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How painful it is to remove wisdom teeth and how long does gum hurt after that

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Let's try to figure out how painful it is to remove a wisdom tooth and how long the pain in the gums usually persists after that.

The removal of a wisdom tooth (most often the lower one) is a rather complicated and very responsible undertaking. Since the wisdom tooth (the eighth) can have the most unpredictable number of roots with complex bends and non-standard arrangement inside the jaw, then, as a rule, such removals are qualified in surgical dentistry as complex. And, of course, the most popular question asked by people who are faced with the need to pull out such a tooth is it painful to remove it?

If the treatment of the tooth did not lead to the proper result, or there are certain contraindications to therapy in general, for example, a "cyst" at the root, an incorrect arrangement in the dentition, then resort to surgical removal. Practice shows that many patients do not understand the essence of the upcoming manipulation and are generally afraid to turn to a dentist-surgeon, assuming that the tooth will be very painful to remove.

Many people in every way delay the visit to the doctor, fearing that the removal of a wisdom tooth is very painful.

However, it should be borne in mind that the effects of suppuration of a wisdom tooth can be very, very serious: for example, it is possible for pus to leave the root below the mandible so deep that sometimes it leads to the development of abscess, phlegmon or sepsis. Such complications can threaten human life. Unfortunately, many cases of death of patients from precisely the festering lower wisdom tooth are known.

Next we look at interesting and important points regarding the surgical removal of a wisdom tooth. We will also pay considerable attention to the issue of painful procedure and subsequent postoperative pain, which can sometimes last a week or even more.

Photograph of a remote wisdom tooth in the cuspidor


The main stages of simple wisdom tooth extraction

The removal of a wisdom tooth can be simple and complex, which is reflected in the price lists of dental clinics. Let's talk about simple deletion first.

Simple wisdom tooth extraction involves the use of forceps and / or elevators as surgical instruments. In this case, no cuts of the gums, separation of the roots of anything or drilling a tooth out of the bone are carried out.Since simple deletions performed professionally and accurately are low-impact operations, it is after a simple removal of a wisdom tooth that the jaw and gum hurt the least.

With a simple pulling out of a wisdom tooth, only dental pliers or an elevator are used.

As with any operation to remove a tooth, the first step is taking the history, that is, clarifying the patient's possible allergies to drugs, the presence of concomitant diseases, blood pressure assessment, etc. - All this information may affect security during and after deletion.

At the second stage, anesthesia is performed. Most dental institutions remove wisdom teeth under local anesthesia, but there are clinics that, according to indications, perform simple and complex removal under general anesthesia when a person is unconscious.

Local anesthesia by injection into the gum

It is interesting

Upper wisdom teeth "freeze" can be significantly easier and faster than the lower. This is due to the structure of the jaws: the upper jaw is not as massive as the lower jaw and has more openings where the vessels and nerves exit. That is why, for simple and, often, complex deletions, they can be managed only by piercing the gums in the projection area of ​​the apex of the upper eighth tooth.But after the anesthesia, for the lower wisdom tooth, one feels that the entire side of the face is “taken away”: the cheek, half of the lip, the tip of the tongue and even the ear, and part of the throat. As a rule, after 10-15 minutes after such a total anesthesia, the actual removal is performed.

The third step in simple wisdom tooth extraction is the procedure for extracting it from the hole using forceps and elevators. Many people are less familiar with elevators, but in reality this is a simple tool. Such an elevator consists of a pear-shaped handle, a rod and a straight or curved working part, using the principle of a lever that is attached to the tooth to be removed or its root, and either the hole wall or the adjacent tooth serves as a fulcrum.

It looks like a dental elevator

Usually a simple removal lasts from 1-2 to 10-15 minutes (sometimes up to 30-40 minutes), after which they proceed to the final stage.

At the last stage, the extraction of infected parts of the tooth, which may accidentally remain in the gum after the removal of all the roots, is carried out. At this stage, the wound is washed with antiseptics (according to indications), sometimes an anti-inflammatory and well-protecting agent is used (Alvostas or Alvogyl).

After that, a number of doctors prefer to take a wound,in order to bring its edges as close as possible and to prevent the risks of re-infection and the development of spontaneous bleeding from the hole (this does not hurt, since the anesthetic is still valid). After removing a wisdom tooth, the surgeon will recommend care for the hole.


Complicated tooth extraction: what is really worth being afraid of

Patients who have ever experienced the procedure of complex wisdom tooth extraction (especially in a budgetary organization) continue to treat teeth extraction in general with great fear, and for a number of reasons: due to the increased painfulness of the procedure, to put it mildly, morbidity (lots of blood) and difficult healing of the hole when the gum hurts for a long time after removal.

Complicated tooth extraction is usually a much more painful and unpleasant procedure than a simple one.

The main meaning of the “complexity” of removal is the preliminary preparation of the tooth, and more often its roots, for extraction with forceps or elevators. To do this, carry out either excision of part of the gums and a decrease in the volume of bone tissue of the hole around the tooth, or separation of the roots. For these purposes, currently used drill with a set of special burs, as well as a number of additional surgical instruments.

Clinical case: the wisdom tooth has not yet erupted and is in the gum.

A gum incision is made.

The exposed wisdom tooth is visible in the incision made.

The photo shows a hole after the removal of a wisdom tooth.

At the final stage, the doctor sews up the wound for its speedy healing.

Why are the people of the "old school" so afraid to remove teeth?

In Soviet times, because of the poor equipment of surgical rooms and, often, the narrowness of professional skills, dentists-surgeons used root separation for the complex extraction of any tooth (including wisdom) with the help of a chisel and a hammer. If the crown part of the tooth is partially or completely preserved, then its remnants or the whole is broken off with forceps. Then the doctor put the working part of the bit on the inter-root wall of the tooth to be removed, and the nurse (or the dentist himself) hit the handle with a hammer. With proper skill, it was possible to achieve a separation of the roots from one another in 1-2 strokes, but sometimes the procedure of “knocking”, as it seemed to some patients, “on the head”, lasted up to 1-2 hours! Fortunately, in almost all modern dentistry this manipulation, which is dangerous for injuries and fractures of the jaws and unpleasant in all respects, has not been done for a long time.

Since the wisdom tooth often has a non-standard location and a large number of roots, an x-ray is always taken before a complex removal. Many dentists-surgeons do not undertake to remove a wisdom tooth without a snapshot, except for the most emergency situations, or when it is not possible for several reasons to make it immediately.

It is also useful to read: Does No-Shpa help with toothache?

X-ray clearly shows an incorrectly positioned wisdom tooth (it is hidden under the gumline)

After collecting anamnesis, necessary preparation for removal (for example, removing a stone and plaque from a tooth being removed, rinsing the mouth with weak antiseptics, etc.), anesthesia is performed to make the process of tooth extraction painless for a long time. Complicated removal can take from 15-20 minutes to 2-3 hours.

After a gum incision, separation of the root by a drill and their removal from the hole, the hole is cleaned from “dirt”: bone debris, pieces of carious tooth, root debris, sawdust. To do this, the sharp edges of the hole are smoothed with bone nippers or a drill, the wound is washed with antiseptic solutions, a medicine is put into the well (according to indications) and the edges of the wound are necessarily sutured. Recommendations are made or a re-appointment is made to monitor the quality of healing.

Particular attention should be paid to such a column in the price list, as the removal of the impacted (non-cut) and polyurethinized (partially appeared) tooth. Usually, this category reflects a frequent problem that many people face when a wisdom tooth, due to lack of space, erupts through only one or two hillocks through the gum, or is under the gum or bone.

With this arrangement, the wisdom tooth will cause strong pain.

For most people, this does not bring much concern, but in some cases, there are clinical situations where the wisdom tooth rests against the adjacent seventh tooth, causing severe pain, as it “pushes” it. Pain can also occur when a partially emerging wisdom tooth is covered with a gingham hood that is constantly and severely suppressed. All this and a number of other situations require immediate surgical intervention.

The nature of the complexity of the intervention is determined by the dental surgeon in a specialized institution, and, as noted above, removal never begins without an X-ray image. The nature of the location of the tooth in the hole depends on the complexity of its removal. If the tooth is located completely in the bone and almost lies along the jaw, then the operation can last for a long time, since the gum is excised, the bone is sawed out and the crown part and the roots of the tooth are separated, followed by phased extraction from the bone hole.

X-ray shows upper and lower wisdom teeth.


Modern methods of wisdom tooth removal without pain

To remove wisdom teeth it was not painful, there is a whole set of anesthetics, which are chosen in various clinical situations.At one time, the drug Novocain, which has low toxicity, but, as it turned out, has a high probability of developing various complications (for example, allergies, up to anaphylactic shock) was very popular. Today, for anesthesia, much more effective and safe preparations than novocaine have been developed.

Novocain is an obsolete means of pain relief and is rarely used in dentistry today.

It is interesting

The era of anesthesia at one time opened the anesthetic cocaine, but due to the fact that it is addictive and very toxic, now, being a narcotic drug, it is not used in dentistry at all.

Lidocaine is still used in many, mostly low-cost, dentistry, shows good results in strength and depth of action, surpassing novocaine by 2-3 times. Allergy to it is rare, however, in order to achieve indicators of stable and effective anesthesia, one has to take the amount of the drug, and not the quality of its administration.

As a means for the introduction of lidocaine used conventional plastic syringes for 2-5 ml with long and often blunt needles. The solution is introduced into the area of ​​anesthesia in a volume of from 2-3 milliliters to 10 or more to achieve a normal result.

Lidocaine for injection

With proper anesthesia, wisdom tooth removal will not hurt.However, as you already understand from the above, after the operation, when the effect of the anesthetic is over, the gum can hurt quite a lot. Sometimes the throat and ear also hurt.

On a note

Many patients experienced their own bitter experience (and often they still experience budgetary clinics so far! ”) The“ joys ”of Soviet anesthesia, ranging from a feeling of“ crunch ”when breaking tissues during the administration of novocaine or lidocaine to the“ freezing ”area, and ending with complications in the form of dizziness, palpitations, fear, etc. This is often due to the fact that a drop of adrenaline is added to the solution “by eye”, which helps to hold the anesthetic solution in the injection zone for the time needed to remove a wisdom tooth. But the dentist may mistakenly add too much adrenaline (for example, one and a half drops is 50% higher than the norm), which leads to characteristic unpleasant and even dangerous moments.

In order to avoid all the “charms” of working with Soviet anesthetics, dentists prefer to choose artikainovyh series of drugs (Ultrakain, Ubistezin, Septanest and others), which are produced for carpal anesthesia.In the carpool syringe, the cartridge is charged with anesthesia and an almost painless injection technique is performed. At the same time, in the carpool, the anesthetic is already diluted with adrenaline precisely in the dosage that is necessary for that other case of removal (most often 1: 100,000).

An anesthetic is usually administered with a syringe

If a long-term operation is not required, as well as patients from risk groups (elderly, children, pregnant women, disabled people), anesthesia is given in the carpules, but without adrenaline or with its increased dilution, for example, 1: 200 000. (Scandonest), which does not cause vasodilatation in the injection zone and is available without vasoconstrictor (adrenaline), which is also suitable for weakened patients.


What can you expect after wisdom tooth removal

Many patients after the removal of a wisdom tooth experience the pain of unknown (for them) origin, when neither the cause of the problem is understood, nor how long it will hurt. In most cases, the occurrence of such unpleasant consequences is directly related to the injury to the tissues surrounding the extracted tooth and the hole itself.

A gum injured after the removal of a wisdom tooth can hurt a lot for quite a long time.

However, even after a complex removal, sometimes there are no painful sensations, which is determined by the pain threshold of the person, individual parameters and techniques during the operation.

A small percentage of patients after the removal of a wisdom tooth complains to the doctor that the gums and cheek in the area of ​​the removal and even the teeth adjacent to the hole are sore for a long time. Often in the early days removal of lower wisdom tooth there is pain when swallowing, sore throat, ear and even the whole head.

The cause of the problem is almost always determined by the fact that the removal is an injury, and the injury is associated with an inflammatory process that occurs with a certain set of symptoms, two of which are swelling and pain. This, of course, is unpleasant, but the “swelling” on the gums and cheek, especially if it is small, passes by itself within a couple of days. It is enough after you pulled out a wisdom tooth, strictly follow the recommendations of the doctor.

Ripped wisdom tooth

Sometimes pains of a different nature after a wisdom tooth has been pulled out can last for a week or longer.In rare cases, there is so much pain that a person takes pain pills all the time.

Sometimes a sharp pain, extending into the ear or temple, develops only after 1-3 days after the removal of a wisdom tooth: there is an indisposition, the body temperature rises, an unpleasant smell arises from the hole. This indicates the development of a disease such as alveolitis - inflammation in the hole.

It is interesting

Usually the most serious happens. suppuration in the hole after removal of the lower wisdom toothwhen it becomes painful to swallow on the side of removal, the opening of the mouth gradually becomes difficult, the gums and cheek are sore, the pain often gives to the ear. In such cases, the temperature can rise to high values, and the purulent process can go deep into the spaces of the mandible with the development of serious complications that are even life-threatening: osteomyelitis, abscess, phlegmon, lymphadenitis, sepsis and others. An urgent appeal to the doctor is required!

In rare cases, dangerous suppuration of the hole with the development of life-threatening conditions.

A timely visit to the doctor will help to avoid serious complications. In most cases, it will only be necessary to clean the hole from an infected blood clot, splinters of an extracted tooth, bone tissue, traumatic gums, and bacterial seeding.Also, if necessary, antiseptic treatment with drug formulation (Alvogyl), closure of wound edges with anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial agents and antiseptic solutions for rinsing can be performed.


So that after removal the gum does not hurt

In order to prevent severe pain after the removal of a wisdom tooth and to prevent the development of alveolitis and other complications associated with suppuration in the hole and poorly healing gums, the dentist-surgeon gives standard recommendations or also additional ones that fit only the specific clinical situation.

For the speedy healing of the gums after the removal of a wisdom tooth, it is important to follow all the doctor's instructions.

After a simple or complex removal, it is usually necessary to hold a sterile gauze pad with your teeth for 20 minutes to stop the gingival bleeding. Do not eat food for about 2-3 hours. This is especially true after the removal of the lower wisdom tooth, since anesthesia works there for several hours, and you can bite your “frozen” cheek very hard.

In the first hours after the removal, it is recommended to take an anesthetic (Ketanov, Ketorol, Nise or others), and on the day of removal to refrain from smoking, alcohol, spicy and hot food, physical exercises and hot water procedures (bath, sauna, hot shower) for prevention of lunar bleeding.In some cases, these recommendations are extended for another couple of days after removal, since an increase in blood pressure in some people provokes delayed bleeding, which can be difficult to stop on their own.

Immediately after the surgical procedure, pain medication may be required.

According to the testimony, the doctor prescribes antiseptic rinses with herbs decoction (chamomile, sage), warm solutions of potassium permanganate, furatsilin, anti-inflammatory and protective gels are often prescribed for home use on a sterile gauze tampon per well: Metrogil Dent, dental adhesive paste Solsoerillo orlo

If the removal of a wisdom tooth is carried out because of strong suppuration around the tooth like a "flux", or the operation is complicated, then the doctor prescribes an antibiotic for 5-7 days to fight purulent infection and prevent recurrent complications.


Tips for a note

It is painful to remove a wisdom tooth, how long the gum can hurt after it is removed, why it all happens - most of you have already received answers to these questions. For those who want to dig deeper, below is a brief overview with helpful tips.

The photo shows an inflamed gum with a wisdom tooth under it.

  1. It is impossible to completely avoid even small painful sensations during the introduction of anesthesia in most clinics,since not all dentists have new computerized syringes with quality control of drug administration.
  2. Even the so-called “import” anesthetic may not work on some patients. That is why the doctor often solves the problem by increasing the amount of the drug administered, using 2-3 or more capsules for anesthesia, which somewhat increases the risk of complications from anesthesia.
  3. After removing a wisdom tooth, pain relief is required by almost everyone for the prevention of pain. It is better to take the first pill before the moment when the anesthesia effect is over, in about 30-40 minutes, so that it starts the action.
  4. The harder was the removal, the more often the complaints about pain in the hole after the removal of the wisdom tooth. This is associated with significant injury to the tissues around the hole.

Review "seasoned"

“Literally about a month ago, I experienced the removal of the top right of the G8. I can say that this is more scary than painful. The surgeon gave me an injection. The injection itself was sick, since I had already come with a slightly swollen gum, but it was possible to endure. As the doctor said, my roots were not very good - they grew in different directions and almost into the maxillary sinus, so I literally took them out piecemeal.I did not feel pain at the same time. Then the doctor sewed up the wound. About an hour later, the injection began to move away and it was then that the harshest thing began, there were severe pains. The next day, too, very sick, especially when trying to eat something. Was saved by Ketorol. Now everything is fine. "

Alla, Kozelsk


Interesting video: here is how the removal of the wisdom tooth hidden under the gum


What can and cannot be done after tooth extraction ...



To the entry "How painful it is to remove wisdom teeth and how long does the gum hurt after that" 77 comments
  1. Marina:

    May 21 removed a wisdom tooth, eight. The tooth along with the root resembled the shape of a shrimp. After removal, stitches are laid on the gum. On the same day, the temperature rose in the evening to 39, then at night the same. The next day, smaller - 38 was once in the evening, and everything was no more, but the gum still hurts. I drink Kitolol. Tell me, should it be after removal? The stitches, said the doctor, will be removed in a week.

    • Anonymous:

      I still have gum pain, a week already very severe pain. What does this mean?

  2. Julia:

    Marina, and what were the sensations when the process of tooth extraction took place? And how much time did it take? Thanks in advance for the answer! I, too, have to do this, only with my lower teeth ((

    • Tatyana:

      Julia! I removed the bottom. Cut out. He was in the gum, rested on the seven and bothered. Probably coped in an hour, taking into account the expectations of the action of the anesthetic. Sensations except fear was not.

    • Yulsha:

      With a shot you do not feel pain) But otkhodnik yes. I have the lower tooth 8 removed, it is painful to swallow, I cannot open my mouth, under the jaw, from which the sides were removed, swollen and sore.Saving ketanovym.

    • Anonymous:

      I was removed for 1 hour. He held the jaw with both hands, so as not to break.

  3. Katya:

    Today, a wisdom tooth has been removed (lower jaw, in a horizontal position to the others). I was terribly afraid. 2 days before removing tears flowed. Removed in Butovo. All removal took 45 minutes (thanks to the doctor). Tomorrow he said to come (they will remove some kind of gum). I hope that heals quickly ...

  4. Dmitriy:

    There was a difficult removal of the lower left wisdom tooth, they didn’t do X-rays at all, it was not completely cut through and there was caries on it. I just didn’t bother like that if I didn’t start picking it, they said it’s better to remove it. They injected painkillers from different sides, the injection felt it was a bit unpleasant. Then after a few minutes everything was numb, transferred to the next room, they said that they delete it here. A doctor with an assistant was hammering with a chisel and a hammer (I do not know what they are called in medicine), the swotting is unpleasant - they hit the head, I thought that the neighboring teeth would also fall off. Then it was slowly removed, somewhere in 30 minutes. They said that I was still lucky, they say, some of these removal again go.The tooth was very large, as many doctors were surprised - 3-4 cm, more than you have in the pictures. The doctor put medicine in the hole, disinfected it with something unpleasant, I almost vomited from the unpleasant smell. They put a cotton swab, gave recommendations, wrote a prescription for suprastin, dexalgin and some other antibiotic, but he was told to buy only for complications. A few hours later, the anesthesia went off at home and the jolly began, he was saved by painkillers, he did not eat anything all day, it’s good that he thought of eating before removal. Sometimes it hurts for 5 days, it hurts to eat, sometimes to swallow. In short, nothing pleasant.

  5. Mariam:

    Yesterday I removed the lower wisdom tooth, and the doctor, without waiting for the action of anesthesia, violently and quickly pulled it out of me ... There was an unbearably hellish pain, stuffed him with bandages, did not process, blood gushed - this is real hell low-cost dentistry! Without exaggeration, but the pain was so strong, I even screamed at home and did not know where to put myself. My husband choked me with painkillers. After only an hour, I began to feel a slight relief. There is a big swelling in the mouth, I hope that this will all end soon.Good luck to everyone who is going to part with the figure eight, patience and health! ))

    • Anonymous:


      • Tatyana:

        Removed the lower "eight", injected painkillers (wait until numb half of the tongue, half of the lips and cheek). I was very afraid that it would be painful while they were being ripped out, everything was waiting for what it was about to be painful. But it was not painful at all, they quickly removed it with an instrument that looked like a big needle with a handle, laid an antiseptic, a large tampon on top. The gum was not sewn, but cautiously pushed inside the hole. The second day - there is no anesthesia anymore, the gum is painfully sore, but it is tolerable, it is painful to swallow from that side. The doctor said that this is the norm, a couple of days will have to be patient. You can drink painkillers. The first 2 days do not rinse and do not climb there at all.

  6. Helena:

    Six months ago, the left bottom eight was removed, the day before yesterday - the right one. For the first time 15 minutes were removed, after 20 minutes it became so painful that even a turn of the neck was accompanied by tears. It was impossible to swallow, I threw Ketorol down the throat with my head up, I tried to swallow 5 more minutes. After the pill, the pain almost completely disappeared, but the next day I had an unpleasant surprise: ulcers appeared under the tongue, like stomatitis, only without fever.She went to a doctor, was treated, for another 6 days she could not eat anything except kefir.
    The day before yesterday was the same procedure ... They removed within two minutes, not more. Only in the evening a wild chill and convulsions appeared, the temperature rose to 39.2. The ambulance arrived, pricked. At night, the temperature returned, but less - 38.5. The next day, too, did not pass. Already afraid what will happen next.

  7. Maria:

    I just recently pulled out two teeth right away - we will put the crowns. So on the same day in the evening gums are inflamed. I called the doctor, she said that the stomatologist is good at helping. She started to rinse and quickly everything passed.

  8. Jeanne:

    Everything is so scary everything is described. Removed the top eight, it is very much crumbled, removed about 15 minutes. Pain during removal did not feel, only crunch. After that, I went to work, after the anesthesia had passed, the hole ponila bit, but everything is tolerable. I did not drink any painkillers, there was no temperature, I only ate a little in the evening. Everything will be fine, do not be afraid of anything, the main thing is to contact a good clinic.

  9. Leonid:

    Removed 7 hours ago. The doctor said that the case is difficult, because the tooth is large (more precisely, the roots). Took anesthesia paid (245 r). Pricked - not painful, a little unpleasant. Began to delete, said not to be afraid of crunchy sounds 🙂

    First, the crown of the tooth broke off (the tooth was rotten), but the doctor pulled out the root for 8 minutes. It was not painful, it is a fact (I am convinced once again that it usually hurts only after, you don’t need to be afraid of the deletion itself). The blood still continues in periods, but quite a bit (not bleeding, there is a clot, so are residual effects in the form of weak staining of saliva).

    The doctor got a good (by the way, the state. Clinic, the duty room on Saturday), a young man.

    During removal, dizzy, darkened in the eyes, allowed to lie down with ammonia, everything went quickly. Psychological, with me often happens.

    One more time - do not be afraid! The courtyard is not a stone age, it is almost always well and quickly removed.

    On the negative: temperature 37.5, trembling. But, again, I had the same after removing the stone from the duct of the salivary gland (individual reaction). Will pass)

    Treat your teeth IMMEDIATELY! And be healthy 🙂

  10. Leysan:

    Removed the eight lower month and a half ago. He was not sick, there was no inflammation, a completely healthy tooth, it simply didn’t crawl out of the gums, food remains under the gums and an unpleasant smell appeared. I decided to delete. I came to the clinic, did an x-ray, introduced anesthesia and something else. It didn't hurt. Of course, I had to cut the gum, I pulled it out for a long time, because I did not cut it. She cleaned everything, removed a cyst, put a sponge with medicine in the hole. By smell and taste something with iodine. She did not sew either. Prescribed antibiotics required. For pain medication - drink what usually helps from the head. I drank ibuprofen. Pain from the operation until the end subsided in a week. But I don’t remember the hellish pains, they were more likely to be uncomfortable and awkward, I don’t know how to get on my back, and I’m sick on my cheek. Now of the problems, only pain, when very hot or cold food falls on that place. Along with this reacts and standing next tooth. The hole is tightened.
    I want to say one thing, do not be afraid, you will have to suffer a little healing period, but it is better to suffer a week than to suffer from pain and discomfort for months. If there are the same problems with other eights, I do not hesitate to go for removal. And choose good clinics.Save a little, but you can be pored enough.
    Be healthy!

  11. Love, 58 years:

    Tooth 48, the bottom was cut through in 45 years. Before that, all 8s were deleted in 18 years. And this one got a pain in the weather and secretions. I asked the doctor what the discharge was, and she replied that it was a lubricant. So I lived with grease for 13 years. I did not notice how the tooth closed gums. When prosthetics ask the doctor about sore. And he laughs: what kind of lubricant? It turns out 13 years I was poisoning my body. Now it was removed to me: the gums were cut, they were stitched with absorbable threads, but they could warn that it would freeze, as anesthesia would begin to move. I would drink a painkiller beforehand. You could say: do not sleep on this cheek, will heat up at night and bleeding will begin. Today is the 6th day, the dressing will be done on the 8th, i.e. change the gauze with the medicine in the hole, where it is not wired. The medicine has to be swallowed. But everything passes, it will pass. I wish you all health and patience.

  12. Natalia, Perm:

    Tonight removed the top right 8. Shaking so that the poor doctor was frightened. Her knees were already ringing with fear, she could not hold her hands (this is in the most direct sense).The doctor put 1 shot of ultrakain and went for a walk, leaving me to myself. After 8 minutes came, and just removed my aching tooth. Removal took exactly 1 minute ... Fortunately, it grew steadily)) It was not painful at all, the only thing is the pressure on the gum, as if pressing with a finger.

  13. Sergei:

    Removed all 4 teeth in 3 weeks. No pain. Anesthesia is regular. It ran out of 10 thousand for all 4 teeth.

  14. Alexander:

    3 times after a cold wisdom tooth inflamed. Lower. Then he decided to delete. Signed for removal when the pain was relieved and the swelling subsided. Removed in 5 minutes in the budget clinic. The hospital was not given. Recommendations too. Already 5 days on ketorol, 4 tablets per day. Intense pain, giving to the temple, ear and jaw. I went to pay the day on day 3. I chopped off the gum and cleaned the hole. Said the pain should gradually go away. Well, I wait ... I will never delete 2 wisdom teeth. It's just hard. Because of some stupid tooth 5 days knocked out of life. And how much more will be sick is not clear.

    • Svetlana:

      Alexander, hello! How much more hurt you? I have already the fifth day of severe pain, and the doctor says everything is fine ((

      • Anonymous:

        My gum hurts for the third week. I drink ketanov. The end of the pain is not visible ...

  15. Whale:

    The bottom eight, not sick, but bothered by the release of smelly from under the gums. The tooth did not cut through completely and went into the cheek ... Gathered, anesthetized, reeled, rolled, sat flattened on a chair, but was pulled out as a whole. Ketans, antibiotics week and antiallergic appointed bath with chlorhexidine or soda. The next day, climbed onto the wall, was saved by painkillers. After a week of not subsiding pain (hurt the nerve, if the roots are in different directions, this is not surprising) crawled to the doctor. Appointed an effective thing - physiotherapy, cold heating with a laser. Each time the pain goes away. The main thing - to keep the hole with a blood clot, do not rinse, do not chew on the side of removal, reduce physical exertion. And if the pain torments, consult a doctor. Health!

  16. Valentine:

    Removed wisdom teeth in a modern way - with bone grafting and stitching a wound in the mouth. Very happy. Nothing hurt after and no swelling. Immediately pulled out 4 wisdom teeth for 1 time. In the hole from the teeth put the material of artificial bone, and sewed it up.When sewing into a hole from a tooth, nothing gets, and the artificial bone quickly grows and everything is restored very quickly. This is done in many clinics in Europe. I advise those who are afraid to remove and value their health and time.

  17. Marina:

    4 days ago removed the bottom eight. Removal was difficult with drilling, then 1 stitch was applied. The blood went 9 hours, until it inserted a collagen sponge to stop the bleeding. There was practically no edema, the temperature was after 3 hours 37.3, the next day it was 37.4 in the morning. My throat hurt, it was impossible to open my mouth normally, Ketanov saw, on the second day of a bath with chlorhexidine or eucalyptus tincture. On the third day, the next tooth (7) began to hurt, and it was completely sealed with the canals. A white substance formed in the hole, the surgeon said, and it should be. In short, everything is nothing, you can tolerate, but the 7th began to strain, this is not a very pleasant moment, is it really necessary to do something with it?

  18. Danila:

    Three days ago, I immediately deleted 4 wisdom teeth using the bone grafting technique! I must say that I read reviews on the Internet, and I was terrified! But everything went well,Thanks to the doctor for professionalism! After removing the teeth, the holes from them were filled with artificial bone, processed with a laser and sewed everything up. Feelings are now uncomfortable, but there is no pain, no temperature, no blood flowing. I think everything has healed already. The mouth opens well, the throat does not hurt. As a result, I understand, I was in vain, I was very afraid, I did not spare my money for nothing, and they deleted it with a replanting! Recommend.

  19. Gulnara:

    Delete unpleasant. But otkhodniki - this is horror, I want to die.

    • Beckett:

      I pulled out 4 teeth at a time. The operation went on for a long time, 2 hours, at the end I felt pain. This is tin, the enemy will not wish this. Do not worry, it does not hurt if fast. It hurts - when the nurse at 6 am puts injections.

  20. Catherine:

    11/24/15. I removed the bottom left eight, grew wrong, the pain began, to the extent that she could not open her mouth. Removed in the state. clinic, but paid. The doctor was young, he did everything quickly, he put the thermonuclear injection, he took half his head)) I didn’t cut it, I also split it into pieces, pulled it out entirely. In total, together with the 15 minutes I waited for anesthesia to work, it took about 25 minutes. The tooth was large, the hole was huge, the jaw bone still hurts, but there are no inflammations or edemas of the soft tissues of the gum itself.Periodically I go, I show up. But already tired of painkillers. We must also break the top one, also a figure eight, I don’t know when I will decide now.

  21. Svetlana:

    Three hours ago, the lower left "eight" was deleted. They removed the hour with a little, it didn’t hurt at all, but because of the fear that it would hurt, I was thrashed and twisted in a chair. They drilled, broke, hollowed, as if with a perforator, which they didn’t do, but it all crumbled. As a result, pulled in parts. Put the medicine and poured. The doctor prescribed antibiotics, suprastin, nise and imudon. It seems that everything is nothing, only now the anesthesia began to move away, and I again climbed onto the walls, as they say, waited for the pain) I drank the niz, it seems, I let go, waiting for the next attack. Exactly a year ago, she deleted the bottom right “eight” in 10 minutes, she hoped, and then she would roll, anneet. In general, I want to say: treat, people, teeth on time, and everything will be fine, and most importantly, fear - this is all tolerated! (To give birth a hundred times more painfully). I want to thank the doctor - Marina V. Ganina - this is a doctor from God! And nurse Natasha. Thank you so much for your hard work and kind hearts! Yekaterinburg.

    • Anonymous:

      I don’t know, I don’t know, I deleted 8-ku when my son was only 3 months old, i.e. the memories are fresh in my memory, and for some reason it seemed to me for some time that it was easier to give birth)) And that it would be better for me to give birth again than to endure this pain after the removal of a wisdom tooth. Despite the fact that I was under anesthesia and, not waiting for her to completely stop working, she came home and immediately gave herself a shot with dexalgin ... But it hurt sooooo that tears rolled in a hail (((

      • Maria:

        As I understand you! Child - 6 months. I went to remove the lower left 8. Everything went quickly, the roots were normal, the tooth too, 2 anesthesia - one didn’t work much. Removed at 6 pm. At night, at 12 o'clock, it began ... I was so hurt, I wanted to shout, I cannot drink painkillers, as I feed my baby with milk. He was ticking into his temple, his head was splitting, his temple was ticking so that he could not sleep in a normal position. This night was more painful than labor and labor, that's for sure))

  22. Irina:

    Today, the upper right wisdom tooth was removed in the usual free city clinic in Togliatti. Raisa Andreevna Abramova - a doctor from God, not afraid of big words. Would come to her from any end of the world.It lasted no more than 5 seconds, and the tooth ached and was deformed by a dropped out seal. Anesthesia worked at home already, but it is absolutely not important. Look for good surgeons and you will be happy.

    P.S. Before taking the heart squeezed with fear))

  23. Olga:

    A week ago, I removed two wisdom teeth on the right, I was afraid, even though by nature I am a calm person, because I am afraid of doctors since childhood, and even such teeth. But everything went well, thanks to the wonderful doctors in 1 honey. (St. Petersburg). Although my acquaintances frightened me here with stories about the removal of their teeth, and my mother suffered terribly too. Got a tooth, probably 40 minutes, until it came out. He was also big and he was sick terribly. And my bottom came out quickly, and the right one even crunched a little. It all took 40 minutes. Sewed up wounds with absorbable threads. After the withdrawal of anesthesia, too, everything hurt, and the next day it hurt, but the anesthetic requested only once. A picture was taken after and physiotherapy. Prescribed antibiotics and exercise therapy. Now it's better, just have to come to the inspection. Do not be afraid, the main thing is to find an experienced surgeon, and everything will be fine.

  24. Olga:

    And retenirovanie teeth, now when healed, I will go to remove the left 8s. The epic is just beginning.

  25. Olga:

    Today removed the right eight. Anesthesia was done, in 10 minutes they called me. The removal itself took about 3 minutes. I was more afraid, I did not feel anything. They put a bandage into the hole and sent it home. They said 2 hours of not eating and not rinsing. Now the anesthesia has already passed, a small aching pain has begun. But everything is tolerable, I do not drink painkillers.

  26. Dmitriy:

    It hurts the lower left after removal, I drink painkillers. I hope it will pass quickly, the gum has been hurting for three days already.

  27. Tatyana:

    Recently removed a wisdom tooth in the lower jaw on the right. Delete was not painful at all, just scary. Also did an x-ray. The root was even, so there were no problems. I think so. And tomorrow I will remove the tooth on the left. X-rays show that the root is not very even. Very afraid of removal.

  28. Maria:

    Removed the bottom eight THREE WITH A HALF HOUR! Then a nervous breakdown, shaking from everything. Sawed, dug, sawed bone, pulled out in parts, three times did an x-ray. Put four stitches, then standard assignments, and home! To howl from pain, really howled, could not even cry. Paid clinic.Now I think a doctor rukozho * a little or really so complicated tooth ((

  29. Lena:

    The lower wisdom tooth was removed, it was not painful, but when the injection went away it was painful. It hurts where they put a shot, drool it hurts to swallow. What to do?

  30. Umka:

    Removed the top eight, in Dagestan) Removed in 5 minutes, and no complications.

  31. Olesya:

    I don’t know how it is with others, but my gums and nearby teeth also hurt me. And ten days ago I deleted the bottom eight ... The postoperative period is difficult, I still drink the anesthetic Nise and I rinse with a Stomatofit.

  32. Alexander:

    Today, February 16, I deleted the eight on the right. The painkillers have not released yet. Merry night to come. Two sutures imposed by a doctor. Last year, I removed the left and without seams, but this time something is not so easy.

  33. Irishka:

    Three days ago, they removed the left bottom eight, did it in the budget clinic in Evpatoria, this is the Crimea. Made anesthesia, waited about ten minutes. When the doctor began to remove, I felt pain, let him know, he also added anesthesia. Removed by forceps and an elevator. It was tolerable. Now it hurts a lot, it helps nurofen.In general, everything went more or less, thanks to the doctor, the name Turkach. Hope everyone heals soon 🙂

  34. Lyudmila:

    But already a few years ago I had managed to remove the top eights and everything was great! Desna was sick, but without it, because this is an operation. And today I deleted the bottom eight, the sensations are different. It was a little pain when the doctor dragged him, but tolerated. I am a terrible coward and to the removal of today's tooth I morally set myself up! Whole two years. It was necessary to delete even then and the question would be closed! Now the anesthesia still works, but I drank Ketorol. Do not be afraid, and if necessary, go pull out those stupid teeth! )

  35. Lolla:

    Oh, I, until recently, was very afraid of dentists, because anesthesia did not always take me for the treatment, and almost all the time I felt pain and discomfort. Last year it turned out that I moved to live in Moscow and, accordingly, changed my dentist. On the recommendation of a friend, she went to the clinic and realized that going to the doctor could be not only painless, but also pleasant. When two wisdom teeth were removed to me, I asked to relieve me properly, and I underwent anesthesia, in which I remained conscious, but the fear completely disappeared.So now I and the fear of dentists are two completely opposite things.

  36. Julia:

    I removed the 10th lower 8-ku, everything was gone in 10 minutes, and at home there was something: temperature, pain, it was unbearable to swallow. It is the right side that suffers, it gives to the ear, the mouth barely opens. I went to the doctor - said that everything is clean, good in his part! The fact that it is painful to swallow is not enough time. And if you go to the ENT, it is also not clear how he will look at the throat if his mouth barely opens. Somehow until all is sad!

  37. Svetlana:

    Just removed the eight. The most painful thing was in the shot - it was something. Now I still do not feel anything, in the hole there is a tampon with medicine. And a souvenir-tooth as a consolation prize. Removed by the elevator, it was not painful at all. The only thing - very hot, probably, is the temperature. By autumn I will pull out the second 🙂

  38. Tata:

    Removed the bottom 8, six months, neurological sore throat, numbness of the gums, tongue - not life, but horror. Tomorrow at the reception to the maxillofacial surgeon.

  39. Helena:

    Today, a perfectly healthy right eight was torn, because it scratched my cheek very much ((It hurts only my cheek ... They pulled no more than five minutes, and I’ve been preparing for this for more than two years 🙂 God, all the rules will be there.Anesthetic is not required.

  40. Olga:

    Today, I removed a wisdom tooth in the upper part of the oral cavity on the left. Tormented pain in the gums. They made an injection, which began to act from the very first minutes. I checked it even on my cheek, bit it a bit, though 🙂 Tooth was pulled 15 minutes later. The process of tooth extraction itself took 3-4 minutes, did not feel anything at all, it was even strange that so many experiences, but in fact everything turned out to be very painless and fast) An hour later, the effect of anesthesia began to fall. Since you can not eat and drink for 2-3 hours, I had to suffer a little. I took one pill from Nise and that's it, less than 12 hours have passed since the tooth was pulled out, and I have no pain or discomfort. Pah-pah-pah. And she did all this in free dentistry, they did not even take money for the injection.

  41. Ivan:

    Today, the lower wisdom tooth was removed (the gum started to hurt almost as much as a week ago, the last few days there was suppuration). The tooth was removed at the KMK Polyclinic in Novokuznetsk.

    The doctor made an injection of the painkiller (he did not feel the pain), then after 10 minutes they started to remove it - it seemed to me that the time passed from the moment of beginning to the complete removal was not more than a minute.Pain in the process is not something that did not feel, did not even understand that the tooth was removed, until he saw it in the forceps 🙂

  42. Venus:

    5 days ago removed the bottom 8-ku on the left. Tearing was not painful and you do not feel anything, except that the surgeon pressed all his man’s strength on the tooth with forceps, she thought she would break the nafig. All right ... The wastes were generally terrible, did not eat anything, the tumor began in the evening (but this is understandable, because there was a gum incision). The tumor went away in 4 days. But I’m worried about this question: friends, please tell me, did anyone have such a thing and did it go away, or do you need to see a doctor? I still can’t open my mouth and eat normally, it feels like on the other side the tooth is removed, the joint is approximately the same as on the fingers, and so is it here. Wants to click, but can not. And again: there is no tumor, but in the cheek or in the gum, I can not understand, a hard lump. Thank. Waiting for your answers.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! Damage to the joint with difficult removal (especially with excessive pressure on the jaw) is quite possible. I think that you have already had problems with the joint (its clicking when chewing), but they have worsened for this period of time.Be sure to contact the maxillofacial surgeon, it is better to another - an independent doctor who will focus on the diagnosis of possible problems in the TMJ. As for the gums: in absentia I can say that after removal (especially as you describe it), the crushed and “torn up” tissues are not so quickly and not always as straight as we would like. Hence the "bump", although an inspection in the oral cavity would not hurt. Be sure to show yourself to the doctor to heal without problems. Thanks for asking.

  43. Natalia:

    Yesterday I removed the top 8. As soon as I got home, the temperature became 37.9, shivering and breaking bones. And at night the temperature is 39. Now it jumps every half hour, chills, aching bones, I can't walk. The hole was sick yesterday, sat on the painkillers, it was painful. After 6 hours I tried, stupidly swallowed, could not chew. The wound was not sutured, although the gum was cut off, so I did not climb out, they were pulled out for half an hour. Now I am lying with pain in the bones and temperature, I appointed amoxiclav and soda-salt baths with iodine.

  44. Sergei:

    7 days ago deleted the bottom eight. The tooth got out half. Tooth pounded, loosened.After 20 minutes, got out all. Drank the first 3 days of painkillers. From the third day I rinse chamomile. I still can’t open my mouth normally, and there is a wound, or a nearby tooth - I can’t understand. Tell me, please, is this normal?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! After a complex removal of the lower wisdom tooth, the healing of the hole often occurs with symptoms that cause inconvenience. High temperature, edema, inability to open the mouth even for ingestion of liquid food, putrid breath and not going through severe pain, which may not even be relieved by analgesics, may indicate a critical situation. Despite this, based on my experience, I recommend my patients to come to inspect the well for monitoring, even without symptoms. I advise you to contact your doctor to correct the treatment, or just to get a full consultation. Thanks for asking.

  45. Elvira:

    3-4 days suffered from severe pain when swallowing, the mouth could not open more than 1.5 cm, stopped eating, lived only by taking anesthetic. I thought I had dislocated the lower jaw, as it had lost its former mobility. With acute pain turned to the doctor of maxillofacial surgery,Nizhnekamsk, who also recommended the urgent removal of a festering wisdom tooth. I could not sleep before the upcoming operation, after reading all the horror films of removal. Today he removed the bottom eight)) Master of his craft, quickly and professionally in 5 minutes, pulled him out entirely, not counting the 5 minutes spent on anesthesia. The roots of the tooth were twisted and spread in different directions. Life is beautiful when you can swallow saliva without anesthetic! And when there are doctors nearby that you can trust!

  46. Alexey:

    He removed two eights at once, under general anesthesia in the laboratory. Sawed, hollowed, but pulled out. They grew at an angle of 90 °. After the operation, I had already eaten two hours later)) Three or four days in the hospital, a week later I went to work. If disturbed - to tear, without reflecting!

  47. Maria:

    So. Remove me the bottom 8-ku yesterday. Lying position The case is very complex, wrapped roots, a tooth of 3 cm, in my little mouth. So. I shoved 6 shots at me, as when drilling a tooth into pieces, I felt hellish pain. Pull out a tooth as they could. The jaw, it seemed to me, would break. The whole process took about 1.5 hours, including anesthesia. After the last injection I did not feel anything. Only fatigue and fear.After sewed up the gums and told to come to the dressing. And so, yesterday was Friday, today is Saturday. Hell hurts cheek, it hurts to swallow. Inside, in places of injection, bruises, it is impossible to sleep. She ate lightly with great difficulty. It helps only painkillers. Nurofen drink. By the way, I'm still on GW. On Monday, of course, I'll go to the hospital. But, despite all the deplorable, I am glad that I removed this tooth. He was also sick when he tried to get out, and was pushing 7-ku. In general, the pain just needs to go through and everything will be fine)

  48. Valentine:

    Hello! A few days after eating, especially after sweets, the lower eight hurts. After rinsing with soda and salt and metrogil denta paste, the pain subsides. Pressing a tooth is sensitive. How to be?

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! So far your symptoms seem to be either caries or the first signs of pulpitis, but somewhat embarrassed by the appearance of pain when you press a tooth. Maybe it is a combination with a difficult teething. Personally, I prefer normally cut teeth of wisdom to treat as it should be. Their treatment is often not as difficult as many patients think.But if your eight does not fit properly in the dentition, causes cheek biting, does not cut to the end, etc., then it makes sense to think about removing it, although the last word here is for your doctor.

      In general, for wisdom teeth the question “how to deal with them?” Is very individual. There are many doctors who are supporters of removing the well-known phrase from the film: “Cut to hell without waiting for peritonitis!” That is, even correctly positioning wisdom teeth are suggested to be removed for prevention, as they often cause problems in the future. I am personally a supporter of a different approach (like many doctors): first examine the tooth, analyze its condition, understand the patient’s position and come to a final conclusion - what to do. This I explained to you a possible approach, but it’s up to you and your doctor to decide whether to disinfect or remove. By the way, bypassing 3-4 doctors for face-to-face consultation, you can get completely diverse solutions to a problem.

  49. Olga:

    Removed the left bottom eight and seven. The seven had to, and the eight for the company: impassable, horizontally lying.Pricked three times, the pain on the eight was still felt, but tolerable. The seven was removed in 3 minutes, the eight was removed for about an hour: a large tooth, curved roots. They cut the gum, sawed out of the bone, pulled out in pieces. It sounds scary, but if you don’t open your eyes, it’s like nothing)) They sewed it neatly, it looks decent.

    A couple of hours after the operation began to hurt. Enough of one painkiller pill. The edema reached a maximum on day 3, then began to subside. The temperature held 37.1 for two days. On the third day I was disturbed by the unpleasant smell from the wound and the numbness of the cheeks and lips. It seemed to the surgeon, he said, everything is OK, there are no signs of inflammation, it is just better to rinse, food particles remain. Did as he said - the smell, like, disappeared. The numbness went away itself when the swelling began to subside.

    Today is the 6th day. The jaw occasionally whines. Not much, but intrusive.

  50. Kirill:

    All fear, hello)) Why fear? )) So if you are reading this, therefore, you have an obvious and nearby prospect of removing the eight and you are afraid, otherwise it would not have been read. So, I am an adult 40 years old man, brought up in Soviet times by Soviet dentists with a clear stomatology.I’m afraid of dentists, no, I’m not afraid, but I just go into a kind of frenzy and can't do anything with myself. But today, pressed by the circumstances and the obvious fact that, if I did not delete it, I would lose the seven, I went to remove the top eight, like a lamb to slaughter. I re-read a bunch of sites, reviews, I know so much about the removal procedure that it was on a desert island, I could easily do everything myself)) But this is humor, but in fact ...

    Arriving at the appointed time, I made an incredible effort over myself not to fall right there under any pretext and entered the clinic. On the move, he said that if I didn’t pour something at once or turn off my mind, which was driven somewhere by fear closer to my ass, then I can’t vouch for myself and am ready to prove it right away, having crashed into a swoon. Apparently, I am not alone, they looked at me with a smile of a doctor looking at an idiot, they splashed valocordin, sat me in a chair and, under fear of my jaws (from fear), began to fill in some papers that I voluntarily signed up for this and responsibility I understand and accept))

    The doctor, of tremendous comprehension and with a big heart, allowed me to even fasten music,so that I would not hear the fussing in my tooth alleyways, and began to priests ... Everything, this is the Rubicon, there is no way back, and I relaxed and gave myself up to the will of fate.

    They made an injection, it doesn’t hurt at all, the only thing you feel is a light injection, and then in the sky. Anything more will be nothing, do not wait, no feelings at all. Seriously, it is absolutely not painful, apparently, anesthesia is such that I could easily remove half of the molars and I would not understand anything. IN GENERAL it does not hurt, either slightly or little, in general! I was surprised, I pounded more, in an hour I was already satisfied, like an elephant, and felt like Columbus, who discovered America)) That's it. The end of the story. I bought nise, a bunch of pills prescribed by a doctor, and I sit at work. Go and do not be afraid, you will not feel anything, I assure you.

  51. Irina:

    I removed the eight, the latest of the 4! And the most clumsy, the tooth stuck out only partially, everything was under the gum. Very worried how it will be extracted. The surgeon took a long time, but he didn’t have to cut the gum, which made him happy. He pulled out the tooth itself and the pieces of the roots. The stitches were not applied - they said, just dissolve slowly the Trachisan tablets for anesthesia and relieve inflammation. She only spent a couple of days, there was no temperature at all. Now everything is overgrown there.

  52. Daria:

    On Wednesday, May 11, I deleted the bottom eight, lying horizontally. A small piece, however, peeking out of the gums. In principle, she did not bother me at all, except for the hygienic moments - the food got there in between. Having read and seen enough about these teeth, I realized that sooner or later I would have to part with it. I took a picture and went to the clinic. But I was told to go to the regional hospital in the plant. I cried, that so everything is serious, and calmed down for almost a year. But that tooth stuck in my brain, but I lacked courage.

    And now, almost a year after the photo, my gum became inflamed, it began to hurt and chew. And I understood - the time has come. I went to a private clinic (to another) and the doctor, looking at my picture, said that he would do everything. Everything went in 25 minutes. Even the injection itself was not painful to do. All was shaking from fear. I felt pressure, gnash. Then she opened her eyes and realized that they were already sewing (on threads that loomed before my eyes) - it did not hurt. Then it hurt, of course. About eating out of the question.

    Today (on day 5) I was able to soak only a loaf in tea. Not to open the mouth, it seemed that everything hurt: both the tongue and the neck, and all the teeth on this side, to speak painfully, to swallow unbearably painful.I went to the doctor for 2 days in a row, he was feeling everything, both outside and inside. Prescribed cefrikson prick. I still irrigate the cavity with Miramistin and dissolve laripront. Today is the 5th day - I still feel aching pains (tolerant) in the gums, sometimes in the ear and at some point of the throat. But as the doctor said, one has to open his mouth to fill the tissues and muscles with blood supply, in general, so that they work. Hope to be better soon.

  53. Anna:

    How many gums and a hole can normally ache / ache after removing the bottom eight? On the sites they write 1-2 days, but I have already gone 3.

    • Yuliya:

      All individually.

    • Svyatoslav Gennadievich:

      Hello! The duration of pain after tooth extraction does not always fit into 1-2 days. Everybody has it differently - for some, the pain is faster, for others it is slower. In addition, any impact on the healing hole (mechanical, chemical, temperature) can cause irritation, which is accompanied by painful sensations.

      If there are no other symptoms besides aching pains that may cause suspicion of abnormality (alveolitis, for example), then you can not go to the dentist, but follow the recommendations and be calm.Otherwise, consult a dentist.

  54. Anton:

    Cool comments. I read everything. Pro removal with the "sitting down" real stories? If so, that's wonderful. At a time to solve everything. Soon, too, I will remove my eights, to correct the bite, since it was the eights on the right side that had an impact on the bite, and on the left side in a sad state. I hope my logic is correct.

  55. Masha:

    Today removed the bottom right eight. Minutes 3 maximum, it was not painful, although the doctor said that he would have to tinker (the tooth was oriented towards the cheek). It took 3 hours, the injection goes, waiting for what happens next ...

    Suprastin prescribed at night and augmentin, rinse said not to do.

  56. Alyona:

    A week ago, the eight was removed at the top left. State polyclinic in Naro-Fominsk, under the policy of the MLA. The doctor is great, the attitude is great! 5 days pricked antibiotic, saw Suprastin. If you can delete for free, then why not? By the way, almost all doctors who work in public hospitals also practice private ones. Good luck to all!

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