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Does toothpaste help get rid of acne?

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Often they try to get rid of acne with the help of toothpastes, but is it really an effective way and is it safe for healthy skin? ..

Next you will find out:

  • Does toothpaste help from acne and how to use it effectively for this purpose;
  • What is the mechanism of paste action on the inflamed area of ​​the skin;
  • What components should be present in the composition of toothpaste, so that it helps to fight acne, and what ingredients should beware of;
  • Safety rules during the procedure;

As well as other interesting and important practical nuances.

In general, we can say that acne toothpaste is about the same category of effectiveness as the use of vasoconstrictor drops for the treatment of rhinitis (there is some effect, but there is no treatment as such). In other words: no dermatologist or endocrinologist will ever advise you to use this tool, but at the same time, supporters of traditional medicine are very actively using it and not always without result.

The use of toothpaste to combat acne can be attributed to the methods of traditional medicine, which, as we know, are not always effective.

Accordingly, there are no serious studies that would provethat toothpaste against acne really helps - the entire popularity of the method is based only on the feedback from ordinary people who, so to speak, have carried out experiments on themselves and evaluated the results. Examples of such reviews, as well as interesting theoretical and practical aspects of the use of toothpastes to get rid of acne, we will consider further.

On a note

Today, there is a very wide range of all kinds of toothpastes, the composition of which can vary dramatically. For example, there are special whitening toothpastes, with fluoride and without fluoride, to combat inflammation and bleeding of the gums, with special enzymes that facilitate the removal of plaque, with powerful antiseptics and without them, with highly abrasive and low-abrasive, with herbal extracts, with strontium compounds, zinc and potassium - for sensitive teeth ... etc.

Thus, it is quite obvious that not every toothpaste will work against acne on the face. Keep in mind that the use of some of them for this purpose may simply be dangerous for the skin - we will also touch on this issue below.

An example of the composition of one of the whitening toothpastes.

And this is the composition of toothpaste designed to combat gum disease.

With that said, talking about whether the toothpaste helps from acne or not can only be applied to a specific paste. Otherwise, it will be the same as saying: they say, tablets help remove heat. Yes, they help, but only certain drugs.

Similarly, with pastes - when two different people try to use two different toothpastes to remove acne on the face, then the results may be completely opposite.


“I heard at the university that toothpaste is good for acne. A friend told me that she just spreads every pimple and then they quickly pass. I also tried, but somehow I did not feel any special effect. Paste dries the skin hard, and if a pimple appears, it doesn’t matter. Once all night so kept plastered, all to no purpose ... "

Alena, Volgodonsk


Removing rose-colored glasses: how can a paste really help with acne?

The ability of toothpaste to help acne is rationally explained by the anti-inflammatory properties of the tool - and these, these properties, must be determined by the corresponding component composition.There are no more “intersection points” for toothpaste and acne.

Anti-acne pasta ingredients can help due to their antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.

Remember what acne is? It is almost always an inflammation of the sebaceous gland or hair follicle: the secreted sebum can be an excellent food for bacteria that live on the surface of the skin, which ultimately causes a local inflammatory process.

Normally, the most sebum secretion contains a sufficient amount of bactericidal components that prevent bacteria from multiplying too much. But sometimes this balance is broken. The reasons for this may be several:

  1. Reducing the number of bactericidal components in secret due to hormonal surge and changes in endocrine regulation (often happens in adolescents);
  2. Too much secretion of fat (the so-called "oily skin");
  3. Creating a kind of greenhouse conditions for bacteria: for example, the skin does not wash for a long time, it accumulates sweat and parts of the dying epidermis (the normal situation for hiking). The man is constantly sweating, the skin does not breathe. Bacteria multiply and cause inflammation of the sebaceous glands, since the bactericidal components no longer cope with their function.

As soon as the bacteria “colonize” the hair follicle or the sebaceous pore, the products of their vital activity and the remains of the dead microbes begin to accumulate in the zone of active reproduction of microorganisms. In response to this, the protective mechanism of the immune system is triggered here and local inflammation develops, accompanied by reddening of the tissues and an even greater increase in the influx of immune system cells. These cells, together with the remnants of the bacteria themselves, form pus.

Acne on the face usually occurs due to excessive proliferation of microorganisms, for example, in the sebaceous glands.

So in this situation can make the usual "average" toothpaste? The fact of the matter is that not very much.

Tooth on the endocrine system of human toothpaste can not. Reduce the production of fat - also can not. The only way to influence is to suppress the vital activity of bacteria due to antiseptic and anti-inflammatory components.

On a note

A simple practical conclusion follows from the above theoretical calculations: even if you try to regularly rubbing on pimples with toothpaste, this will not help to get rid of their reappearance. In other words, if there are relevant prerequisites, acne will appear anyway.

So, we came to an important idea: you can try to smear a pimple with toothpaste containing powerful antibacterial components (sometimes they are not quite correctly called anti-inflammatory) - and this will help stop the process of further reproduction of bacteria, and therefore, will not allow acne to grow in size or even stronger fester.

Antibacterial components that make up toothpastes, ways to destroy bacteria that cause inflammation of skin.

It is important to understand that even when using toothpaste with effective antiseptics, the existing inflammation and pus will not immediately dissolve in a magical way. The body still needs some time to go through the natural processes of resorption of pus and relieve inflammation. That is, it is meaningless to hope that on the spot of a juicy pimple the next morning there will be a pale pink color with healthy skin.


“Toothpaste does not help to get rid of acne on the face, that's for sure, I checked it on myself. And not once, but already checked four times, constantly kept on the statements of relatives, acquaintances, aunts of all kinds from the forums. The first time I do not remember what I tried, at the age of 20, after the first birth - no result.Acne anyway appear. The second time she treated Blendamed, she specially took a paste for the treatment of gums. Disappointed. Last year, after the second birth, my friend told me so convincingly about Amway paste that it could almost be cleaned with shoes. I tried it twice. I thought, maybe I chose the wrong pasta before. And also zero. The only effect is that if you spread the whole area on your cheek, where there are many small pimples, then the next day the whole area in such small scabs. It seems that every pimple is crusted on top, and it dries out. But the acne itself does not go away. ”

Olesya, Moscow

If the toothpaste is chosen correctly, contains antiseptic and anti-inflammatory components, then there are certain prerequisites to the fact that it will help to quickly reduce inflammation in the place where acne was originally. And, perhaps, this is the only positive action that you can count on.

Thus, it makes sense to fight acne with only those toothpastes that contain antiseptics and anti-inflammatory components.

But there are a lot of "pitfalls" and dangerous moments, which are useful to know in advance. Here are just some of them:

  • Some whitening pastes contain carbamide peroxide (sometimes simply hydrogen peroxide is indicated) - a powerful oxidizing agent.which, with prolonged contact with the skin, can theoretically cause a chemical burn (but in practice, due to the low concentration of the substance, in most cases it will cost only reddening of the skin during prolonged contact);The photo shows an example of the composition of one of the toothpastes of the line Rocks containing hydrogen peroxide.
  • Some of the advanced toothpastes include various enzymes, for example, bromelain (Bromelain, obtained from the pulp of pineapple), which can cleave the protein matrix of dental plaque. However, with the same success, this enzyme will show its aggressive action in relation to the delicate skin of the face, so do not even think about making a face mask at night for such a paste!And here is an example of a paste, which contains the enzymes papain and bromelain.
  • Individual plant extracts and essential oils can cause severe allergies. As a result, instead of a small pimple, you can earn a big red spot or even raw material on the entire cheek or forehead (for example, there are cases of severe allergy to oak bark, which is often used as part of toothpastes designed to combat gum disease).It is useful to keep in mind that oak bark can cause allergic reactions in some people.

Judging by the reviews on the Internet, many people believe that if the skin of the face is completely covered with toothpaste from time to time and this mask is left for a while (for example, at night), it is possible to destroy all bacteria and thus prevent acne. .But this is an erroneous opinion: firstly, most toothpastes dry the skin strongly and will lead to its peeling, irritation and even the appearance of microcracks and sores.

Some people use toothpastes as an antibacterial mask on their face.

It is strongly not recommended to make masks on the face of toothpastes, as this can cause serious harm to the skin.

Secondly, together with pathogenic bacteria, toothpaste (for example, containing triclosan) is quite capable of destroying those microorganisms that the skin needs for the implementation of various protective and metabolic processes. In the end, this can only contribute to the appearance of new skin problems.

We conclude: it is impossible to completely get rid of acne on the face with the help of toothpaste. You can only smear the inflamed points with a properly selected paste to ensure that the inflammation that occurs is as fast as possible.

But about what kind of toothpaste is better to smear acne, you should talk separately ...


What pastes to choose to fight acne?

As we found out above, toothpaste containing antiseptic and anti-inflammatory components can help to quickly get rid of inflammation at the site of acne. For dental purposes, such pastes are commonly used to treat gums.

Here are some examples:

  1. Lacalut Activ Herbal - chlorhexidine contained in it is a classic antiseptic,the action of which is complemented by the anti-inflammatory effect of such components as bisabolol, myrrh, eucalyptus, sage and chamomile.Lacalut Activ Herbal
  2. Forest Balsam Forte with a high concentration of decoctions of medicinal herbs (oak bark, fir, chamomile, St. John's wort, celandine, etc.);Toothpaste Forest Balsam Forte.
  3. Splat Medicinal Herbs - with extracts of sage, chamomile, sea buckthorn and hawthorn, as well as essential oil of geranium;Another toothpaste with anti-inflammatory effect - Splat Medicinal Herbs.
  4. Rocks Bionics;
  5. Pomorin Anti Parodontosis;

And etc.

In general, the following components of toothpastes contribute to the suppression of the vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms:

  1. Triclosan (by the way, it is too powerful an antiseptic, so you should not regularly brush your teeth with such pastes to avoid oral dysbacteriosis);
  2. Chlorhexidine (the same remark applies as for triclosan);
  3. Bisabolol;
  4. Mexidol;
  5. Bark extract of oak, chamomile, sage;
  6. Hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide (think of pharmacy 3% hydrogen peroxide, which is used to disinfect wounds);

And etc.

Toothpastes containing just such components could, in certain cases, help get rid of acne.In this case, you should always remember about the possible allergic reaction to individual compounds, therefore, it is recommended to carry out such a test beforehand:

  • a small amount of toothpaste is applied to the wrist;
  • if after 1 hour the skin under the layer of paste turned red, there is a burning sensation, then it is quite obvious that it is better not to apply such toothpaste on the face, since the redness at the acne site will only get worse;
  • if there is no unpleasant sensation, and the skin on the wrist does not turn red, then the paste is suitable for the experiment on accelerated relief from acne, although some side effects (for example, the appearance of local dryness of the skin) are not excluded.

Before you apply the paste on the face, it is useful to first make sure that it does not cause irritation of the skin on the wrist.

It is important to understand that special acne lotions such as Acnewert or Normaderm as a whole will more effectively cope with the tasks of removing inflammation than any toothpaste. And although none of these lotions will help get rid of acne in general, but they eliminate inflammation quite well.


“I tried to remove acne with toothpaste last week and decided to find out if it really works. Very dry skin, many acne just withered and that's it. The result was well marked.Those pimples, which I squeezed out, and then smeared, were hardly visible at all in the morning, I didn’t even have to apply tonic. But already at lunch at work in the same places, specks and even a small irritated area reappeared. Smeared paste Aquafresh Ultimate ".

Yana, Tomsk


Traditional Medicine Tips for Acne Paste

In accordance with the popular "recipes" of traditional medicine, it is recommended to apply toothpaste to the acne surface usually for at least one hour. This means that it will not be enough to smear the sore in the toilet with it, hold it for a couple of minutes and wash it off. Judging by the reviews on the Internet, many people try to keep toothpaste in the area with acne for about 2-3 hours.

In order to have an effect, it will take at least 1 hour to keep the toothpaste on the pimple.

Often the paste is applied to the skin just before bedtime so that it acts on the inflamed area all night. In this case, it is believed that the effect will be greater if smearing acne, from which pus has already been squeezed out.

Once again we recall that applying toothpaste on acne overnight can be dangerous, because after 6-7 hours of sleep, active ingredients (for example, enzymes and peroxides) can severely damage the skin, as a result of which scars will later form on it.


“A couple of times I made myself a mask with toothpaste. They say they are good for acne. But they didn’t like that the skin was dry very much, in the morning the whole face seemed to be drawn off. I don't have too many acne to take a chance. If it is simple to smear on each pimple, then it dries out immediately, but this is dangerous, because pus is preserved there, and it is difficult to remove it later. I prefer for this simply alcohol lotion anoint skin. "

Tanya, Moscow

It is safest to smear acne with toothpaste in the evening, 2-3 hours before bedtime, and wash it before bedtime. At the same time, a thin layer of paste is applied to the skin and gently rubbed into the inflamed area.

It is better to apply the paste about 2-3 hours before bedtime, and at night it should always be washed off.

After washing off the paste, it is advisable to wipe the skin with a moisturizing lotion so that it is softened all night.


Security measures

With careful use of properly selected toothpaste, it rarely produces any side effects on the skin (and how to choose the right one - see above). Usually it is the wrong choice and abuse in the hope of a quick and pronounced result leads to various troubles.

To avoid them, you should:

  1. Keep the paste on the skin for no longer than 3-4 hours;
  2. To apply a point, only on the place of extruded acne.It is not recommended to make masks with toothpaste;
  3. At the first signs of burning, allergies or tightness of the skin, stop using the product.

Definitely not recommended to treat acne with toothpaste for people with dry skin. They even rarely apply small amounts of paste to the skin causing it to coarsen and the appearance of additional cracks and crusts.

Usually, toothpaste dries the skin very much, so getting rid of acne from people with dry skin is not recommended.


“I didn’t believe in my time that they would even think of such a thing - apply toothpaste on acne! I recently visited a dentist and found out if it’s true that you can get rid of acne with toothpaste. The doctor said that the first time he hears this, and that the paste from the skin does not penetrate into the body and does not change the metabolism. That is, acne will be anyway. And if you keep it on the skin for a long time, then there may be irritation. So I would not dare to use ... "

Anna, Michurinsk

In a sense, the use of acne toothpastes is another popular method of psychotherapy, which rarely gives a pronounced result, but allows a person not to sit with folded hands, but to do something as if useful. Those who plan to get rid of acne with toothpaste, it is useful to accept the factwhat better to do it all the same with the help of special cosmetics. And much more benefit will bring toothpaste, if you use it for its intended purpose.


Video about simple and very effective ways to get rid of acne on the skin


Some more interesting and non-standard ways to use toothpaste



To write "Does toothpaste help get rid of acne?" 8 comments
  1. Svetlana:

    Squeeze the lemon and a cotton swab dipped in lemon juice.And cauterize pimples. Repeat 4 times a day. The next day they are no more 🙂

  2. Olga:

    It dries zinc paste well, just paste, not ointment. If applied after metrogil, acne generally disappears quickly. But when there is nothing at hand, then probably the toothpaste will come down 🙂

  3. Regina:

    Toothpaste is not suitable for everyone. I tried a colgate with propolis here - only it became worse, in my opinion, although I expected that propolis would somehow increase the effect. And in general, everything is individual. Many praise this zinc ointment, but I applied it to acne and did not see anything. Maybe it really should be applied after metrogil, but someone even applies it without him, and cannot rejoice.

  4. Oksana:

    Personally, I have doubts about the effectiveness of this method! Pasta may cause allergies. I do not like such experiments.

  5. Xenia:

    I hear a lot about the fact that it is harmful, etc. People, and you did not think that these your special remedies for acne are also harmful? Take the same solantra - I read here that she used to wash cows from parasites before! And how is it more useful than toothpaste?

    • Regina:

      Personally, I would be convinced in favor of the solantra by the high cost and the fact that it is sold in the pharmacy. Such is the psychology. The more expensive, the better it seems, although in reality everything is far from being so ...

  6. Ninel:

    Yes, in my opinion it is easier to spread zinc paste, the same thing. Or I still smear with salicylic alcohol, and when the skin starts to slazit, then metrogyle, it helps a lot.

  7. Katya:

    Do not smear toothpaste on your face!

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