned a lot about dentists and all kinds of terrible dental diseases. Now I only know about this from our entire family, and no one else.

  113. Nellie:

    I have a toothache. Went to the doctor - said that it was necessary to remove and gave directions. Then he stopped. And now he hurts again, the pills do not help. What to do, help ?!

    • Hello! In absentia, without inspection and a snapshot, it is difficult to determine the cause of the pain and the tactics of further treatment. In any case, the pain should not be tolerated, especially when you consider that the doctor sent you to remove the tooth. This means that, most likely, the situation is quite neglected, and it is better to get rid of the tooth as soon as possible in order to avoid the development of serious complications. So hurry to the doctor. If you absolutely do not want to remove a tooth, you can always get advice in 1-2 other clinics in order to get several independent opinions.

  114. Marina:

    Arsenic was supplied to me, but they were not told about it. Today I pulled it out, after which a tooth fell ill. What do we have to do? She warmed her legs, drank analginum, fitted garlic. But it does not help.

    • Hello, Marina. In inflammatory processes of the internal tissues of the tooth depulpation is recommended, that is, the removal of the neurovascular bundle from the canals of the tooth.In the case of a long inflammatory process, a devitalizing paste (“arsenic”) is sometimes installed in the cavity of the tooth - right on the open nerve.

      Regarding your case, I can assume that finding the devitalizing paste was too short and did not lead to the killing of the dental “nerve”. In addition, food particles could get into the cavity, which is an additional irritant.

      You need to quickly contact your doctor to re-impose devitalizing paste. Delay with the completion of treatment is not worth it, because after a while the infection can move along the canals of the tooth to its roots and cause an inflammatory process there.

  115. Kristina:

    Nothing helps anymore. Well, you give, how can the reading of the article help with a toothache ?!

  116. Tamara:

    The tooth is very sore ... I drank nemzil + analgin. Slowly calms down, but I can not lie. When I stand on my feet, but as soon as I go to bed, there is again severe pain. I think it is pulpit. Record on 30.05. If only I could finish off in the morning ... ((

  117. Nina:

    Help me please. The tooth began to hurt, very much. To tears. I think about death all the time. Unbearable pain. Drank Ketorol, does not help at all. Help, please! Thank you in advance.

    • Hello Nina. Yes, acute toothache is, to put it mildly, an unpleasant sensation, often accompanied by a general deterioration of well-being. However, instead of destructive thoughts about death, I recommend that you still focus on more constructive aspects - first of all, on the earliest possible visit to the dentist. Modern dentistry has advanced far - acute pain can be stopped in the first visit (especially patients with acute pain are taken out of turn).

      Also note that taking painkillers can only give a short-term effect, but does not solve the cause of pain. So in any case you need to hurry to the doctor. Be healthy!

  118. Dauren:

    It hurts a tooth, but there is no money to pull it out. If you go to the hospital, will they tear it free for me?

    • Hello, Dauren. You definitely need to go to the hospital, and the tooth can really be removed free of charge at your place of residence (or under insurance).In addition, you may not have to delete it. It is also worth considering that if you leave everything as it is and do not go to a doctor, the situation can be seriously aggravated, including the loss of several teeth and the development of life-threatening complications.

  119. Denis:

    Unfortunately, it is impossible to read it all and delve into it when you have a toothache for 3 days in a row ...

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